The Forge Reference Project


Topic: 1 pt Inspiration
Started by: Grover
Started on: 2/16/2005
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 2/16/2005 at 3:51am, Grover wrote:
1 pt Inspiration

Are they worth anything?

Message 14359#152664

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On 2/16/2005 at 3:54am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: 1 pt Inspiration

You can buy them up by spending an Action. Until they're more than 1 they're useless.

If players have enough Inspirations that they aren't going to bother spending an action to bump a 1 to a 2 then I wouldn't even bother tracking them.

Message 14359#152665

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On 2/23/2005 at 8:20am, Stickman wrote:
RE: 1 pt Inspiration

If a character has a 5 point power / style, can they bump a 5 point inspiration to a 6? It seems from our play that a 6 point inspiration is something very special indeed, and is almost unstoppable in the right places (say, stake, split, roll, then bump to 6)

Message 14359#153662

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On 2/23/2005 at 2:03pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: 1 pt Inspiration

Yes they can. Yes, it's very effective, by design.

I will offer an alternate use, which I think is more powerful even than the "bump to seven or more" use: a 6-point Inspiration spent on your one die in a Conflict you don't intend to win (i.e. "Meteor destroys the city") is a very good way to draw Story Tokens. People have to Stake in order to beat it.

Message 14359#153679

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On 3/29/2005 at 8:10pm, Jonas Karlsson wrote:
RE: 1 pt Inspiration

TonyLB wrote: You can buy them up by spending an Action. Until they're more than 1 they're useless.

I have lots of questions right now, since I want to be prepared for the first session. I hope it's ok. Do you mean that you can use an Action to increase Inspiration? Do you have a page reference for that rule? I don't remember reading it.

Message 14359#157105

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On 3/29/2005 at 8:23pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: 1 pt Inspiration

No sweat. I totally sympathize with wanting to have all the answers when you start up the game.

Inspiration-raising is a small "blink-and-you-miss-it" rule, and doesn't get much play in the Example of Play. That's because it's for a different mode of scene (i.e. short, low-conflict scenes) than people generally start out playing.

In the rules-system precis, on page 19, and again on page 38 (where that precis section is repeated) it reads: "The ability either raises an Inspiration by a point or rolls any one die on a Conflict."

Message 14359#157107

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On 8/1/2009 at 2:31pm, tigermuppetcut wrote:
Re: 1 pt Inspiration

I know this is a very old thread but can't you actually boost an inspiration up to a 7, since the power used in the action only needs to be AS HIGH as the inspiration it's raising rather than HIGHER THAN the inspirations initial value?

Message 14359#267404

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On 8/1/2009 at 4:00pm, tigermuppetcut wrote:
RE: Re: 1 pt Inspiration

Mind you that would mean marking the die with a token to show it was a 7 which I guess is against the rules, you must literally have to TURN the die to a higher side, limiting it to a 6.

I think I just answered my own question!

Message 14359#267406

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On 8/3/2009 at 1:25am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: 1 pt Inspiration

tigermuppetcut wrote:
I know this is a very old thread but can't you actually boost an inspiration up to a 7, since the power used in the action only needs to be AS HIGH as the inspiration it's raising rather than HIGHER THAN the inspirations initial value?
Well, if your character has a power of level 6 then yes, he can raise a six to a seven.

But if your character has a power of level 6 then you're not playing the game by the rules, so ... yeah.

Message 14359#267474

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