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Topic: Anybody Got Any News on VoidScape?
Started by: Voidwalker
Started on: 3/5/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 3/5/2002 at 3:05am, Voidwalker wrote:
Anybody Got Any News on VoidScape?

Ya see, I have a vested interest in whether VoidScape is still in the capable hands of Tom McGrenery, or if I have to take over, so as to ensure VoidScape doesn't die... :(

Message 1532#14428

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...started by Voidwalker which Voidwalker participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/5/2002

On 3/5/2002 at 4:09am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Anybody Got Any News on VoidScape?

Voidwalker wrote:
Ya see, I have a vested interest in whether VoidScape is still in the capable hands of Tom McGrenery, or if I have to take over, so as to ensure VoidScape doesn't die... :(

My thoughts on this whole VoidScape debacle (which by now is right up there with Enron and this whole "Middle East" thing) is that um, maybe you should like, send ol' Tom an email and ask the brotha.

But there I go, surfin' the net without taking my medication again...sheesh.

- J

Message 1532#14433

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...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/5/2002

On 3/12/2002 at 11:12am, Voidwalker wrote:
RE: Anybody Got Any News on VoidScape?

*sighs* It's one of those "Would if I could" things... by the way, how's Eight going? I haven't seen much updates in that quarter, which is kinda... disheartening... it's a good game... :/

Message 1532#14804

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...started by Voidwalker which Voidwalker participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 3/12/2002

On 3/12/2002 at 3:58pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Anybody Got Any News on VoidScape?

Voidwalker wrote:
*sighs* It's one of those "Would if I could" things... by the way, how's Eight going? I haven't seen much updates in that quarter, which is kinda... disheartening... it's a good game... :/

Surprisingly enough, people are playing it. Weird.

Right now, I got octaNe and InSpectres to do. Then we'll see what happens. I still want to work on both eight and Tooth & Claw.

Message 1532#14824

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...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/12/2002

On 3/13/2002 at 8:18am, Voidwalker wrote:
RE: Anybody Got Any News on VoidScape?

*laughs* yeah, I play Eight too, when I can get some players for it... it appeals to the childlike part of me, I think... *grins* but then, that's what it's meant to do, ne c'est pas?

Message 1532#14933

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Voidwalker which Voidwalker participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/13/2002

On 3/14/2002 at 9:19am, Voidwalker wrote:
RE: Anybody Got Any News on VoidScape?

Well, I've finally got some news on VoidScape... It's apparently a dead project... well, not so! The re-write begins now!!!

Message 1532#15040

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...started by Voidwalker which Voidwalker participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 3/14/2002