The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Imp Game] Imps vs the Big Blue Guy
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 3/11/2005
Board: Actual Play

On 3/11/2005 at 5:21pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
[Imp Game] Imps vs the Big Blue Guy

Okay, so here I was, all excited about my latest run of the Imp Game and Forge goes down! So sucky :P
BUT, I can share the insanity now :D

Latest game was a complete restart from the last couple sessions I've run. This time around, I had TWO brand new roleplayers and one vet, and only myself had ever played The Imp Game, so we had a wide variety of play.
There was
- Myself, designer
- Ryan, the vet, D&D, AD&D, 3.0, Rolemaster, Gurps, lots of crunchy rolly games
- Deb, newbie #1
- Nikki, the GF, newbie #2

Character generation was a little longer this time. Ryan's been itching to play for a while, so he had his Imp all made up, complete with a sheet of background!
Anywho, as we started chargen, things got going and devolved into a twenty minute laughing fit, so that sucked up some time, but all in all it was the same as other sessions: deciding just *what* to give to the Imps.
We ended up with:
- George, myself, a Crazy Imp, with a facination for poisonous insects, inarticulate, and gullible. He's afraid of things bigger than himself, and his reflection/shadow. His special power was Imp Majik ^_^
- Floyd, Ryan's Imp, was a Smart Imp who was arrogent, obnoxious and a pyromaniac. He had a variation on the Animate ability so he was a Necromancer of sorts, with a pair of undead gophers, Frank and Bob, and a set of "clubs" he beat things with to bring them back from the dead. For various reasons, his Imp was a golfer, dressed in the polo shirt and khakis, with a bag for his club and the gopher-skeletons as caddies ^_^
- Anastasia Marie, Nikki's Imp, a Devious Imp who was a Thief (but not a clepto), attracted to sharp objects, and violently hated elves. She was afraid of open areas and the dark and had the Special Power to Hypnotize others.
- Timmy, Deb's Imp, a Big Dumb Imp with an obsession with cotten, a ditz, paranoid of gremlems on her shoulder, afraid of bright colors and dirt. Her special power was invisability.

Ryan contributed the adventure for the evening: a new adventurer had come to the local village and the Master wanted us to dig up some dirt on him and find his weakness.
We started out that night, which was quite the adventure with Nikki being afraid of the dark and Deb afraid of bright colors (including fire). For initial recon, Ryan slapped a sign on my Imp that read "I am not an Imp" and sent me into town...and since villagers are dumber than a box of rocks, they bought it ^_^
George, my Imp, wandered into town and into the tavern where the barkeep (who was quite a bit larger than myself) mistook me for a kid, scolded me and sent me out of the bar, which I obayed as I was quite afraid. I was gone a while when everyone else started to worry about me and Nikki came into town to look for me. Not having a disguise of her own, she found and hypnotized a kid and stole his clothes to blend in, and came to find me.
Deb got bored as well, and decided to wander into town. She didn't have a disguise either, but decided on trying her invisability and failed, but she didn't KNOW it failed and wandered into town anyway, causing an uproar. The villagers chased her out of town, with the big hero in blue leading the pack.
Ryan, back in the woods, heard all of the noise and sees Deb charging back into the woods. He readies a line of lighter fluid and a book of matches and waits. Deb charges into the brush and stops...right on the lighter fluid. Ryan's freaking out trying to get her to move as the big blue hero comes charging through. Finally, he distracts her by pointing out a wool field and throws the match...he made a PERFECT roll and started a blaze, just as the hero charges into the brush.
Meanwhile, Nikki and I are standing in town watching the lynch mob when I see the flames go up. Freaking out thinking the forest is on fire and Ryan would be in danger, I used my Imp Majik to conjure up a rain storm...and succeeded! Ryan was pissed his beautiful fire went out, the hero's blue cotten costume shrunk, and we retreated, after fetching Deb off the hero's cotten costume.
The next morning, we attempted recon again. Ryan hatched a plot that if Deb could go invisable and I could make her weightless, she could cling to the hero (and feel up the cotten costume all she wanted) and spy on the hero. My roll for Majik failed, however, and she became a balloon. MY brilliant idea, was to give balloon-Deb to Nikki dressed as a kid and send them into town, which we did.
Getting into town, they spotted a guy dressed in white, with bunny ears and wings...the hero's sidekick/squire. They followed him into the inn where the keeper said something about the hero sleeping off the evening. Seeing Nikki and Deb, he proceeded to kick them out again, and on the way out, Nikki sees this elf...whom she attempts to attack! Failing that roll, the elf (must have been a druid of sorts) pulls out a staff and whaps her up against the wall, knocking her out.
At the edge of the woods again, my Crazy Imp starts following this huge centepede through the grass and Ryan tries to restrain me with his undead gophers, but decides it'd be a good idea to head to town anyway. So, he grabs the centepede, places it on my nose, and leads me along to the back side of the tavern. Needing my attention, he removes the centepede and tries to explain something to me, but loses my attention to some ants, which I follow into the building through an open window, which closes.
Nikki comes to and grabs Deb and heads out, running into Ryan. They're trying to decide what to do when the window behind them opens and I crawl back out, following the ants around the side of the building in my own little world. I follow the ants around the building and up the side when Nikki shouted out they were sugar ants, not fire ants (which ARE poisonous, to a degree ^_^). All of the ruckus catches the attention of the bunny eared sidekick on the second floor of the inn and he hollars at us, asking us to go away. Nikki acts as an admiring fan of the hero but fails her hypnotism roll...but the sidekick does let slip some of the hero's plans for the day, including a photo-shoot with the local Girl Scouts.
Deb manages to go invisable and sneaks back into the inn and lures the hero and the sidekick downstairs by trying to take one of the spare (cotten) uniforms of his, and the innkeeper offers the hero a breakfast on the house. Thinking quick, Ryan gets Deb's attention and gives her his potions for bringing things back from the dead to spike his food and drink with-
** Quick note about the potions. While this game itself is well above the waist, the character creation this Necromancer Imp was apart of wasn't. There are twp potions to bring things back from the dead, one for males, one for females. On live subjects, the potions are known to...enhance various portions of anatomy. **
While Deb sneaks around the kitchen invisably, we take a seat to watch the festivities begin. Deb comes back out and her and Ryan start arguing. Threatening her, Ryan pulls out one of his clubs and catches the attention of the innkeeper, who assumes the lot of us are kids sneaking in again. Between Ryan's "intelligent" banter and Deb invisably contridicting Ryan, the innkeeper ends up confused and leaves the bar in the capable hands of the hero...

And that was about where we stopped. Remarkably, this was one of the longest (3 hours!) and most successful games yet, and the crew is excited for next week. The injokes at work (seeing as how we all work together) are awful for anyone who has no idea what we're talking about.
There were quite a number of rolls made throughout the game and quite a few successes. I can't quite remember where all of the final tallies fell, but Nikki and I had about 4 Guts Points left, while Ryan and Deb, after a couple stellar successess each, had 12. Ryan had some regular successes while I managed a few with my Imp Majik and Nikki with her Hypnotize.
If you can't tell, the session was inspired by the Tick and his sidekick Arthur ^_^ So we had some fun with Arthur (doing things "in character" with voices and the works is so much more fun with this- Arthur was really naisly and whiney for this, which got a good laugh).

This game helped me work out the last, final, things I thought I'd need for the game to flesh everything out. The DM does play a slightly larger role than previously anticipated, but nothing too far above and beyond, just some extra roleplaying. The game is still as light and fast to pick up, so its not like its extra prep, just some extra play (course that can depend on the group as well).
The only problems Deb and Nikki had were getting out of that "what exactly do we do?" phase as they had never RP'ed in a game before, and the ability rolls, which confirmed some thoughts I had earlier. The "what do we do" was quickly answered as Ryan took lead and I just bumbled about IC. The rolls we kept for the game, but I am definetly switching out (see the new design post for Imp Game in Indie Design).

All in all, things went very well :D Imps can be quite contaigious, as Deb has family on the other side of the country interested in playing now, and a number of our co-workers want to see what this is all about ^_^

Message 14626#155137

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On 3/14/2005 at 8:39am, Tobias wrote:
RE: [Imp Game] Imps vs the Big Blue Guy


And I must say, I like the above-the-waist humor better. That's personal preference, but nice to see this kinda of transcript as well. :)


Message 14626#155334

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On 3/14/2005 at 9:35pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [Imp Game] Imps vs the Big Blue Guy

I was thrilled to have such a game!
With Elfs, I understand the gutter humor- the game is aimed at that. But Imps, it really was the crews that played. Really glad though peeps can use it as thus ^_^
We're trying to get together again tomorrow to run off the same session, which should be interesting- twould be the first consecutive run of the game I've had ^_^

Message 14626#155439

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