The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Wow :)
Started by: Stickman
Started on: 2/7/2005
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 2/7/2005 at 3:19pm, Stickman wrote:
Wow :)

Thanks for the great game Tony, I'm busy pouring through the rules and getting ready to get started on the learning curve :)

I spotted a couple of potential errors in the pdf so thought I let you know:

Pg 18 - Under Scenes "Starting with that character, going clockwise, players choose a character to play for free.", maybe that's meant to be "Starting with that player, going clockwise .."
Pg 105 - Under Deathtrap, you have a 'Needles Elaboration' .. needles or needless? I guess either is cool :)

As a suggestion, it might be useful to include a set of possible starting points for a first time Capes group, maybe in the form of an outline and a few characters.

"It's 12 minutes to 9 on a freezing morning in the city. Thick fog clouds the streets, preventing the rush hour traffic catching sight of the battle that rages above them.

Player 1 takes the role of the robot ninja assault squad .. here are some stats, Players 2+ play thier heroes ... First conflict is Event: Robot Ninja attack news helicopter"

Ok, I realise that those parameters won't fit every group (super spies, retro heroes, non-city based games, what have you) but it might do well as an ice breaker into the game. I'm not really talking about setting up detailed plots or dictating who gets to play which character but just giving people (ie me) a nudge in the right direction. It's sort of like the first scene in the Capes Lite pdf, a source of tokens to get the players started.

Anyhow, love the game so far :)

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On 2/7/2005 at 3:25pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Wow :)

Aw man, you're gettin' me all teary-eyed in the early a.m. here. Thanks! That's the kind of feedback that really keeps me going.

Message 14225#151086

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