The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Criminal fiction GNS model
Started by: Tim Denee
Started on: 2/19/2002
Board: GNS Model Discussion

On 2/19/2002 at 5:53am, Tim Denee wrote:
Criminal fiction GNS model

I was reading a book about writing criminal fiction, (as in fiction detailing criminals, not rogue fictional characters...), and came across this in the foreword. If you can't see the G/N/S parallel, you're a lost cause.

"Should the writer present the whole affair as an intellectual exercise, a game of chess between the criminal and the law? Should he concentrate on the violent aspects of crime and pursuit, aiming to excite rather to puzzle his reader? Or should he look at the "why" of a crime rather than at the "who" or the "how", and seek, with careful scalpel, to dig down into the case-history of the criminal and his victim?"

The rest of the book is horribly out of date. For example, amongst the causes of crimes, it lists various drugs and their effects.
"(b) Marihuana
The use of this drug is not common in Great Britain, but it is known here. A marked feature of the addiction is a ferocious homocidal tendency, coming on very rapidly and unexpectedly"

Message 1434#13432

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On 2/19/2002 at 9:30am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Criminal fiction GNS model

Ha ha!

Message 1434#13433

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