The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Introducing new characters in play
Started by: coxcomb
Started on: 2/17/2005
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 2/17/2005 at 9:36pm, coxcomb wrote:
Introducing new characters in play

The rules say that players can bring additional characters into play at the beginning of the scene by paying a story token for each.

In the example of play, a character is brought in on a later page. I assume the example has it right, and you can bring in characters mid scene, right?

So if you can, do you have to do so at the start of a page? Or can you bring them in at any time on your turn?

Message 14385#153001

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On 2/17/2005 at 10:14pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Introducing new characters in play

Cool! Something else for the errata!

You can bring them in at the beginning of any Page. Not, however, in the middle of a page. There are some strategies that got used doing that in play-testing that disrupt the flow of play pretty brutally, so it got removed as an option.

Message 14385#153006

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...started by TonyLB which TonyLB participated Muse of Fire Games
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...from around 2/17/2005