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Topic: Falling into a different layer of reality
Started by: PlotDevice
Started on: 6/9/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 6/9/2005 at 6:30am, PlotDevice wrote:
Falling into a different layer of reality

Hi all.

Lurker mostly, occasional speaker of half off-topic things, posting about something I am working on and hoping for some advice on.

I won't go into specifics on the game itself yet, but I will go into specifics on one element of the game. It is mostly arted out, has a large amount of writing done for it, but still needs much work. Hoping to release it before the end of the season.

So, here we go. Characters exist in game universe. One aspect of the Game universe may be that the entire universe is a tv show. In some versions of the game the characters can 'break the fourth wall' and interact with the show level of reality. (ok, done before)

Now. Characters can also go further and interact with the Audience of the show. Audience is represented by the players not involved in the immediate action, so their characters are currently 'off camera'.

Now again. Characters can also under some circumstances go another step further and interact with the Players of other characters as players in a game about the show.

So there are three levels of attributes I am dealing with. Character attributes. Show attributes. Player attributes.

My issue is, taking this concept to it's logical conclusion means that a direct representation of a player may end up getting dragged into the show level, or even into the game level. (like the old VnV situation gone a bit mental).

So my problem is: What happens to the character that they are otherwise playing, while they are representing themself in these other worlds? Obvious answer is to make the character that they are normally playing become an NPC or keep them off camera, but I don't know if this is the best way of representing the situation, and don't nessisarily want the character that a player normally represents fall out of their control because of this kind of situation. Plus the concept of 'meeting your creater / alter ego' is too cool to give up on it. These drives are in vague opposition, and I am just having issues in making it work right / at all to my satisfaction.

I am looking for any creative suggestions people might have. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help, and warm regards,


Message 15640#166919

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On 6/9/2005 at 4:14pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Falling into a different layer of reality


Perhaps the characters they are not playing represent their Favorite Character on the show. Therefore, if the players can work in their character's name, subplot, or whatever else, the character recieve some type of reward (exp, plot points, fame bonuses, etc.)



Message 15640#166949

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On 6/9/2005 at 11:23pm, PlotDevice wrote:
RE: Falling into a different layer of reality

Thanks Troy!

But I am afraid I really don't understand your idea. Can you expand it a little for benefit of my beleaguered brain?

Thanks a heap.

Message 15640#166995

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On 6/10/2005 at 2:58am, Allan wrote:
RE: Falling into a different layer of reality

I love the multi-layered reality idea, PlotDevice. Not sure if this would work, for you but here's an idea.

When a player enters the fantasy world of the characters, their character dissapears, and enters the real world of the other players in your living room. You've got two different scenes happening. The charcter can't ever meet their own maker, but they can meet the rest of the "game gods" or Audience or whatever.

Message 15640#167012

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On 6/10/2005 at 3:54am, PlotDevice wrote:
RE: Falling into a different layer of reality


OK, my brain just lost a gear. Thanks for that Allan. It may not work, it may not be what I go with, but that is a simple yet brilliant idea.

Thanks a heap.

Message 15640#167016

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...started by PlotDevice which PlotDevice participated Indie Game Design
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