The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Imp Game] Hellfire, chaos, & cows
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 4/9/2005
Board: Actual Play

On 4/9/2005 at 3:59am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
[Imp Game] Hellfire, chaos, & cows

You'd think this was a game of Diablo 2 going on!

Again, "Twilight" turned to "Imps!", which rocked.

Myself, Jon, and Ian, a Twilight player new to Imps

Character generation took a little while longer. I haven't gamed with Ian, but I definetly get the impression he may be more into Sim than gamist systems- was quite interested in quantifying the world, meticulous detail, etc (Note, I'm not experianced enough with GNS to try to ID players, tis just an impression). Quite a bit more detail went into Ian's Imp, less for playing the system and more for flavor, experiance and immersion.

Anywho, we got:
Me, Beeble, a Smart Imp with Shapeshifting. He was a Pacifist, Optimistic and loved cows. He feared violence & villagers. I had a blast with this one: between the pacifism and cow loving, I turned the critter into a stereotypical Indian-quasi-Hindu. Granted, I don't know much about the faith, so I went with the accent and vauge remarks about "Sacred Cows" that were good for some laughs. I was accompanyed on our mission with my travelmate Lulubell the cow.
Jon, Kenshin Nodokatura, a Devious Imp who was a Samurai, had a yukata (Dark black katana) and was clumsey. He feared Cute things & Optimism (Hehe) and his special power was Hitenmitsurugi Style. The character was based on Kenshin Himura from Ruroni Kenshin.
And Ian created Clem, a Crazy Imp who was independant, philosophical, and absent minded. He feared confinement and peoples deep thoughts and had the special power of hypnotism.

Ian cooked up our scenario, and layed out quite the territory. Our Master was a young prince who wanted us to kidnap his sister for an undisclosed reason. Ian dropped us right outside the town the sister was at, staying in a boarding school. Our dear princess was Princess Isavonna: 3 armed, one legged, 350 lbs, one eyed, with degrees in homemaking and theoretical physics. The school was run by amazonian headmistresses with victorian-esque upbringing.
Realizing we'd need to sneak into the city, I tried to sneak across a small river and steal some clothes from an uninhabited barn...and missed the boat entirely, walking Lulu and myself into a sewage tunnel.
Kenshin (Jon) flaunted all common sense and raged into town with his sword drawn, drawing attention to himself while Clem chucked his die for "Smart" and ducked down the sewage tunnel with myself. After Kenshin botched a few rolls, he massacred the townspeople and set a whole heard of cattle free. Throwing open the sewage access point nearest him, he dropped down to help me and Clem calm Lulu down, and failed, enraging her even more. He finally knocked her out dispite my protests and tried to find a way to herd her out. He ducked up one pipe, only to find himself stuck in the tanner's toilet, just as the tanner was coming to use the restroom!
Another set of rolls: I upset Lulu, causing her to pass a LOT of gas, Clem gets Lulu upset enough to charge blindly, aiming her toward the stuck Kenshin, shooting him out of the pipeworks and into the tanners ceiling. Lulu then charged down the tunnel again.
Few more rolls: Kenshin broke out of the rafters and bolted into the street, getting him in trouble with another batch of townsfolk curious and upset about the previous massacre, including the town constable. Another series of botches lands him in trouble but ends with his killing the constable but breaking his sword AND sheeth. Somehow, he sets himself on fire in the process.
Clem stumbles out of the sewer, trying to find away to put out the fire, and uses the chemicals in the tanner's house...starting an inferno. The result?
The town on fire, an explosion in the sewer system that incinerates Lulubell and scortches myself!

Actually...I gotta stop...sleep beckons, as does work! More occured, this time I'm going to have to stop short!
Play was great, I have some kickin notes on it, will post on the morrow!

Message 15055#160016

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On 4/9/2005 at 2:38pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [Imp Game] Hellfire, chaos, & cows

Last time on Imps! (Look above)

Couple other details I skipped, tripping over myself to get this posted before I forgot most of it:
When trying to calm Lulu, I failed, agitated her, and she passed a LOT of gas...hence later, when Clem tried to use the tanner's chemicals to put out the fire Kenshin started and only caused a larger explosion, the inferno in the sewage tunnels was quite bad: between the additional methane, the raw sewage already there, and the sewage in the river, the explosion took out almost 1/2 of the town! Not to mention the cow fields above us catching fire and the inferno spreading to the fields.
We figured about this time, the town square just ahead would have cleared out, and with the fires buring as high and bright as they were, the royal guard from the post a few miles up would most certainly notice.

Kenshin managed to put himself out after a few more botched rolls that caught even more of the city on fire and found his way to the blacksmith shop. The imp was devious, not smart, and didn't know how to operate the blacksmith tools (forge, bellows, etc) to construct a sword, ended up injuring himself.
Clem was rolling for his current state of mind (being a Crazy Imp) and ended up as a Big Dumb Imp, wandering into the baazar at the square, which was deserted. He found a flavored water vendor and put himself out as well.
Beeble, meanwhile, was down in the sewers mourning the passing of Lulubell, and performing the most sacred rituals to ease her passing. She was really just a pile of ash at that point, but hey, "Have you ever been karmically bitchslapped by a six-armed goddess?" (LOVE Bubble Boy :D)
After the rituals, I tried to find my way out of the tunnel through a grate that was supposed to be near by.
Back above, Kenshin had found his way back to the square and Clem and began looking for another weapon. Rolling, we discovered the were no weapons present, only simple farm tools and common items like rope, nails, etc. Kenshin used these to craft a crude mace and attacked the door of the Ladies school, botching the roll and ended up bouncing the mace off the door and wrapping it around a pole and himself out in the street.
Clem made an attempt to scale the wall, botched it, got to the top and discovered a group of girls having a philosophy discussion out in the commons- which scared the daylights out of him (deep thoughts).
Beeble made it out and over to the entry to the school, survaying the damage. Clem struck an intelligent moment and used his hypnotism to convince me I was a raging bull. Being a shapeshifter, I turned into such a creature, took out the door and barged into the commons, scaring away all the talking girls.
Clem and Kenshin used the distraction to get into the school as the guards and head misstresses came running out to try and stop me (Amazonian women, mind you). Inside, the other faculty start panicing, outside I'm raising all kinds of hell thinking I'm a Mad Cow, and somehow in the chaos, Kenshin and his barbed tail ends up wrapped around my neck. Clem's effects wear off on myself. The faculty catches up and after a pair of botched rolls ends up kicking Kenshin and myself over the walls.
Clem uses his chance to hypnotize all of the young women to be afraid of the things he is: Deep thoughts and confinement. His rationale? They were confined in the school! So, they tore out of the school terrified, leaving the head mistresses mystified.
Duty bound, Beeble wandered back toward the school with the town now engulfed in flames. Thinking to sneak in posing as a frightened girl, I botch the roll and become a Pimp, with Kenshin as my tie.
Kenshin's attempts to break free ultimately fail and he ends up stretching my neck so Beeble looks like a Pimp Girraffe.
A few more rolls frees Kenshin while Clem ends up contemplating the nature of opening doors in the school. Terrified by the chaos, bloodshed and violence surrounding me, Beeble runs away screaming...just in time to see the guard come charging over the distance. Thinking I can scare them off, I try to transform into a Balrog to frighten them...and become a 3 foot tall Balrog, which the guards thunder past.
At the school, Clem and Kenshin begin bickering over whos going to find the princess...lo and behold, Kenshin finds her, Clem hypnotizes her into thinking she's an obediant dog, and Kenshin gets the genius idea to turn himself into a ball and throw himself out the window! She doesn't follow however, and they've got to find a new way out. With the guards at the gate, Clem gets her down the stairs where Kenshin meets them by the armory, only to find very basic weapons: staves, nunchucks, etc. Convince we're there to help her escape, the Princess lends all three hands and starts chucking the staves at the oncoming guards. Kenshin lands a succcess on doing so as well, but had to be clumsy about it, which resulted in his staves bouncing off things, striking different guards than those he aimed at, domino effects and the like. Before long, they were all out cold, leaving us to ourselves and we took off, Kenshin riding the back of the 3 armed and one legged princess...

- Wow, Ian got detailed, and it was cool. He layed out quite specific geography for the town we were in, probably intending to use the sewage tunnel to sneak in, but...yea
- Again, points were flying left and right. I ran out on two seperate occasions, as did Ian, but through some helpful chump rolls we got everyone back into the game. That was something cool about this one: more cooperation on the chips. When one ran out, the other two would make a couple attempts we may not have otherwise knowing we'd fail. Worked out, Ian ended up with most of the chips by the end.
- Bidding worked into this session! And it worked exactly as I hoped: Jon thought he'd be cool and sabatoge something Ian was going to do and he did, but it cost him dearly, left him with 3 of his formerly impressive 14 or so. Later, Ian got his way as well, with the clumsy trait on chucking the staves, but Jon had so few points at the time Ian got away with it pretty cheaply!
- Ian's use of the Crazy Imp's table was awesomely done. Every so often he'd just grab a six sided die and roll. "Yay, I'm smart now!" "Crap, I'm big and dumb!" Was sweet.

I also have the feeling from Ian that he's possibly a D&D gamer as well - I know he games with Jon, and I'm certain Jon's only played D&D + house varients there of - so I had some of the same issues at the start as I do with most D&D gamers. But, again, some of the coolest moments came from Ian, so I know he fell into the groove that is the Imp Game.

All in all- I really liked the point flow of this game. We had some awesome moments, a few that came out of the chump rolls that weren't supposed to mean anything but up the ante for a point-less player.
All I can say is: it works, it really really works :D

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