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Topic: [DitV] Blue Skies
Started by: LordSmerf
Started on: 3/20/2005
Board: lumpley games

On 3/20/2005 at 1:52am, LordSmerf wrote:
[DitV] Blue Skies

We have two Dogs written and initiated. That was last session, and it was fun. We didn't get to a Town. We play Monday, here's what I've got. If you're in my game, now's the right time to leave...

Comments, suggestions, all that jazz are welcome.

Blue Skies is located in a generally dry region. There are almost never clouds unless there's a storm coming. As a result the sky appears to be an intense blue throughout the day.

1a. Br. Bartholamew is the Steward. His daughter Sr. Grace is an amazingly attractive and competent young woman. He is proud of her and over-protective.

1b. Br. Bartholamew is passive-aggressively discouraging suitors for Sr. Grace. He is also oblivious to her possible calling as a Dog, which she seems to be cognizant of. (Whether she's actually been called, well I don't know)

2a. Br. Aaron is the most eligable bachelor of the town and wants to marry Sr. Grace for the status, he is bitter and trying to undermine Br. Bart for putting him off.
2a. Br. Josiah is a quiet, calm, and seemingly-mediocre young man. He simply lusts after Sr. Grace's body.

2b. The demons have attacked the town with an incredibly heat wave and drought.

2c. ...Hoping to get the young woman to be a bit more risque. Ramp up the lust, and get some False Worship centering on objectifying women.

6a. Br. Bartholamew wants the Dogs to confirm his status, approve of the job he's doing, and move on.
6a. Sr. Grace wants the Dogs to quietly confirm her status as a Dog and to quietly support her against her father. She's not looking for a public airing of the problem
6a. Br. Aaron wants the Dogs to force a marriage between himself and Sr. Grace. He also wants Br. Bartholamew publicly brought down a peg or two to undermine his authority.
6a. Br. Josiah wants the Dogs to force a marriage between himself and Sr. Grace. Failing that he wants them to prevent a marriage between Br. Aaron and Sr. Grace and to get out of town so that he can continue with his plans.

6b. The Demons are working on Br. Josiah, hoping to use his sexual frustration to get things rolling. The Demons want the Dogs to uphold the current status-quo and leave, leaving all the problems to fester. In order to keep the Dogs off balance the Demons will try to show Br. Bart in a good light. They are trying to use the heat to justify promiscuity and then boost lust within the population.

6c. If the Dogs never came, practicality would slowly shift clothing trends. Lust would increase, and eventually Br. Josiah would rape Sr. Grace with two like-minded young men. They would form a False Priesthood in which woman are objects, not people, and used for the pleasure of the men. Murder, mayham, and Sorcery galore as they convert or kill all the men in the town.

I'm excited, that's for sure.


Message 14734#155968

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On 3/20/2005 at 4:49pm, Doug Ruff wrote:
RE: [DitV] Blue Skies

Sounds like a cool.... erm, hot... town.

Here's some suggestions for cranking up the heat:

(1) Sr. Grace says she's been called, and doesn't want anything to do with marryin' anyone right now. Remember that if she completes her term as a Dog, she has more say over who she marries... so have her in love with another young man. Let's call him Br. Michael. She refuses to fool around with him before marriage, so he's realy frustrated.

(2) This gives plenty of opportunities for violence between Br. Michael and the other two suitors. I can see Br. Josiah wanting to secretly eliminate Br. Michael so that Sr. Grace has to choose another young man.

(3) No-one else in the village wants Sr. Grace to heed her calling, and they may accuse her of making it all up and being 'above herself'. Given your set-up, this is likely to lead to someone trying to rape her to 'teach her a lesson in humility'.

(4) When the dogs first roll into town, have them greeted by another young lady who is under-dressed 'because of the heat'. Let's call her Sr. Charity for now.

(5) Sr. Charity is jealous of all the attention that Grace is getting, and will be the first to denounce her as being uppity. She also knows that Grace is in love with Michael, and has tried to seduce him away from her. Although Michael loves Grace (or thinks he does), he did sleep with Charity once, and now he regrets it.

(6) I think that this works best if Grace is somewhat arrogant towards the other townsfolk.

Some additional wants:

- Charity wants to see Grace humbled, preferably by the Dogs. She wants to see Grace married to someone she despises, and she wants to sleep with Michael again.

- Michael wants to make sure no-one finds out about him and Charity. Failing that, he wants forgiveness from the Dogs. He also wants to marry Grace, so that she will stay with him.

- Grace wants to marry Michael, but she wants to be a Dog more.

- The demons want Michael to murder Charity, and for Br. Bartholomew to be wiped out in a firefight with the 3 suitors (Michael, Aaron, Josiah). They also want the suitors to punish Grace for not sleeping with them, thus forming the False Priesthood as you describe.



Message 14734#156001

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On 3/21/2005 at 10:24pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: [DitV] Blue Skies

Wow.. Town like this, Raven (from my group) would definitely want to burn the town to the ground, and Dove (my character) would be somewhat hard-pressed to find a good reason to argue against it.


I don't see anyone particularly good and worthwhile, with the possible exception of Grace, and I can see her being arrogant as well. You need a few more good folks and victims, I think.

Message 14734#156170

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On 3/21/2005 at 10:40pm, Eric Minton wrote:
RE: [DitV] Blue Skies

Brother Bartholamew also seems like a decent sort, even more so than Sister Grace. Speaking of which, does he have any wives? Any children other than Grace? I can see a sibling or two... perhaps a younger brother who idolizes Grace and believes in her potential as a Dog, and a jealous sister? You could get a lot of mileage out of their family dynamic.

Message 14734#156172

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On 3/21/2005 at 11:09pm, LordSmerf wrote:
RE: [DitV] Blue Skies

Okay, we play tonight. I'm stealing the following ideas:

1a. Sr. Charity is jealous of the acclaim that Sr. Grace gets. She does what she can to stand out, but somehow Sr. Grace always seems to overshadow her.

2b. Sr. Charity is especially jealous of Br. Aaron's affections for Sr. Grace. Sr. Charity really does love Br. Aaron. She wants Br. Aaron to see her as a good candidate for a wife.

6a. Sr. Charity would love to see Sr. Grace humiliated and put down, a good way might be mocking her desire to be a Dog. Failing that Sr. Charity would be fine with Sr. Grace being taken to Bridal Falls. Out of sight, out of mind.

Expansion: Br. Bartholamew is a good Steward, a very good Steward. It's when it comes to his daughter that he isn't so wise. He's a widower, Sr. Grace is his eldest child. He has one younger son, Joshua, who's about ten or so. Joshua really looks up to Sr. Grace, he doesn't want the Dogs to take his sister away, but at the same time he wants his sister to be happy.

Thanks for the ideas, in all honesty I sort of wanted to "softball" the first Town for the players. Lots of potential, but things haven't spun out of control yet, that comes in a couple of sessions.


Message 14734#156174

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On 3/22/2005 at 12:37am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: [DitV] Blue Skies

::grins:: As our second town (which is now going onto a third session...) illustrates, it doesn't take much for a town to spiral out of control. Alex has, on several occasions now, protested that it wasn't that much of a town.

The last thing that happened was an overt, public battle with a demon in front of the town temple which ended up with a deputy (or something..) dying at the hands of the Dogs.

I'm pretty sure Lx never saw it coming.

So.. good luck, and tell us all about it. I love seeing what Dogs do with a simple, no frills situation.

Message 14734#156192

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