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Topic: It Came From The Donjon!
Started by: Kenway
Started on: 2/22/2002
Board: CRN Games

On 2/22/2002 at 9:59pm, Kenway wrote:
It Came From The Donjon!

Horror games would also work with DK rules. I'm thinking more of the shocks and crazy gunplay of Resident Evil rather than Call of Cthulhu. It was mentioned that DK was alot like a videogame, so there you go.
When the PC's fail "listening for noise" rolls, it makes sense (sort of) when monsters suddenly smash through walls or otherwise get the drop on them.
And the ability to target body parts should be really fun when shooting at dozens of low-level undead.

Message 1460#13684

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On 2/22/2002 at 10:04pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: It Came From The Donjon!

Is it a Donjon love-in or what?

People - I love this stuff. Compile your ideas on what works/doesn't work for your game and knock some stuff out. Like I've said before - when I finish the final game (we're looking at 1-2 months out), I will release an OGL version of the rules that you can do whatever you want with. I think this will rock, if I see a horror game, a space game, and other stuff all come out at the same time. (I will be putting out one - and only one - Donjon derivative, which will be very different: a list of classes, heavily defined tools, magic, and the like, with heavy player vs. player competition.)

I think we have, though, firmly established that the dungeon crawl is a prevalent concept that comes up in all sorts of games, whether intentional or not.

Message 1460#13688

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...from around 2/22/2002