The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Got my copy... Get yours today!
Started by: Gaerik
Started on: 4/29/2005
Board: Universalis

On 4/29/2005 at 8:50pm, Gaerik wrote:
Got my copy... Get yours today!

Okay, I got my copy in the mail a week or so ago and have finished reading the rules and digesting them a bit. This is a really cool game!... and I haven't even played it yet. So, if there's someone out there sitting on the fence about Universalis, stop sitting! Go spend the $15 on it now. You know who you are. Go on now... Git!

This post really does have a point besides plugging a cool game. I was wondering if Mike or Ralph or both were going to be at GenCon this year and if they were planning on running sessions of Universalis. While the game kicks ass, it is sufficiently far from my normal way of gaming (and so far from my normal group that it defies description) that I'd really like to play some with the experts before taking the plunge on my own. Yes, I know that sounds chicken-shit... and it is... but I want it to go well the first time I run it for my group so that they want to buy the game and play it some more.

Message 15264#162964

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On 4/29/2005 at 8:57pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Got my copy... Get yours today!

Thanks, Andrew

I will definitely be at GenCon along with the Forge booth and Uni will definitely be there for demos and purchase. As far as I know Mike will also be there.

Your plug is greatly go forth and plug on sites where everyone doesn't already own the game...<big wink>

Look foward to seeing you there.


Message 15264#162967

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On 4/29/2005 at 9:23pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Got my copy... Get yours today!

Valamir wrote: As far as I know Mike will also be there.
I'm kind of a fixture. I've only missed GenCon for military duty in the last, oh, twentysome years, and I'm not in the military any more. So count on it. :-)

That said, why wait til then? The game is different, but it's also pretty darn easy to play. Yeah, you'll have the jitters the first time out, but you'll also be successful first time out. Maybe not startlingly, but you'll have learned the system pretty much. One really doesn't need expert help to play Universalis. That was a design goal that I think we met pretty well, if I do say so, without giving up too much structure.


Message 15264#162970

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