The Forge Reference Project


Topic: New click-and-locks
Started by: Vaxalon
Started on: 3/30/2005
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 3/30/2005 at 2:22pm, Vaxalon wrote:
New click-and-locks

Would this be an appropriate place to post new click-and-locks? I've got a few that don't fit in the ones in the book very well.

Message 14850#157209

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On 3/30/2005 at 3:11pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: New click-and-locks

Absolutely! I've been meaning to publish collections, downloadable somehwere, and this would be a great place to discuss such things.

Message 14850#157222

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On 3/30/2005 at 3:46pm, Vaxalon wrote:
RE: New click-and-locks

Okay, then here's the first one. It's a right-side C&L.

"Mad Scientist"

Styles: Unorthodox Research, Maniacal Laugh

Attitudes: Manic, Curious, Disdainful, Self-Important, Nervous

Message 14850#157236

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On 4/1/2005 at 1:32pm, Vaxalon wrote:
RE: New click-and-locks

Light powers

Laser Beams
Fly at the Speed of Light
Project Holograms
Blinding Flash


Reflect off Shiny Things
Penetrate Transparent Things
Narrow Beam

Fire Powers

Fire Blast
Blazing Flight
Cloud of Smoke
Fiery Barrier


Melt Things
Burn Things
That'll Leave a Mark

Ice Powers

Icicle Spears
Ice Wall
Skate on Ice Bridges
Ice Armor
Let it Snow


Encase in Ice
Slip-Slidin' Away
Ice Wedge

Message 14850#157537

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On 4/2/2005 at 10:25am, Jonas Karlsson wrote:
RE: New click-and-locks


Time Manipulator

• Powers

• Manipulate flow of time
• Move stuff through space-time
• Look into other time
• Perfect timing
• Assistance from future selfs

• Styles

• Predict future event
• Find note from future self
• Matrix dodge

Right hand:

Visitor from the future

• Attitudes

• Demanding
• Stern
• Confident
• Frustrated
• Impatient

• Styles

• Misunderstand present time
• Devalue the individual

Message 14850#157657

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On 5/30/2005 at 4:08pm, Taimu wrote:
RE: New click-and-locks

A couple left hand sheets

Steel Body (or rock, diamond, sand, water, air, acid, etc.)

Hard as Steel
Claws/Pass Through Cracks
Horns/Extreme Stealth
Really Strong
Really Tough

Absorb Steel to Heal
Reflect Light
Punch Like Steel/Asphyxiate/Use Body Like Lens to Shoot Lasers (if transparent)

Of course, modify to fit whatever material you prefer.

Power Adaptor

Develop Power Needed to Defeat Opponent
React Quickly
Avoid Getting Hit
Use Opponent's Weakness
Reveal Opponent's Secrets

Stall for Time
Goad Opponent Into Attacking
Escape With Desired Object

Message 14850#166028

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