The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Getting it out of your system.
Started by: Domhnall
Started on: 4/5/2005
Board: Forge Birthday Forum

On 4/5/2005 at 12:41pm, Domhnall wrote:
Getting it out of your system.

So, we can drop the analytical, guarded, balanced approach to discourse for the Forge B-day and just act like a regular forum for a few days.


I hate Dungeons and Dragons.

There, I said it.

Thank you.

Try it (whatever your "it" is), it really helps!

Message 14931#158051

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On 4/5/2005 at 12:56pm, James Holloway wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Well, OK.

You know what I can't stand? I can't stand that guy that goes "I'm the eeeevil GM, I'm going to fuck with your characters! I'm so villainous! MMMwahahaha!"

I know he means well, but it's just so tiresome. I'd rather hear "hey guys, hopefully this is going to be a great session! The characters might get fucked with, and I think you'll really dig it!"

I just don't have the energy to deal with this "I'm so sick and twisted" nonsense anymore, especially when it never really turns out to be as sick and twisted as all that.

I hope this isn't a "flaming topic." Different strokes for different folks, obviously -- this is just an irrational pet peeve of mine.

Message 14931#158057

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On 4/5/2005 at 1:06pm, Sean wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I love dungeons and dragons.

I love running games at cons and hobby shops where I kill half or more the party and then gloat right in their faces over their dead characters. I get off on that. It makes me feel powerful. It also makes the players who survive feel like they're smarter, sharper, better players than the suckers who got nailed by the poison spikes.

Don't assume you know me because I love both of those things though. I love other kinds of roleplaying more. But it's not an either/or for me like it seems to be for some but not all gamers.

Message 14931#158061

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On 4/5/2005 at 1:35pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Fucking mayonaisse, shows up on/in everything. Repulsive. Forces me to eat in fear.

Or were we just talking in terms of gaming?

Message 14931#158073

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On 4/5/2005 at 1:41pm, Rich Forest wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Matt speaks the truth.

Message 14931#158075

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On 4/5/2005 at 1:44pm, Doug Ruff wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Matt Wilson wrote: Fucking mayonaisse, shows up on/in everything. Repulsive. Forces me to eat in fear.

Or were we just talking in terms of gaming?

If we're playing this like a 'regular' forum, then worrying about what the thread is meant to be about probably isn't an issue.

... and there'd be a 2 inch tall smiley at the end of that last sentence.

Message 14931#158078

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On 4/5/2005 at 1:55pm, Tobias wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate not having any players around that will insta-form and game with me when I want them to.

(Yes, I have plenty of friends. Very few active gamers at this moment, though).

Message 14931#158082

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On 4/5/2005 at 2:16pm, Jack Aidley wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Matt Wilson wrote: Fucking mayonaisse, shows up on/in everything. Repulsive. Forces me to eat in fear.

Yeah. I just call it 'evil'.

Message 14931#158098

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On 4/5/2005 at 2:27pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I wish all you theorists would get off your butts and design again.

Message 14931#158107

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On 4/5/2005 at 2:32pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I love D&D. It is my second or third favorite game. I play it all the time. The best parts are the Feat trees and the Attacks of Opportunity. Third is just a masterwork of design, first second, and basic are important archealogical treasures -- records of play from an earlier era. Anyone who is a designer who can't read a D&D book and come away with a grand appreciation for the content within is a putz.


P.S. Totally not joking.

Message 14931#158114

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On 4/5/2005 at 2:37pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate cucumbers.

I hate licensed games. With the exception of Weapons of the Gods, which has its own system, Dresden Files which uses its own FATE kernel, and to a lesser degree Buffy, which at least has its own rules regarding drama that gives it the Buffy Feel... THEY ALL SUCK. It's the same old shit each time: "Here's the license, presented as-is in System X with no modifications, where the core book doubles as a masturbatory fan guide. No consideration was given to create a system geared to the license, we just used our house rules with like one, MAYBE two modifications.

I hate Exalted to some extent, because overall it's a decent system, but its smothered in random background shit. Watching threads on background/metaplot elements regarding Exalted on RPGNet are like watching martians speak through emitting pheremone/memory-laden smoke from their bodies. Forge terminology ain't got shit on major background NPCs, cities and organization lore and background in Exalted. It's a game that's perfect for people who want to remain "gamers" without ever having to play a session of roleplaying, simply by reading the background books. GRRRRRRrrrrrr! (and it didn't have to be that way)

I hate Jasper, because now I've got to get in shape for GenCon 2005. Bastard sucks for raising the bar on excellent gamers with hawt physiques.

I hate manga/anime because invariable the Wrong Shit gets translated/released in the US (Exxaxxion? FUcking blow me), and folks who are influenced by Japanese pop art are not influenced by Blade of the Immortal, Eden, Zipang, Monster or Berserk... but rather influenced by "Miss Bigtits Pantyshot Gun-Violence Sensei Yuriko" type manga/anime. Fucking suck.

EDIT: I forgot one thing:
I hate the Way of New Potential Game Designers. "Oh, I've got a nascent game idea! I better register my business, print business cards, come up with a logo, design a website, talk up the game YET not reveal too much because someone may steal my ideas... Oh, and maybe, maybe, if I have enough time, I may even one day begin actually writing a draft of my game..."

Message 14931#158115

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On 4/5/2005 at 3:02pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate Exalted/World of Darkness et al. I want to take that bitch out back and curb kick the fucker. Then I'm going to drag out its blind ass fans and tell them a little story, cause I'm the fucking Storyteller bitch and in my story all those little fuckers get to go skitching, but without the fucking sled/skateboard. Just their big fat asses on the ground and my car going 60...

Oh and I like mayonaise. It is good with tuna and relish. If you can't like it with tuna and relish then I will track your ass down and teach you to like it...


Message 14931#158123

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:08pm, Paka wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate anti-Forge sentiments that I catch hither and yon. What is that about?

I hate when I look back on a day and realize I haven't written and pushed myself.

I hate when people crunch styrofoam between their fingers.

The texture of broccoli, even though I know it is so good for me.

Message 14931#158165

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:15pm, Sean wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Is broccoli actually good for us? I've never been clear on this. I thought it was at one point but then someone who seemed to know what they were talking about claimed that it was mostly empty calories, like cauliflower. (I don't know if this is true about cauliflower either.) Anyone know the facts here?

Message 14931#158170

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:19pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I always thought broccholi uncooked was good for you, but cooked was useless and that it prevents cancer. I think we need a ruling on this...


Message 14931#158173

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:20pm, Paka wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Bob Goat wrote: I always thought broccholi uncooked was good for you, but cooked was useless and that it prevents cancer. I think we need a ruling on this...


I was talking about this yesterday with a co-worker who is also a cook and he said that if you boil it, it loses 85% of its good shit but if you steam it, it keeps 85% of its good shit.

So, if you want the good shit, steaming would be the way to go.

Message 14931#158175

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:21pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate the fact that the oil is going to run out and our nifty civilization is going to crash like the Goodyear blimp after a "transmute helium to stone" spell gets cast on it, and no one will play role playing games any more because we'll be too busy plowing the interstates and mining plastic out of old landfills and standing guard against roving bicycle gangs to protect our solar panels so we can still bathe in hot water every couple weeks.

Oh, and green peppers.

- W

Message 14931#158176

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:29pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Walt Freitag wrote: I hate the fact that the oil is going to run out and our nifty civilization is going to crash like the Goodyear blimp after a "transmute helium to stone" spell gets cast on it, and no one will play role playing games any more because we'll be too busy plowing the interstates and mining plastic out of old landfills and standing guard against roving bicycle gangs to protect our solar panels so we can still bathe in hot water every couple weeks.

Oh, and green peppers.

- W

I for one can't wait for the collapse of civilization so that I can finally walk around with a crossbow mounted on my wrist in tight, uncomfortable, yet suprisingly stimulating leather.


Message 14931#158184

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:30pm, Gaerik wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate the Storyteller System for being such a fucking lie. Narrative and Story-centric my ass! It's just crap, crap and crap. All those hardcore WoD players need a ballistic enema.

I hate it when some naval-gazing cretin goes on and on and one about how "creative" he/she is without ever bringing up a single original idea of their own. These people are especially annoying when they are role-players who only play literary character rip-offs... like a dual weapon wielding Drow Fighter or a claw enhanced regenerating scrapper. Actually, this dislike might actually be two separate things. I just find them linked so often.

I hate The Impossible Thing Before Breakfast... especially when I'm a victim.

I hate EverQuest, World of WarCraft, Ultima Online and every other brain dead MMORPG ever created. They're nothing but a money sink designed to suck your damn life away.

I hate CCG's for the same reasons I hate MMORPGs.

[Edited] Broccoli must have cheese.

Message 14931#158186

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:30pm, Sean wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I always thought that RPGs would be a good postapocalyptic entertainment - cheap and easy to port around. Dice passed down from father to son, different house rules in each fortress community, everything much closer to actual play - I can hardly wait!

Steamed broccoli tastes better than boiled too.

Message 14931#158187

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:40pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Hate a game? Nah.

There are plenty of games I just don't give a shit about.

Message 14931#158201

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:46pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Sean wrote: Dice passed down from father to son

They'd be all chipped and dusty, and you'd roll 'em with fingerless leather gloves on. That would so rule.

As for Broccoli, green vegetables are all good anti-cancer food. Plus if you don't cook it too much, you get lots of fiber, which maybe you won't appreciate if you're under 30.

But back to antipathy...

I despise splatbooks. 90 percent of the contents are pointless fluff, and you know that generally people buy 'em looking for 2 things: cool new powers and cool new stuff. What's all this other crap doing in here?

Message 14931#158207

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:52pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate when people spell things funny and act like it makes them cool.

It doesn't. It just makes them spelled funny.

Message 14931#158222

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On 4/5/2005 at 4:55pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Sean wrote: Is broccoli actually good for us? I've never been clear on this. I thought it was at one point but then someone who seemed to know what they were talking about claimed that it was mostly empty calories, like cauliflower. (I don't know if this is true about cauliflower either.) Anyone know the facts here?

I've always heard that "empty" calories thing about celery. I think it's an urban legend.

I hate urban legends--especially when I catch myself passing one on! I got caught by the "small dog found on the beach" one where it turns out that they are really big rats from south america. And the disney kidnapping victims. grrrrr... I liked the disney one, though.


Message 14931#158224

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On 4/5/2005 at 5:09pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Like Andy K, i hate wanking: "Let me say something just so we all can hear the sound of my voice."

Shut up and do it.

I hate the simultaneously empty and full feeling of my contemporary culture. It is at once incredibly engaging and stimulating, yet empty and devoid of gravity.

I hate contemporary american pop culture: I hate the fact that men can order other men to torture and humiliate other human beings and get caught at it -- in writing -- and not be punished by their peers. Yes, that's pop culture to me.

I hate murder. Whether by the state, the company or the private individual.

I hate living only in the present. Why can't I live three seconds ago for a few more minutes? Very frustrating.

And I hate the fact that my mind is so restless I can't accept with good grace the reality which enfolds me. No, I have to be a fucking pop-culture loving, shallow wanker.

Ah well.

Message 14931#158240

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On 4/5/2005 at 5:16pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.


I HATE that people consider D&D "the best gateway game," when it's so clearly only the best gateway game for bringing the same old schmucks into this hobby. And I hate that there's this group of gamers who sit in the student union, playing D&D. They look and behave exactly like the stereotypical D&D gamer, and I wish it weren't so logistically difficult to get my own group there, so we could sit in the union and play HeroQuest and Dogs in the Vineyard--showing people that there's more to gaming than fat fucks with long, curly hair and bad hygiene stuffing Cheetos into their mouths and laughing over stupid jokes.

Message 14931#158248

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On 4/5/2005 at 5:37pm, bcook1971 wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Celery helps control blood pressure (potassium content, diuretic effect), helps manage joint conditions (expels retained substances) and has a calming effect (tranquilizing agent in essential oils).

And it tastets good with peanut butter.

Message 14931#158272

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On 4/5/2005 at 5:40pm, Sean wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Celery's good with cream cheese too.

I heard that it actually burns more calories to digest it than it provides, in addition to doing all that good stuff. Is that true?

Obviously if you add the peanut butter or cream cheese the calorie count's going to be more substantial.

I hate calories. I like food though.

Message 14931#158279

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On 4/5/2005 at 5:42pm, Danny_K wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I love the World of Darkness, especially the really over-the-top stuff in 2nd Edtion, like the Mages having a big war over the moons of Jupiter and the Werewolf core book with the four-color comic inside.

I love splatbooks. Greg Stolze's Revised Clanbook for Giovanni will always be one of my favorite gaming books.

I love vignettes, flavor text, signature characters and untouchable Uber-NPC's that function as cheap gimmicks for the GM...

I'm shameless. I'm a whore.

Um, I do hate mayonnaise, though.

And I hate people who join my games, make great characters that I come up with great Bangs for, then drop out of the friggin' game after the first session. Even turning their characters into evil NPC's doesn't make me feel better about this.

Message 14931#158281

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On 4/5/2005 at 6:52pm, C. Edwards wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I love dark beer that washes over and through me with the shadowy cool sensuousness of a confident lover.

I love the moment right before my lips touch the lips of another.

I love trees.

I hate politics.

I hate lawns.

I hate Monsanto.


Message 14931#158337

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On 4/5/2005 at 7:35pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate people who feel the need to break out of a niche, simply because they realize they're in a niche.

I hate people who feel the need to justify their niche, to glorify it, to make themselves feel good about being there.

It's just a niche people. Give it a nod and move on.

I hate One-True-Wayism. Not so much that people believe that there is such a way, but where they feel the need to rescue people who don't follow their way, or feel that people who don't follow their way are less. This applies to religion, politics, and gaming theory. And other stuff too.

I hate D&D. I'll admit it. I totally respect the game, especially in it's current incarnation, for doing what it does and doing it well. But I still hate it, because it's considered the standard. I hate that awesome gamers whose playstyles are totally incompatible with how D&D is meant to play will avidly, sometimes even hostilely defend it as the best game evar.

I hate extremist conservatives almost as much as I hate foaming liberals.

I hate peas, onions and raw tomatoes. And mayonaise, where I can taste it.

I hate being, as I call it, "feedback driven". I hate the fact that I can't keep my enthusiasm and motivation going in the absence of feedback, interest and motivation from those I choose to call friends and peers.

I hate raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens. Okay, not really. I do hate yappy lapdogs, though.

Message 14931#158367

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On 4/5/2005 at 7:39pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Oh, on things I hate:

I hate Little Fears.

I hate people who make me ashamed to be an American, and people who want me to be ashamed for being an American.


Message 14931#158372

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On 4/5/2005 at 7:45pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.




Message 14931#158376

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On 4/5/2005 at 7:52pm, Kesher wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate that I have to go grade more fucking papers on the use of fucking irony in HuckleFuckingBerry Finn instead of reading more posts on this surprising and delightful forum.

It's even worse that I assigned the fucking papers in the first place...

...that's what I'll do! Give all the leetle fuckers A's so I can come back here and read some more!

Message 14931#158378

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On 4/5/2005 at 8:05pm, Jasper Polane wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate the 3E Dungeon Master Guide. It takes the masterpiece of coherent gamist design that is the PHB, and starts adding crap like "the DM is always right", "the DM can't cheat", and "thou shalt not metagame", turning potentially good DMs back into the disfunctional "my word is law" assholes they where in previous editions of the game.
3.5 is even worse.

Message 14931#158385

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On 4/5/2005 at 8:06pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate grass. It's ugly green organic carpet that needs to be constantly nurtured, while the beautiful plants people call "weeds" that thrive naturally in the same environment are methodically killed.

I hate potatoes. Vile, disgusting food. Even potatoes, hash browns, etc.

I hate egg-related products. Omelets, scrambled eggs, etc. That these things are the exalted centerpiece of breakfast is one of the main reasons I don't really do anything.

Add me to the anti-mayonnaise craze. I also hate salad dressings. All of them.

I respect D&D as a game as it is written on paper (even if I can't really enjoy playing it), but I hate the space D&D takes up in the headspace of gaming as a subculture, and find it probably more fun than I should to make snide comments about it. (But then, I do that for a lot of things, even things I like).

I like steak tar-tar. Mmmm good. In fact, I'm a carnivore in general.

I like quirky, weird, odd, etc. type stuff, to the point that most of the games I want to run or play are games that the current gamers in my life refuse to even try. (Nobilis, Continuum, Mechanical Dream, etc.) I dislike how little I've fought for these sorts of games in my group, and how much it disappoints me that I'm not able to experience them.

I dislike mmorpgs in general (friggin lewt, crafting, etc.). That said, I enjoy the mmorpg City of Heroes, as apart from a few minor niggles, it fixes almost every problem that makes me dislike other mmorpgs. And I like the design philosophy behind the upcoming mmog Guild Wars (no monthly fee!), though I don't know how well it will work in practice.

I like being pugnacious.

I like the games I design. Mostly.

Message 14931#158387

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On 4/5/2005 at 8:14pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate Nobilis.

I hate the fact that I, more than anyone else in the group, am the primary obstacle keeping Lx from experiencing games like Nobilis, Mechanical Dream, et al.

I'll admit it; I dislike (rather than hate) really out-there games. The weirder the setting, the weirder the system, the less likely I am to be interested in it. I sometimes boggle that I was able to design ReCoil.

I hate that, having seen the awesome sort of play that a fairly unorthodox and mostly broken game like ReCoil can produce, I cannot seem to open my mind and heart to play some of these other games.

I hate how MMORPGs have abandoned their potential to instead pay homage to the almighty buck.

Message 14931#158391

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On 4/5/2005 at 8:15pm, Frank T wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate how the German state is stupefied by its own constitutional law to the point where federal legislative is unable to act. I despise the lack of character in each and every one of our politicians, who'd rather leave things in their miserable state and blame others, than take the necessary steps though hurt they may. I hate how our whole political class utterly fails to adress the problem of increasing fascist tendencies in Eastern Germany in an appropriate way. The degree of my frustration with the entirety of German politics cannot be measured in words.

Message 14931#158392

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On 4/5/2005 at 8:16pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate being stupid.

Message 14931#158393

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On 4/5/2005 at 9:01pm, Gaerik wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I love the way my wife kicks my ass at Scrabble even though English is her 3rd language and I was a frickin English Major.

I hate the interpretation of Free Speech that mean Freedom From Consequences. If you've got something to say worth saying just fucking say it and don't whine when people don't agree with you and are willing to disagree loudly. Disagreement isn't "quashing" your Free Speech. Neither is ignoring you. (Feel free to ignore this if you don't agree. :)

I love a good Mayonaise, Tomato and Cheese sandwich. Grilled. MmmmMMMM...

I both love and hate the fact that I'm ADD and can't seem to sustain any train of thou... ooooooh, something shiny!

I love my country (USA) in all its dysfunctional glory and I'm proud of it too. If that makes me an arrogant American. So be it.

I love this website where people can disagree in an agreeable manner and discuss the hobby I love.

I hate the University of Florida Gators.... Go Vols!

Message 14931#158417

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On 4/6/2005 at 4:56am, Lee Short wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate passive players who demand to be railroaded.

I hate players who assume I am railroading them and build their own tracks to confine themselves.

I hate that no one can write Middle Earth games without a license. The world needs 10 or 20 Middle Earth games. That way there will be at least one that's good for the Hobbit, one that's good for LotR, and one that's good for the Silmarillion.

I hate that the best licensable settings seem to attract the worst in game design.

I hate 'New and Innovative' settings that use novelty as a substitute for depth and quality.

I hate the idea that D&D 3+ is good for anything but rules-crunching micromanagers (for which, I admit, it is fabulous).

I hate the idea that 200 volumes of supplementary material is considered an acceptable alternative to good basic game design.

Celery is good with scorching hot salsa.

Message 14931#158593

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On 4/6/2005 at 5:42am, greyorm wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate beer. All beer. Not just that American swill they call beer. I hate foreign beers, too. It's all swill. The people who can choke that shit down don't have my respect, they my undying awe at their utter and complete lack of taste. I suggest drinking dishwater, as it is both healthier and tastes better. Again, this statement includes all foreign and domestic swill...I mean beer. I hate beer.

Message 14931#158598

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On 4/6/2005 at 6:56am, Domhnall wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

OH-- and Peter Jackson!

There, now much better!

Message 14931#158607

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On 4/6/2005 at 7:09am, Leningrad wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I don't understand 90% of what I read on these forums!


That feels better.

Message 14931#158609

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On 4/6/2005 at 7:39am, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Christopher Weeks wrote: I hate being stupid.


But I'll see your Stupid and raise you an Unwise.

I hate being both stupid and unwise.

Message 14931#158618

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On 4/6/2005 at 9:30am, pete_darby wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate it when I'm feeling stupid, but still the smartest guy in the room.

Damn I need a new job.

Message 14931#158642

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On 4/6/2005 at 1:14pm, Kit wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I'm rapidly growing to agree with the people who say they hate D&D.

Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of things I like about it. But I hate the fact that it puts such an emphasis on combat, I hate the rail roaded class and level systems and above all else I hate the magic system. I also hate the fact that people can powergame their characters by buying 582 books and picking the cheasiest features from each.

I also hate that despite all this I'm going to continue to play it, because I really like my gaming group (except for the occasional moment of frustration with them) and they all love D&D and show a huge resistence to other gaming systems: We've also tried GURPS and CoC, both of which they hated. I agree with their points about GURPS although I still have a soft spot for the system. I can see some of their points about CoC, but most of them just struck me as another way of saying `it's not D&D'.

Further I hate that I'm such a distractible slacker and thus *still* haven't got a working version of Option ready despite the fact that it's been present as a concept for the best part of half a year. Among other reasons it might provide a solution to the above problem as it's close enough to D&D in many ways that they'd probably be willing to play it...

I also hate a lot of non-rpg-related things, but if I start ranting about those I'll be here all day.

Message 14931#158675

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On 4/6/2005 at 1:52pm, pete_darby wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I picked up Dragonlance 5th Age the other day.

Nice little system, cards help empower players a little more than dice, lots of talk of how Saga gives players some of the role of GM...

Then we come to the designing quests chapter: huge, egregious chapter stinking of the impossible thing.


I want to take this chapter and do that shitty thing Robin Williams does to the chart in the poetry book in Dead Poets Society. I want to do it to every similar chapter in every rpg rulebook in existence. I want to take the pages and throw them at every frustrated player and GM who doesn't understand why most of their game sucks and shout "THIS IS WHY IT SUCKS! YOUR SCENARIO DESIGN ADVICE LIED TO YOU MAN! IT'S NOT ABOUT YOUR FUCKING STORY, IT'S ABOUT FUCKING SITUATION! EVERYTHING ELSE, EVERY OTHER MOTHERFUCKING THING IS BULLSHIT!"

What I like is the pretty pictures on the cards. Man, I hate it that Saga was too expensive for anyone butWizards to do it, and too unpopular for Wizards.

Oh yeah, the Dragonlance books blow goats for nickels and give change.

Message 14931#158689

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On 4/6/2005 at 2:13pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate that I don't have a full version of Legends of Alyria yet. A lot. More on that in the appropriate thread, I guess.

Oh, and I too hate mayonnaise. My wife likes to refer to it as "the Devil's semen."

Message 14931#158708

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On 4/6/2005 at 2:27pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Now I like mayonnaise even better.


Message 14931#158721

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On 4/6/2005 at 2:50pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Ben Lehman wrote: I hate Little Fears.


Message 14931#158735

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On 4/6/2005 at 2:52pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate people who hate things just because they challenge, upset, or confuse them.

I hate that people feel it necessary to "hate" something and not just "dislike" it.

I hate that people become so convinced of their Ultimate Correctness that any who differ must be hated.

Message 14931#158736

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On 4/6/2005 at 2:53pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Jason L Blair wrote: I hate that people become so convinced of their Ultimate Correctness that any who differ must be hated.

WHAT? You think THAT?

I hate you now.

Message 14931#158737

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On 4/6/2005 at 3:19pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Yeah? Well I hate you, Josh, for hating Blair for hating haters!

(I think I've just rolled myself up into some sort of Moebius strip of hate/anti-hate)

Oh, and Mayo still RAWKs! Though not for the reason that Vincent now thinks that it rawks even more.


Message 14931#158763

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On 4/6/2005 at 3:35pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate the fact that monkeys and badgers make bad pets. That's all I've got.

Message 14931#158781

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On 4/6/2005 at 4:05pm, Gaerik wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate that we haven't raised enough money to get Mike and Seth a beating on that other thread.

Message 14931#158814

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On 4/6/2005 at 4:15pm, Scripty wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Hmmm. I never really considered myself a person who really hated anything. Until this thread actually made me think about it...

I hate my commute. I went from a 5-minute bike ride to a 1-and-a-half hour drive each way. I hate all the chunks of my life wasted to get to a place where I can waste an even larger chunk of my life. I hate all the useless interuptions that keep me from truly enjoying whatever I'm trying to read or write on the commute. I hate that I get carsick while reading in stop-and-go traffic and that it's impossible to use the mouse on the laptop in those conditions as well. Everyday I burn 3 hours. For nothing.

I hate close-mindedness. I can't count the number of times that I've wanted to try something (from Sorcerer to JavaScript) and been shot down by someone who was not interested in learning anything new. I hate that other people often have that kind of control over what avenues I can and cannot pursue in life. I taught myself JavaScript (in 1999) and it took me 3 months of it running on a test page for my boss to accept that it would not crash our web site. Hence ended the days of update all the dates on our web site by hand. I still haven't been able to play Sorcerer due to people making assumptions of what it's about or just not wanting to rock the D&D boat. I think it's okay to not know everything about something. There's a lot that I don't know jack about. I think my hate stems from not understanding why so many people have to keep up the appearance of being knowledgeable. Then I think about the times I've tried to take on the mantle of expert authority on this or that and I remember times when I wasn't really knowing what I was talking about. I don't much like myself when I do that.

I hate the internet. I hate that I can say a simple sentence like: "My dog is old" and then a flamewar erupts about me being Ageist or a closet-Catperson. People can rig on to any old word I type, ignoring context, meaning and all those other wonderful things that a generally civilized discourse should follow. I hate that. I hate that the one thing that was lost in this new super-highway of the Information Age is humor. Irony, satire, it's all been reduced to dick jokes and non-sequiturs. There's no context on the internet. And everyone wants to fit everyone else into their own prefabbed context. Because of that, I hate that people latch on to one word or phrase in a 2000 word post and then grill me over it. Devoid of any connection that phrase may have had in the original context or if there is even a connection to what they're saying at all. I hate that I'm stupid and often get roped into defending myself in that position. I hate that I really want to help clarify what I'm saying and then get roped into stupid back-and-forth, he-said-she-said BS. I hate that I can't identify those people who are just out to pick a fight or promote their own agenda. I hate that I'm often the straight-man for others' personal prejudices and agendas.

I hate that I can't seem to say anything online in anything other than this meandering string of prose. It's like anytime I sit at a keyboard I'm possessed by the spirit of T.S. Eliot as dictated through the typing of a Siberian farmer on mescaline. I wish I could be cool like Ron or so many others on the Forge who seem to say so much with so little. But, then again, I'm afraid if I keep it brief I'll get sucked into another back-and-forth trying to explain why my dog really is old (18 years) and that's okay. And I hate that more than sounding like a drunken poet warbling into a Dictaphone.

I hate jargon. Once a boss told me he needed to "interface" with me. I didn't know whether to bring a notepad or lubricant. Turns out, I should've brought both. I hate the elitism associated with the use of jargon. I hate that people are able to use the jargon of the Forge to criticize it as elitist. I wish the Forge was more jargon-lite.

I hate that of the four apologies I've read online two were mine and one was Richard Clarke's. Worse than admitting one doesn't know everything about something, it seems, is admitting that one was wrong about something. I hate that we live in a proto-Darwinian world like that. I hate that I feel like I lost friends over it. I hate that I don't feel my apologies really helped at all. I hate that the internet seems to be this environment where, if you don't know everything, you know nothing and if you're wrong once you'll never be right again.

So I guess I am pretty chock-full-o'-hate. Learn something new everyday...


Message 14931#158828

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On 4/6/2005 at 5:55pm, Chris Goodwin wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Put me in the pro-mayo, anti-beer camp.

Let's see. Hating...

I hate strawman arguments. I hate being willfully misunderstood just so that someone else can make their point.

I hate small minded people who think that the customs of their tribe are the laws of nature.

I hate insects. All of them. Even insect-like things, like spiders and crustaceans. I especially hate the ones that sting; when I was a kid I could get stung by a bee just walking down the street minding my own business. I got stung probably a couple of times a year until I was about thirteen.

Message 14931#158906

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On 4/6/2005 at 7:04pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate reading things like this, serious and silly alike, and feel a deep kinship, even if it be the kinship of opposing beliefs, and know that it will never amount to anything. I hate feeling disconnected, and I hate knowing that it's my fault.

Message 14931#158955

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On 4/6/2005 at 9:50pm, Miskatonic wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate nothing. In fact, I enthusiastically love mayonnaise and beer.

Wait, I do hate George W Bush and his cronies. After that, everything else is small potatoes.

Message 14931#159061

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On 4/7/2005 at 3:50am, Domhnall wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

And NOW I hate all you dirty Mayo-haters!! How can you eat fries?!?

Message 14931#159159

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On 4/7/2005 at 5:07am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

With.. I dunno, ketchup?

Or not at all, in the case of Lx.

Message 14931#159165

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On 4/7/2005 at 5:39am, taalyn wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Taking a clue from Judging Amy, a couple years ago...

I hate that people kill for stupid reasons. I hate that there are parents who abuse their children to death, fathers who rape their daughters, mothers who castrate their sons. I hate that there are MANY nations that destroy other nations because someone sneezed on their many-times-great-grandfather once.

I hate that I can't get married legally, that fundamentalists (of ANY religion) destroy lives, and that the vocal minority can have such a huge effect on the world because of a quiet majority.

Oh, I also hate liver. Ick.

Message 14931#159171

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On 4/7/2005 at 5:50am, Jason Mical wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

Ya know what's strange? Just earlier today, I made the conscious decision to stop hating things so much. This is something I do every few months or so: kind of like a hate-enema, I just decide to up and forgive pretty much everything that's been pissing me off lately.

That being said, I hate that every time I do a project on my house, it takes me four times the amount of time I think it will take to finish. I suspect I could plan to do something simple, like paint a room, and somehow I would discover a dozen things wrong with the room in the process necessitating me to fix them all before I could even begin laying tape and dropclothes.

I also hate that it took me this long to get involved in discussions here, and that I'm still too chickenshit to post on any of the theory/game forums.

Message 14931#159173

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On 4/7/2005 at 7:47am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Getting it out of your system.

I hate the things I love being criminalized
I hate the straight-jacket schools I grew up in
I hate MP's, judges, and magistrates
I hate being taught to base my life on TV stars
I hate being kept waiting by bureaucrats
I hate wars, and all the people who love them
I hate the idea of living on other people’s backs
I hate being filed and registered and classified
I hate being watched and monitored
I hate the police
I hate the way you talk down at me
I hate being told what to do
I hate you when you don’t listen
I hate the way you distort my sexuality with pornography
I hate the pain we inflict on each other, on animals, and on the earth
And I hate how love songs have become cliches
Through endless, shallow repetition

- Chumbawamba, Here's To The Rest Of Your Life

Message 14931#159189

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