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Topic: [Dreamscape] Reviewers wanted. Score a free starter set!
Started by: ExternalStudiosLLC
Started on: 3/15/2005
Board: Connections

On 3/15/2005 at 1:19am, ExternalStudiosLLC wrote:
[Dreamscape] Reviewers wanted. Score a free starter set!

External Studios LLC is looking for dedicated gamers to review the Dreamscape card game! Those interested in reviewing the game can request to have a copy of the Ruins of Eden starter set shipped to them at no charge (while review sets are available.) Just send an Email to with "Review copy request" as the subject. Those who include links to previously published reviews will be given preference.

Dreamscape is a card game like no other. A hybrid of tabletop roleplaying and strategy CCG, Dreamscape calls for the players to form a party and journey into a strange and deadly dream dungeon. Teamwork is the name of the game -- only by working together can the party overcome the many perils that stand between them and the completion of the quest.

Those of you who are interested in learning more about the game can visit our website ([URL][/URL]) Or download the rules in PDF form ([URL][/URL].)

Message 14671#155459

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On 4/7/2005 at 9:28am, hawklord2112 wrote:
Initial Review

so i answered this post.
cool, i thought.

I got a nice email back, "hi, we're open for playtesting, but only if you pay shipping and write us a review"

In fact, I'm nothing but impressed with the email support that the guys at External Studios have provided.

Three days after i paypal'd the $15.10 (about the cost of a starter deck for most CCGs) i have a nice lil' package turn up in the post.
I took some piccies, i shall post 'em later.

Quick list of features:
Dreamscape IS:

a pick up game, if you're a few players short of your regular game
Easy to learn
graphically attractive
packaged in a box with enough for 8 players, easily.. you just need a stack of tokens (pennies will do)

Dreamscape ISN't:
a powergame CCG (he who spends most has the best deck)
a rules heavy RPG

Quick Summary of game play:
players pick characters.
the guy running it (Deck Keeper, or DK) chooses a quest and lays out dungeon map cards
characters move thru dungeon one map card at a time, facing random beasties till they reach the destination card
award loot, spend loot, level up.

The only randomisation used is the occasional coin-flip. the cards in the alpha pre-release i have are good quality (the artwork especially). The setting is original (characters are the Dream-selves of normal folks). The game is quick to pick up.

The CCG element comes out soon: boosters will include new characters, events, items, and quests (hells, they even publish freebie quests on their website..) and DKs can pick and choose which to allow. Rather than each player building their own deck, it falls to the DK to provide the cards and choose the decks (Encoiunters, Missions, Events, and even Characters) so a clever DK could (in theory) theme out the evening's play.

Long term playability...... ummmm, sorry folks, no. if you want simple long term gaming, you'd need something more. I will admit, that you could log out your details and take the same characters each time you played (even logging each individual character no matter who plays them.. for example on a wiki. "oh, what level did the Fragment Jester get to last time? 3? cool.." ) but in the end this is an evening's fun for when your main game falls through.

I will be springing this on tettron and my wednesday group one evening.. i shall post more (and pics) when i can....

Message 14671#159210

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