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Topic: Modern WYRD
Started by: Tim Denee
Started on: 2/28/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 2/28/2002 at 6:43am, Tim Denee wrote:
Modern WYRD

Anyone thought about running a modern game with the WYRD rules?
I have an image of a norwegian punk band in some sort of peril in the city of Midgard.
Modern setting, but with trippy, hallucinatory viking/norse sequences.
Each player's take on the reality would be entirely individual. One person might choose to belive that this really is a magical world; another might take the visions/weirdness as metaphors/dreams/hallucinations, nothing more.

Message 1507#14118

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On 2/28/2002 at 6:28pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Modern WYRD

Hey there,

A lot of peole have discussed a lot of different ways to play WYRD, including Wild West WYRD, Giant Robo WYRD, and post-apocalyptic WYRD. Sadly, most of this has just been idle discussion.

I'm not sure anyone's suggested exactly what you describe, but if it's a story about characters rushing headlong towards Fate that interests you, WYRD's the game for it. The imagery - Valkyries swarming modern day battlefields, Fenris on the loose in the streets of New York, all that kind of stuff - would be really cool.

If you ever decide to give this shot, get with me, 'cause the rules for WYRD are undergoing some pretty significant changes right now. Hopefully I'll have an up-to-date revision ready by GenCon.

Take care,

Message 1507#14161

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On 2/28/2002 at 6:32pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Modern WYRD

I've been kind of thinking that the world needs a good Rock 'n' Reel roleplaying game. Should've occured to me to think of Wyrd.


Message 1507#14162

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On 2/28/2002 at 6:58pm, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Modern WYRD

Do you guys remember Monkey from Dexter's Laboratory? Occasionally Monkey chummed around with Valhallan, the Norse god of Rock and Roll, or something like that.

That's all that comes to mind when you guys talk about Rock & Roll WYRD.

Ragnarock on!

- Scott

Message 1507#14166

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On 2/28/2002 at 11:15pm, Paul Czege wrote:
WYRD Camelot

Hey Tim,

This isn't exactly along the lines of what you were thinking, but at one point last year I was somewhat seriously considering using WYRD for a a 1960's Camelot/Kennedy's thing. The player characters would have been brothers, members of a political dynasty, President, Attorney General, Senator, something like that. And in keeping with the notion of their fates being inextricably linked together, the characters would all share the same bag of stones.

Too many cool games. Not enough time.


Message 1507#14192

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On 3/1/2002 at 12:23pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Modern WYRD


I asked around and my little group is In Favor of rock and reel Wyrd. We won't play for a few several weeks (hm, I think I'll put up some quick mead while I'm waiting) but then it'll be the land of Garmarna and Hedningarna on the cd player and punk musicians vs. all the monsters at the end of the world.

So I've been following Paul's thread over in Design, and I've got the book from last Gen Con (right?). What changes do you want us to use?


Message 1507#14222

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On 3/1/2002 at 6:33pm, Blake Hutchins wrote:
RE: Modern WYRD

Hedningarna rocks. Seriously. Great suggestion. The Nordic Roots collections have a fabulous number of excellent folk/rock groups with off-the-beaten-track, haunting melodies. Another thing: Sweden has a strong tradition of "player-men," or fiddle players. Take a look for some of those groups and you'll get some excellent folk tunes, some just as darkly edged as Hedningarna's stuff. Vasen is one I recommend.



Message 1507#14258

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On 3/2/2002 at 1:04am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Modern WYRD


Currently, I'm exploring a couple different options with my group. If you look at the suggestions in the Game Design forum, I'm leaning most towards Valamir's and my own. I think they'll get the job done without forcing me to re-think my entire design. I'm also thinking of cutting the cost of Trappings in half, to better accomodate those rules changes, to make the game less "crunchy", and because Trappings have proven to be one of the more enjoyable aspects of the game.

I'll keep you updated, maybe even as soon at this evening. I don't know a damn thing about the Norse punk rock stuff, but it sounds fucking great.

- Scott

Message 1507#14286

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On 3/2/2002 at 1:18am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Modern WYRD

Out of curiousity Scott (and you can reply to the design forum where this actually belongs) what did you think of the "go out with a roar" idea?

Message 1507#14287

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