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Topic: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 3/22/2005
Board: Publishing

On 3/22/2005 at 3:08am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
"Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Hey all, this was a thread going over on RPGNet that I got behind.

Basically, Fellow A was going to write a Mecha-Themed RPG. He had $300 worth of art commissioned. He then gave up, and was wondering what to do with the art. So we encouraged him to hold a "Make an RPG with This Art" contest. I threw down $100 for the winner. He agreed, and the contest was born.

Here's the background and some details:

"Project Name: Mech A RPG Design Contest

Submission Guidelines: Submit a PDF to this thread on or before June 30th 2005. Use mostly the art provided. Target a booklet laid out in 8.5x11-landscape-folded-in-half, about 32-64 pages. The content should be a mecha rpg inspired by the art with a setting of post-alien-invasion Earth. These are guidelines though, not hard and fast requirements. Really the only hard and fast rule is that you cannot reference or include anything even remotely belonging to somebody else as a copyright or trademark.

The Art: Was done by an artist here on RPGnet named Defcombeta. There's 28 pieces which will be made freely available to the world when the contest begins. The cover art and logo goes to the winner.

Your Submission: It belongs to you and nobody else. The only thing you're doing by submitting your work is angling for the prize. You keep the rights to your work.

Judging Criteria: My personal preference, heavily influenced by what folks on the thread have to say. People donating to the pot will get extra influence. At the end of the day I'll pick a winner. I will probably wait about 2 weeks after the deadline to give folks a chance to playtest the games and post commentary.

Winner Gets: Currently the pot includes rights to the cover artwork, the logo art "Guerilla Earth" if you want it, and $100 donated by AndyK. Anyone else who wants to contribute to the pot may do so by posting to the forum and letting us know in advance of the deadline (June 30th). Contributors get extra sway over me in picking the winner and a warm, fuzzy feeling.

Contributors Winning: The best man wins. I'll be a little skeptical of a contributor's comments about who should win if they themselves made a submission. But at the end of the day I'll pick a winner and they'll get the pot. What they do with their winnings is up to them.

Changes: Any of the contributors can pull out any time up to but not after the declaration of the winner. Everything else could change too. This is not a formal legal agreement. This is just a bunch of people on the net having fun and encouraging each other. Nobody has any rights, except the winner, should I pick one, to the contents of the pot, should there be any. If one of the contributors to the pot doesn't pony up, then your beef is with them, not me, or any of the other contributors, or any of the other submittors."

Want to try your hand at this event? Stay tuned to the above thread for announcements and a release of the art! It hasn't begun yet, but will soon. I think this would be a great challenge for anyone out there. It's also a chance to publish a game where all the art's been done for you in advance!

Personally, I think this idea fucking rocks, and I'm glad the the art-licenser decided to toss his purchased art to the public domain.


Message 14755#156206

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On 3/22/2005 at 5:25am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Intrigued I am. Prepared as well!
*digs out old M.E.C.H. notes. blows off pile of dust*

I KNEW I keep all of my old materials for a reason :D Now to check this out, wrench some monkeys, and start angling :D

Message 14755#156213

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On 3/22/2005 at 10:10am, contracycle wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Do we get to see the art first?

Message 14755#156230

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On 3/22/2005 at 1:33pm, timfire wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

contracycle wrote: Do we get to see the art first?

Yeah, a low res version can be found [URL=][here][/URL].

Message 14755#156246

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On 3/22/2005 at 1:52pm, Tobias wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

And 2 more images (more high-res)

Yeah, I'm looking into this as well.

Message 14755#156248

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On 3/22/2005 at 3:07pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Hmm... sounds interesting. Andy: keep us apprised of the developments, will you? I don't follow RPGnet actively enough to catch this when it becomes current. I do like design competitions, though, so I might well participate...

The links to pictures in this thread don't seem to work, by the by. No idea why.

Message 14755#156259

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On 3/22/2005 at 3:19pm, Tobias wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

The source thread is in flux as the contest becomes formalized.

Edit: and the linked images too.

Message 14755#156261

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On 3/22/2005 at 9:09pm, xenopulse wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

I'm in, if I find the time. I've had this certain idea for mission-based mecha gaming in my head for a while now, we'll see how it turns out.

Thanks for pointing this out!

Message 14755#156312

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On 3/23/2005 at 2:22pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

The Master Rules List and art is now posted. Here you go:

Good luck!

Message 14755#156357

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On 3/23/2005 at 4:26pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Hmm, the stakes have gone up. Makes participating all the more attractive, although the long preparation time seems somewhat daunting.

The art is certainly challenging. It has the same cheesy quality we get 90% of the time in Finnish rpgs. It's almost like I've seen the artist's work somewhere before. This would seem to call for some kind of anime game, except that the art doesn't really emphasize the endearing qualities of anime...

I can totally understand Phil Reed's suggestion of coloring the pictures. I'll consider doing just that to reduce the cheesiness to manageable levels.

Well, we'll see.

Message 14755#156371

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On 3/23/2005 at 4:41pm, xenopulse wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Hmm. The art doesn't quite square with the concept I had in mind. Now I need to figure out whether to change the concept or fit it in anyway :)

Message 14755#156374

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On 3/23/2005 at 4:54pm, philreed wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Eero Tuovinen wrote: I can totally understand Phil Reed's suggestion of coloring the pictures. I'll consider doing just that to reduce the cheesiness to manageable levels.

Actually, I was thinking the coloring should emphasize the cheesy qualities of the art.

Message 14755#156376

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On 3/23/2005 at 8:46pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

philreed wrote:
Actually, I was thinking the coloring should emphasize the cheesy qualities of the art.

Ahhah, then you'll go to the zone of saturday morning cartoons... which is not a bad idea, now that I think about it. Transformers is certainly just as valid as Battletech. Hmm... indeed, that art hits the spot if the game is more about the colorful big robots battling than the socioeconomic horror of warmachines, which was what I was thinking of... good thinking!

Message 14755#156395

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On 3/24/2005 at 9:19am, Tobias wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

I've also incorporated the 'cheesyness' of the drawings - but in a wholly different way. ;)

I'm not going to formally enter until I have some more written up and am sure this has really caught my interest. I'm of a 1000 started and much fewer finished projects...

Message 14755#156467

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On 3/24/2005 at 12:29pm, Jasper Polane wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Me too. I have a feeling we'll see a lot of mission based mech games entering the contest, and that was my first idea as well. I'm not entering until I can think of something a bit more different to write.

Message 14755#156483

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On 3/28/2005 at 9:09pm, Bogie_71 wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Jasper Polane wrote: Me too. I have a feeling we'll see a lot of mission based mech games entering the contest, and that was my first idea as well. I'm not entering until I can think of something a bit more different to write.

Darn, now I don't want to submit my mission based mech game idea. Back to the drawing board.

Message 14755#156972

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On 3/28/2005 at 9:53pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Bogie_71 wrote: Darn, now I don't want to submit my mission based mech game idea. Back to the drawing board.

Dude, the point is to make the best game you can think of with limited time and resources. If you can make a killer mission-based mech game, then by all means go for it!

My money has no memory. These hundred bucks don't care if they're going to "another mission-based game" or "some haughty-taughty game", rather it's going to the game that John picks out (which will be a mixture of "The Best Game" and "The Kind of Game the John was Dreaming Of").

So do your best, man. Doesn't matter what other people like. If you like it, and it's solid and fresh, it'll be a Contender. :-)


Message 14755#156979

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On 3/30/2005 at 2:32pm, Jasper Polane wrote:
RE: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)

Andy, I agree with you. I didn't mean to imply otherwise, I was just expressing my own disinterest in writing such a game.


Message 14755#157211

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