Topic: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 4/24/2005
Board: Conventions
On 4/24/2005 at 4:31pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
[GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
Buy-ins for the Forge booth at GenCon 2005 officially begin on May 1.
It is not first-come, first-served. Or rather it kind of is, but subject to any arbitrary judgment. No explanations will be made, beyond me saying that I'd like to make sure that newcomers aren't crowded out.
Buy-ins are $100 and $200. The difference in "privileges" at the booth is a Big Fat Nothing. You pay the higher rate if you want to. However, first-time participants are limited to the $100 range. I hope to have a better banner situation, in putting the Forge banner above the curtain, making (small) banner space available for all publishers.
In addition to the buy-in cost, you also must cover the cost of your badge. Before June 29, badges cost $60. After, they cost $70. Just to keep things simple, let's close the buy-in process by June 15, which means that we can rely on the badge cost being $60.
Unlike previous years, additional friends and helpers will not get Forge booth badges. They must buy their own GenCon membership and will not be considered booth staff. Their presence at the booth, to whatever extent helps the booth goals, is welcome. Any exceptions to this would definitely only occur through special pleading and special reasons.
If you want to participate, first email me, then (when I say yes), Paypal you payment to me. Starting May 1.
On 4/25/2005 at 1:57am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
Oops. I forgot to mention booth monkeys. Signups for monkey-dom will be held during the same time.
On 4/25/2005 at 2:50am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
The earlier opt-in mean anything?
Already stated my own intent earlier- that have anything to do with this?
On 4/25/2005 at 2:53am, Valamir wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
It might be helpful to clarify the difference between
additional friends and helpers ... will not be considered booth staff. Their presence at the booth, to whatever extent helps the booth goals, is welcome.
booth monkeys
especially for the benefit of new booth folk.
On 4/25/2005 at 2:36pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
"Hey, I want to have an exhibitor badge at the Forge booth, but I don't have a game. I want to help promote all these cool games you guys have."
Examples: Andy Kitkowski, Julie Stauffer. The booth monkey is expected to put in at least a half-day of work at the booth every day he or she attends the con. Expectations are very high for participating in demos and providing the right atmosphere at the booth.
"Hey, I'll be at the Forge booth with my game, and here's my money for my own badge as well as for my pal Bob, who really likes my game and will help me promote it."
No examples given. This year, Bob will have to get his own GenCon attendee badge, and is free to play exactly the same role he did last year. He's welcome at the booth, but is not booth staff.
Nuance #1: Some companies include more than one person. They typically all get exhibitor badges, which is OK.
Nuance #2: The main requirement for a booth monkey is intense commitment to the publishing aims/outlook of the Forge. So it's very important that the person has been participating here and has demonstrated this commitment.
On 5/10/2005 at 7:43pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
Whoops, sorry Nate, I missed your post first time around.
The answer: telling me earlier that you intend to sign up was important, but does not in itself consitute signing up - that takes money. It certainly means that you'd get some weight if I have to choose between you and someone else, which historically has never been a problem. (No one, to date, has been turned down from participating, if they were eligible.)
So folks, if you did commit earlier, but haven't yet paid, then you are not in yet. You're on a "good" list in my head, but you're not in yet. Please get in touch.
On 5/11/2005 at 2:21am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
To be expected. I just knew it'd be mid-May here before I could send payment and wanted to be sure I didn't get gyped as I do REALLY REALLY plan on/want to be there! (52 events listed, I BETTER be there!)
On 5/11/2005 at 3:07pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
To clarify:
We can/should pay the badge cost now as well? So, payment can be $160 or $260, yes?
On 5/11/2005 at 3:53pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
Badge cost with booth cost, yes.
On 6/7/2005 at 2:16pm, Jason Mical wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
I haven't seen this covered anywhere else, but if I missed it, apologies.
I want to be able to sell a few copies of my game, but because I work for another game company, I'm going to have to be in their booth all four days at GenCon and won't be able to do anything at The Forge booth during show hours, and I won't need a badge.
I realize that a game isn't much without someone to demo it, so I can do demos after hours - and I'd like to help the cause. Is there a good solution for someone in my position?
On 6/7/2005 at 2:54pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
Hi Jason,
The possibility existed that your game could be sold at the booth in your absence; this is being done for a couple of games. The cost is $100 and no badge cost.
However, you are past the deadline, and I request that you email me. The likelihood of an exception is small, but get in touch.
On 6/7/2005 at 8:30pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
In addition to the buy-in cost, you also must cover the cost of your badge. Before June 29, badges cost $60. After, they cost $70. Just to keep things simple, let's close the buy-in process by June 15, which means that we can rely on the badge cost being $60.
Did I miss a post somehwere? (very possible)
I've been up in the air about whether or not I'll be selling Kayfabe this year and thought I had another week to decide. If not I guess my mind has been made up and I am out.
I know I said a while back that I was in, so if you were already counting on me (despite not having given you any money yet) I guess my mind is made up too and I'm in.
My big concern is that I only have a dozen or so copies of Kayfabe left and I don't think my recent sales warrant another print run. This means if I sell out I pretty much just paid for my $100 participation fee and break even.
Please let me know if my mind is made up :-)
On 6/8/2005 at 1:38am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Buy-ins begin May 1
Whoops!! I was thinking June 1. My mistake; Matt, thanks for the correction.
Matt and Jason, get in touch with me by email. There's still room and still time.