The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Old jack dungeon
Started by: Tim Denee
Started on: 2/28/2002
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 2/28/2002 at 10:50am, Tim Denee wrote:
Old jack dungeon

A redundant topic, I know, but I just felt like saying...

Applying this to the Burke series of novels, here's the character breakdown (using some of the more prevalent characters):

Burke: Rogue

Burke's main skills are survival, tracking, and knowing his enemy inside-out. He's a ranger.

I reckon the Prof's more of a rogue. Maybe a rogue/cleric multiclass.

Message 1508#14123

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On 2/28/2002 at 2:49pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Old jack dungeon

Yeah, then he's a multiclass Ranger. Cuz' he's got lots of skill points...but I'd agree with that assesment.

Message 1508#14130

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