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Topic: [paid] writing proposals for books ABOUT the RPG industry
Started by: etherworld
Started on: 2/17/2005
Board: Publishing

On 2/17/2005 at 8:49pm, etherworld wrote:
[paid] writing proposals for books ABOUT the RPG industry

Etherworld is expanding its publishing arm and is now accepting writing proposals for books ABOUT the RPG industry and not necessarily FOR the RPG industry.

If you are a professional or aspiring writer and have an idea (or draft even) for a book about the role-playing gaming industry in general, then I’d like to hear from you.

Proposals may include:

“How-to” books (Opening a successful RPG retail store, how to start an RPG publishing company, etc.)

A look at the business side of the RPG industry (what draws players to or away from the industry?, the 3-tier distribution system/problem and some radical ideas for “fixing” it, etc.)

What you need to do:

Send me a short email with the following information:

1. Your full name and contact info (email and phone is fine)
2. A “brief” of your book proposal. 100-300 words.
3. A draft of the table of contents of the book.
4. A little something about yourself (day job, hobbies, interests, etc).
5. A short sample of your previous work exhibiting your writing style and form. 100-300 words in length.

Please, only one proposal from each individual. Do not send more than one proposal or I will not print them out, or if I do print them out, I will use them as a coaster on my desk. Also, please do not send proposals for "the next best gaming system that uses 7d12's" or "my really cool new fantasy campaign setting where dwarves are tall and dragons breath flowers."

IMPORTANT: This is open to any and all individuals as long as you are of legal age to participate without parental consent. You could be an aspiring writer with no prior published work experience but with amazing grammar skills or you could be a professional industry veteran (Monte Cook could even send something if he wanted to.) All proposals will be reviewed but I will not be able to respond to all individuals separately.

I will select one or more proposals that I find interesting enough to warrant further investigation. If your proposal is selected I will contact you privately to further expand your ideas. Proposals can be as radical as you like but please keep in mind that proposals for ideas that can actually result in a marketable and sellable work (PDF or actual printed work) will have a much better chance of being selected.

If you are contacted to expand on your idea and the expanded idea is chosen, you will be commissioned to write the work. This is a paid flat-rate commission that will be negotiated based on your experience.

This call will remain open until further notice or my email box overflows.

Send all proposals to [email][/email] with a subject of "RPG industry book proposal"

Thank you and good luck.

Message 14384#152993

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