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Topic: Simple Magic - Egypt Style
Started by: Mithras
Started on: 2/26/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 2/26/2002 at 9:00pm, Mithras wrote:
Simple Magic - Egypt Style

As a direct progession of my musings on an Egyptian game, I'd like some impressions of my concept for a number lite magic system. Now, magic has never been my strong point I must admit. This system will hopefully remove any failings and let the GM/players take the strain!

It works like this ... when characters gain a level in magic (1-3) they choose a 'way', based on an Egyptian magic-working god. Each way includes a good descxription of the types of things suitable for that tradition. Ptah is full of enchantments, Atum is full of air, sun and creations, Isis is full of healing, plant magic and alchemy (for example).

The caster decides what level of spell-effect he wants to create, 1 (pretty easy - make Ippi trip up) to 3 (difficult and memorable - part the Red Sea). If the effect is equal to his rating in that Way then the task is average, if over the task it is difficult, if less than it is easy. Durations, etc are determined on the fly as are effects, ranges etc. It's an improvised spell system.

I want level 3 to be fairly rare. Parting the sea, raising the dead, creating earthquakes etc.

Anyhow. I could really appreciate some advice on present and structuring improvised spell rules.


EDIT: actually, maybe parting the Red Sea is a bit beyond this type of power level!! But you get the idea.

Message 1493#13984

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On 2/27/2002 at 9:35am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Simple Magic - Egypt Style

I like the basis. Any particular reason for using as compressed a range of values as 1-3?

Message 1493#14025

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On 2/27/2002 at 9:51am, Stivven wrote:
RE: Simple Magic - Egypt Style

Unless there's some specific reason for using the 1-3 range, wouldn't it be more thematically suitable to use seven levels, to echo the seven 'souls' of egyptian mythology?


Message 1493#14026

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