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Topic: SW HeroQuest: Lure of the darkside.
Started by: Negilent
Started on: 3/15/2005
Board: HeroQuest

On 3/15/2005 at 3:15pm, Negilent wrote:
SW HeroQuest: Lure of the darkside.

We played the follow up from the Delusions of Grandeur a little while back, and though there were highs and lows of that game, the most notebal was how the Lure of the Darkside mechanic offered in this post.

Pushing the characters with ever escalating threats, we saw the Jedi Saol Kripke having to rely on his emotions more and more. He finally succumbed to temptation and took the juicy +2 offered by the Lure of the Darkside as he Force jumped towards the Force Witch from previous episode. Unfortunatly he lost the contest against her Force Push and was throw through some clone vats.

As he lay there dying, his friends defeated the witch, and when he rose his balance failed him, leaving him with a 20 in Lure of the Darkside. With a Balance of only 5M his fellow jedi look at him with sceptisism.

I might get to try my Hatred mechanic soon.

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On 3/15/2005 at 7:33pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: SW HeroQuest: Lure of the darkside.

Sounds pretty cool. How did the players respond? Was the decision to use the darkside one that people thought had dramatic weight to it?


Message 14679#155552

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On 3/17/2005 at 2:18pm, Negilent wrote:
RE: SW HeroQuest: Lure of the darkside.

Sorry for taking so long to reply.

He came to rely more and more on this bonus, and the players (despite this being in the "bad" part of the session) saw the drama in it.
Christer has chosen the flaw Supressed Anger for Saol, and this one began it all when he faced three Sith Assasins.

I kept escalating the conflict they faced, (I disliked the way I chose to do this, but that's a seperate post) and the choice had Dramatic Weight, and the rule functioned like I intended it.

The instance with the Sith Assasins was the first. When Christer called on the anger the others asked if he was sure, and he went ahead. He maintained his Balance. This might have made him a bit cockey, for having evaded an Ancient Sith Battle Droid by relying on his Loyalty to Master, his Supressed Anger and the Lure of the Darkside 5M Balance faced 1M Lure and lost. Marginal failure, but that's a +1 to Lure. And then the next time, even more bonuses were used.

What I love about this is that this here is a classic "here have some rope, go hang yourself" situation that once it begins to spiral only reinforces itself.

Next session sees them face (SPOILER ALERT!!!) Seperatists Arms dealeres in the Aquila Cluster, and Cay'Sin the twi'lek bountyhunteress who brings yet another clone of the dead Master Kyran to Tranquility Station. And the Clone Wars have begun.

I pity them.

Message 14679#155762

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On 3/17/2005 at 6:06pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: SW HeroQuest: Lure of the darkside.

All sounds pretty great to me. :-)


Message 14679#155772

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