The Forge Reference Project


Topic: More Downloads
Started by: TonyLB
Started on: 1/24/2005
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 1/24/2005 at 5:26pm, TonyLB wrote:
More Downloads

I've updated the CapesLite demo-rules to include the type of "show the game" pictures of dice and cards that help out so much in the main rules. I'm hopeful that it will be good enough, now, that people can just pick up the rules and play.

I've also put all of the Click and Lock modules from the book up for free download. I considered holding that back, in order to entice people to buy the book, but the obvious benefit to players (being able to print out letter-sized batches of click-and-locks for in-game use) swayed me. Anyway, something to gander at (including, if I do say so, some nice art) while waiting on the release date.

Message 14053#149258

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On 1/24/2005 at 9:30pm, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: More Downloads

Very nice Tony, I really like the Click sheets. Now if you would just start selling the game already... ;)



Message 14053#149308

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On 2/3/2005 at 5:07pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: More Downloads

I was about to come post here to pester you to put these online, Tony. I dug your arts-n-crafts at the booth in a big way. Now I see that they already are!



Message 14053#150572

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On 2/3/2005 at 9:54pm, inthisstyle wrote:
RE: More Downloads

Tony, how did you set up the ones you used at Dreamation. Was it just a lamination and then cut-out?

Message 14053#150658

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On 2/3/2005 at 11:12pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: More Downloads

I printed out the Click and Lock sheets onto 110 lb. colored cardstock.

I then used the Xyron 900, together with the "Laminate/Acid-Free Repositionable Adhesive" cartridge (part #LAT976-25) to laminate and sticker-fy the click and lock sheets.

Then I cut them out. The Xyron uses a cold lamination process, so that the material is actually bonded to the paper (as opposed to some processes which bind to their own material, around the edges, and therefore will lose their seal if cut or perforated).

I did a quick modification of the Click and Lock sheets in Illustrator to produce sheets of outlines where the click and lock modules would fit. I printed these and laminated with the two-sided lamination cartridge (part #DL907-50).

All told I'm guesstimating that it cost me about $50 and twelve hours to create the set. Worth every penny, for the convention, but unless I can figure out a company that can do it much more cheaply, you won't be seeing those for sale in a set anytime soon.

Message 14053#150674

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On 2/4/2005 at 3:26pm, inthisstyle wrote:
RE: More Downloads

Dang. That's a bit more than I wanted to put into it. I was hoping it was easy, because I really liked the sticky click-and-lock modules. We just used the grease pencils on them and wiped off to create new characters. That was a great way to do it. Of course, a bunch of copies and a glue stick is the low-tech way to go. :)

Message 14053#150763

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On 2/4/2005 at 3:35pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
RE: More Downloads

Tony, if selling the laminated click-and-lock sets would be too expensive, what about custom sticky pads? You know, like Post-It notes, but pre-printed and with a custom cut?

Message 14053#150767

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On 2/4/2005 at 3:35pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: More Downloads

Well, I'm looking around at sticker-print places, so maybe I'll get lucky and we can all have pretty laminated stickies for a low, low price. So far though, they're not offering exactly what I'm looking for.

Message 14053#150769

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