The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Fonts, fonts, fonts...who's got the fonts?
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 3/6/2002
Board: Publishing

On 3/6/2002 at 3:16pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Fonts, fonts, fonts...who's got the fonts?

For your game logo needs, a great site:

Lots of stuff thing is you can type in a word and see an instant preview of that word spelled out in any of the listed fonts. Cool.

Message 1542#14536

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On 3/6/2002 at 3:45pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Fonts, fonts, fonts...who's got the fonts?

This link should go up in the gamers resource section.

Message 1542#14538

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On 3/6/2002 at 5:53pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: Fonts, fonts, fonts...who's got the fonts?

And a cheer for Jared for posting this! I've been downloading a bunch of 'western' fonts lately, have a sweet character sheet made for Dust Devils. I'm still looking for good b-movie style fonts tho...

Message 1542#14550

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On 3/6/2002 at 6:11pm, Matt Snyder wrote:

unodiablo wrote:
And a cheer for Jared for posting this! I've been downloading a bunch of 'western' fonts lately, have a sweet character sheet made for Dust Devils. I'm still looking for good b-movie style fonts tho...

Agreed. Good stuff -- I'm a regular typography fanatic, so this feeds my addiction.

As for a Dust Devils character sheet, now that's high praise! It tells me someone's actually crazy enough to play the damn thing. Thanks, Sean, for that! I'd be happy to post character sheets or anything else on my site if you like.

FYI, I'm working on some revisions to the playtest, especially after recent disucssions on Premise. I'm also going to put together a more browser friendly version -- the "official" Dust Devils web page. Yee haw!

Message 1542#14551

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On 3/6/2002 at 9:40pm, J B Bell wrote:
Cumblerland Fontworks

S. John Ross, author of Risus, also has some specialty gaming-oriented fonts, most of them free. Very nice work. Here's the URL:


Message 1542#14579

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On 3/7/2002 at 2:51am, Bailey wrote:
RE: Fonts, fonts, fonts...who's got the fonts?

And S. John's free font of the month is a distressed font.

I love distressed fonts.

Message 1542#14587

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...from around 3/7/2002

On 3/7/2002 at 10:23am, Ben Morgan wrote:
RE: Fonts, fonts, fonts...who's got the fonts?

Damn. Even after the update (which is taking forever), I'll still have only half that much. Okay, now I'm humbled. :)

Message 1542#14592

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On 3/7/2002 at 6:33pm, Matt wrote:
RE: Fonts, fonts, fonts...who's got the fonts?

Cool, and it doesn't suffer from "death by popups" as so many font sites do.

I occasionally visit , which has many fonts, each with it's own amusing quote.


Message 1542#14611

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On 3/31/2002 at 11:14am, Wolfen wrote:


New to The Forge, but already very interested in a lot that I see here. Anyhow, on the topic of fonts, does anyone know of any programs which can be used to create your own fonts? I've an alphabet in my game which almost resembles runic, but not quite, and I'd like to create a font that I could use to type in it.

Message 1542#16492

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...from around 3/31/2002

On 3/31/2002 at 3:25pm, Bailey wrote:
Re: Fonts

Wolfen wrote: Hey,

New to The Forge, but already very interested in a lot that I see here. Anyhow, on the topic of fonts, does anyone know of any programs which can be used to create your own fonts? I've an alphabet in my game which almost resembles runic, but not quite, and I'd like to create a font that I could use to type in it.

I'm replying in a new topic since creation is a new subject and we usually let old threads die after a month or so.

Message 1542#16496

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