The Forge Reference Project


Topic: My first real Bang! ;-)
Started by: Mandacaru
Started on: 3/29/2005
Board: HeroQuest

On 3/29/2005 at 3:45pm, Mandacaru wrote:
My first real Bang! ;-)

Just set up a new game online to try out starting from zero and seeing where we go. Basic information is a character has to be an Uz of some description, preferably with a gender. Bangs are supposed to reveal the character, yes? So...after I explained the setup, we start:

Player: Okay... clichéd I know... but I'll go for the hulking Uzdo male. His main response to any problem is to stuff it into his mouth and give it a good few chews... :)

Me: The birth took almost as long as it was painful. Mamma's screaming was almost as bad as that time he'd knocked the shaft prop and had to eat her out of the cave-in. Eventually it stopped though, and he heard the wail of a newborn. With a broad grin, he now steps forward to meet his little brother or sister, but Mamma's not looking at all happy, oh no. "Eat it!", she commands him as she hands the little bundle over to him, her voice riddled with shame. As Mamma hunkers over on to her side, he is left holding the cutest, just *the* cutest little trollkin baby he's ever seen.

Player: Ymer looked down at the pathetic shape he could easily hold in the palm of his hand. The huge brown eyes of the enlo stared back at him innocently and one tiny hand grasped his thumb with surprising strength. The colossal uzdo licked his lips and stuffed the morsel into his maw. Mmmmmm..... crunchy!

I am left to conclude therefore that bangs reveal the character. Even though he'd explicitly stated what his character would do, it surprised me!

Just thought I'd say, you know. Cool.


p.s. The Xiola Umbar priestess has just arrived to claim her brand new slave trollkin, BTW.

Message 14833#157053

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...started by Mandacaru which Mandacaru participated HeroQuest
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...from around 3/29/2005

On 3/29/2005 at 8:04pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: My first real Bang! ;-)


Yep, doesn't matter that he said that his "main" response was to chew stuff. The question is would he chew something in a somewhat extreme circumstance. Where the "main" response might not always apply.

Question answered. :-)


Message 14833#157103

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On 4/8/2005 at 6:08pm, StalkingBlue wrote:
RE: My first real Bang! ;-)

Oh how cool.

I love how the player starts by picking up your motif and playing with it: the innocent eyes, the grasping little hand... "Hey Sam, I like that question you're putting to me... And here's my answer." Crunch.

Thanks for sharing, very funny.

Message 14833#159903

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...from around 4/8/2005