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Topic: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 4/5/2005
Board: Forge Birthday Forum

On 4/5/2005 at 2:50am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

I gotta say, Ben L's a friend and all, but his Polaris sounds really interesting. I'm hoping that I get a chance to pick it up and play it this year (there's a 70% chance I'll be at GenCon for a few days).

I'm also really looking forward to Weapons of the Gods by EOS Press (Brad Elliot's biz). Some people remark that the setting is written by Rebecca Bergstrom- Personally, I make very little time for setting-reading (as I find it detracts from the actual gaming), but I'm definitely in it for the interesting rules-set, and the "seeped in Chinese-ness" of it (I read just a little of the original Manwa).

Those, as well as the finished With Great Power, are the ones that I've got my Money Ninjas scouting.

I should also mention Burning Wheel revised, but it's almost like a no-brainer. I already have one copy reserved, and will be reserving a second soon.


Message 14923#157954

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On 4/5/2005 at 3:03am, Paka wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?


You are reading my mind.

I'm already planning my Burning Wheel campaign for when the revised edition gets to my door. I ended up buying four damned copies. Two are for friends who always get me fantastic gifts and I feel like I have not reciprocated properly over the years. I ran Burning Wheel for them some months ago and they flipped for it. So I ordered them both copies. The fourth copy is for a kid I used to work with in a mentoring program who I finally got to run in a game and it was a BW two-shot. He also loved the system and so I picked him up a copy too, since he just recently began to hold down his own job and kick ass in his life.

Polaris looks really interesting.

And Weapons of the Gods indeed does look like a blast.

Message 14923#157958

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:05am, Andrew Morris wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

I don't know when to expect to see them finished, but I'm looking forward to final versions of Mountain Witch, Scarlet Wake, and Ganakagok.

Message 14923#157965

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:13am, Valamir wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Well I've been looking forward to Robots & Rapiers as soon as that Mazza cocksucker gets off his ass and finishes it...god I hate that guy....

....Shit...who let Other Me into the Birthday forum. Can we get him banned or something...

Bite me.

Message 14923#157968

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:48am, joshua neff wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

I'm looking forward to the all-pro release of The Mountain Witch

Damn, I'm not sure I'm really looking forward to anything else. Mostly, I'm looking forward to playing all of the games I've accumulated and not played enough of. I want to play more Dogs in the Vineyard, more Shadow of Yesterday, more Sorcerer, more HeroQuest, Primetime Adventures, My Life With Master, etc.

Oh, I'm looking forward to Burning Wheel Revised, too.

Message 14923#157971

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On 4/5/2005 at 5:09am, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Apparently The Mountain Witch kicks booty. So I'll definitely be checking that out.

I'm also looking forward to Emily's three short games about the human heart, 'cause I can play them with my mom. Don't look at me like that!

If Red Sky AM can deliver on half of its promises, it will be awesome.

PrimeTime Adventures second edition will, perhaps, be my ultimate game.


Message 14923#157974

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On 4/5/2005 at 7:26am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Definitely looking forward to any the of the Japanese stuff you're working on Andy! That aside, there was a D20 game supposed to be based on the Streetfighter, Rival Schools and Dark Stalkers games that seems to be on indefinite hold... I guess BW 2.0 will be the next step :)


Message 14923#157993

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On 4/5/2005 at 7:30am, Paka wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Ben Lehman wrote: Apparently The Mountain Witch kicks booty. So I'll definitely be checking that out.

Man, Mountain Witch, can't believe I left that off of my list. Absolutely.

Message 14923#157995

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On 4/5/2005 at 8:02am, Tobias wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

I'm real conflicted about Burning Wheel. It reads great, the Orcs rock my world (always rooting for the underdog, even if he's evil) - but I'll likely never get around to playing it. So it would be one of those solitary read shelf-sitters.

If ever a group of friends starts up with an RPG-wish with that level of detail and fantasy and combat, I'm all for it, though!

Message 14923#158004

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On 4/5/2005 at 12:49pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Bankuei wrote: Definitely looking forward to any the of the Japanese stuff you're working on Andy!

Hah, thanks Chris!

Actually, I'll have a playable demo of Tenra Bansho Zero by GenCon, if you (or anyone else) will be there...

Message 14923#158053

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On 4/5/2005 at 1:00pm, Zathreyel wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Andy Kitkowski wrote:
Actually, I'll have a playable demo of Tenra Bansho Zero by GenCon, if you (or anyone else) will be there...

damn it to fuck! this is what i get for licing in the pacific ocean somewhere. ;-)

hope the gencon demos go well.

and i gues my latest "wants" are BW2, which looks sweet. Mountain Witch also looks really good, and i have to support my fellow 24-hour RPG publishers. (plug: Criminal Element is going into beta soon, i swear!) Cyberpunk 203X ( i cut my teeth on CP, so i will follow it blindly). and probably Weapon of the Gods as Rebecca is a great writer and i just enoy reading her words.

Oh, and Buffy2. damn you unisystem for making me have so much fun with a game that wasn't made by some indie underdog!

Message 14923#158060

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On 4/5/2005 at 1:52pm, Rich Forest wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?


But mostly the final copy BW2. Because I've seen it and it fits my needs in a way that no other FRPG even comes close to.


Message 14923#158081

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On 4/5/2005 at 2:04pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

I'm almost a rpg junkie. I read them, buy them, sell them, play them, write about them... consequently, I want to see them all. I want to see Polaris finished, I want to see Mountain Witch, I want to see the next lumpley game and that non-rpg Ron is writing, as well as Trollbabe in book form. BW2, too. Actually, it's easier to try to think of a game I'm not interested in seeing... those'd be all the sim-template mainstream games. It's got so bad that I don't generally care one whit about WW/WotC/GoO/Chaosium/ICE/whatever publications, because they'll be near unplayable and extremely uninspiring anyway. Don't want them.

One thing not yet mentioned: I want to see Jonathan Walton finish those games. He has all kinds of kewl stuff he's hiding from us, starting with Vespertine and ending with Humble Mythologies.

Another game I want to see most of all: I want to see myself writing like mad and publishing in finished form all my own designs. I have the same problem Jonathan has, all kinds of nice games languishing unpublished. I want to publish Merchants of Love, a game of fantasy prostitution, and Urbs Aeterna, the game of learning latin, and the Christmas Game, a board-game simple rpg for the whole family, and some of those IGC games I wrote last year, and all those other things that are quite play-testable, but not yet quite done. Compared to how much I want to see these published, I care not one whit about you all. In a nice way, of course.

Message 14923#158088

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On 4/5/2005 at 2:04pm, Dev wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Gonna buy a few copies of Red Sky AM, or at least donate to Vincent's kid's college fund.

Gonna buy Polaris.

I would totally buy Limitless.

You all want some of Secret Project GnR, but you don't know what it is yet. Too bad, that.

Message 14923#158090

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On 4/5/2005 at 2:23pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Yeah, um, Polaris. That's about it.

I want to get one of Em's designs, but not any of her games to make you cry. Totally not interested in crying, me.

Message 14923#158105

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On 4/5/2005 at 2:29pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

For THREE GODFORSAKEN YEARS, every time I see Mike Holmes, I say "So, Mike, how's Sorcerer & Space coming along?"

Mike responds with "Well, the editing's done, I'm just waiting for the art."

THREE YEARS FOR THE ART? Mike, the artists have forgotten. They're not going to do it. Luke has some excellent, go-to artists in his stable. Get new artists. Get it layed out. Get it printed. GET IT DONE!!!

So, yeah. I guess I'll be "looking forward" to Sorcerer & Space for a long time.

Back in the realm of the possible, I, too await BW Revised (I preordered the 5th copy). And Trollbabe Revised. And the Mountain Witch.

And Robots & Rapiers, of course. But Mazza's nearly as bad as Holmes. Hey, do you think Universalis has some kind of "can never finish another game" curse on it? Hmmm...

But as much as I want all of those done, it pales in comparision to my own burning, yearning, desparate NEED to finish With Great Power... O the glory, O the angst of finally holding it in my hands.

It'll be at GenCon. No excuses. After all, I didn't work on Universalis...


Message 14923#158113

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:00pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Oh, jeez, I can't believe I forgot about Tenra Bansho Zero. I want that game like a two-bit junkie wants his smack.

Also, in the "still waiting" category -- Sorcerer and Space and Legends of Alyria. C'mon, Seth. You said you were almost done!

--Ben (Trying not to be embarrassed about the number and caliber of people waiting on Polaris. Soon, guys. Soon.)

Message 14923#158161

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On 4/5/2005 at 6:51pm, Selene Tan wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

Dulcimer Hall. I love that genre, and I love the idea of being able to actually play an Angsty Loner Cypher Guy.

Message 14923#158336

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On 4/5/2005 at 8:37pm, Jeph wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

TBZero and BW Revised are what I've set my eyes on, for the moment. The one because it looks incredibly quirky and cool, and, if the English version is even a tenth as beautiful as the Japanese copy I saw, it MUST BE MINE. The latter because--well, I've wanted BW for a while, but refrained from getting it due to the upcoming revision. I may actually get to play it now, though, as all of my gaming groups have suddenly come to the consensus that d20 combat is about as exciting as a potato.

And Exemplar Revised Edition. Coming some time in the vague future.

Message 14923#158403

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On 4/5/2005 at 10:18pm, ethan_greer wrote:
RE: So... Which upcoming games are you looking forward to?

...A potato. Har har har!

Message 14923#158459

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