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Topic: Religion plus RPG plus goofiness equals...
Started by: mahoux
Started on: 3/6/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 3/6/2002 at 9:56pm, mahoux wrote:
Religion plus RPG plus goofiness equals...

The Only Game in Town. Here is my first submissions of one of my games on the Forge. It is at

I hope people give me a little feedback on the game as I would like to add the art (that's why there are blank spaces) and possibly publish it online or as a cheapy printed piece.

Go to it!

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Message 1547#14581

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On 3/9/2002 at 12:14am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Religion plus RPG plus goofiness equals...

To convert (a part of) a town, you just have to roll under your message, yes?
So what's the point in your emissary doing anything before trying to convert people?
It seems to me that showing the townspeople your holy skill with propane and propane accessories doesn't add or subtract from your roll. It doesn't seem to do anything.
Likewise, what's the point of performing holy miracles, (as a god, not through an emissary)?

Other things:
1) The average dice roll for difficulty is way too clunky. Just have the person attempting the task nominate another player, that player rolls three dice, takes the middle one.
2) There should be some sort of map-building function, where you can semi-randomly create a map of the 'realm' together. With pre-set distances between cities, skills like 'run swiftly' come in handy.
3) You need more detail in regard to the holy army thing. How do I decide how many dice to roll when my army attacks? Do both sides roll once, for the entire battle? Is the loser wiped out? If the attacker successfully takes an enemy town, does that town instantly convert?
4) Basically, this game feels like a cool gamist idea, but it's too loose. I want concrete maps, concrete stats for army, actual goals for my emissaries.
Perhaps each town has one or more bonuses, (based on its size). For example: gullible, (easy to convert), iron mines, (add dice to your army), horse experts, (add cavalry to your army), learned population, (hard to convert, but give good emissaries), hardy, (add defensive dice to your army, make tougher emissaries).
Perhaps you can burn certain dice, (wealth?), for certain effects. E.g. build a divine statue, (makes town harder to convert to other religions), build seige engines, (bonus dice for army when attacking towns).

People could use little figurines to show what each town has going for it. Each god has a colour. A coloured pebble shows a god's presence in that town. A little lego man shows you have a divine statue there. A little lego horse shows they have horses. And so on.

Message 1547#14675

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On 3/9/2002 at 12:26am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Religion plus RPG plus goofiness equals...

In fact, screw TOGiT, I'm gonna go play Civ III.
Viva la United Communist States of America!

Message 1547#14678

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...from around 3/9/2002