The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Beta anyone?
Started by: JSDiamond
Started on: 3/11/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 3/11/2002 at 9:23pm, JSDiamond wrote:
Beta anyone?

Game overview: Space-opera in the spirit of Heavy Metal meets Cowboy Bebop. Ron Edwards described a typical party of Orbit characters as "looking like an underground comics parade on acid, packing rayguns." That about does it.

My magnum opus is ready. Maybe 'beta' isn't exactly the correct term, since it has been tested. But I am offering copies of Orbit to any Forge member who will play it with their group and let me know how the setting and system work/feel/compliment each other, etc. This will be followed by an emailed list of questions for the players to answer.

The reason for this beta thing is that the system is a bit sneaky and I want to be certain that players will 'get it'. Because the system will, slowly but surely, move players away from rolling dice all of the time. In a nutshell: the more powerful (e.g., 'experienced' or whatever you want to call it) a character becomes, the more authorial power they gain. I'll enclose extra info for the GM (not errata, but starting point info to better illustrate this and other key facets of the game).

The beta-copy (book) is mostly without artwork, but it's all there and playable. Email me at the Forge if you are interested in playing an advanced butt-ugly beta-copy of Orbit.


Message 1573#14783

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...started by JSDiamond which JSDiamond participated Indie Game Design
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On 3/11/2002 at 9:26pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Beta anyone?

Man, you know I'm there. But give me pictures! Even a couple of the rejects.


Message 1573#14784

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On 3/12/2002 at 3:06am, Galfraxas wrote:
Hey, I'll help.


I'd be happy to help. I have a small group of people that I play with regularly and we would be happy to test Orbit. Sorry for not emailing you, but I couldn't find your email address. Feel free to send me more info, either in an email, or just post it on the boards.

Tim Boser

Message 1573#14792

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On 3/12/2002 at 7:14am, Dav wrote:
Ron beat me to the punch

I was just about to go offerin' to play, then Ron goes and offers for me! Anyway, I second the Ron-motion. Sounds fun as all get-out.


Message 1573#14798

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On 3/12/2002 at 8:25pm, JSDiamond wrote:
RE: Beta anyone?

Thanks for the responses, everyone.

Dav, I'd be happy to send you a copy (I tried emailing you through your site, but it got bounced back).


Message 1573#14855

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...started by JSDiamond which JSDiamond participated Indie Game Design
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On 3/13/2002 at 12:41am, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Beta anyone?

If you have some good reference material posted online somewhere, could you provide some URL's? I would like to run the idea by my group, see if they are hip to it, but I'd like to have some concrete info to hit them with. A quick and dirty system description, some setting info, and a bit on your core influences and thematics would be just peachy.

Message 1573#14895

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On 3/13/2002 at 1:27am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Beta anyone?

Ben (Bailywolf),

Unless I badly miss my guess, Orbit is definitely for you. Check out the Orbit website for more info and be very nice to Jeff, 'cause he's amazing when he likes you. (Proof = the art in Elfs)


Message 1573#14899

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On 3/13/2002 at 2:00am, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Beta anyone?


Jeff, I HAVE to get in on this action! That Rogue Telepath I've been itching to create is screaming in my ear right now like a squalling fat kid in the back seat as you drive past a Baskin Robins.

Message 1573#14902

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On 3/13/2002 at 11:52pm, JSDiamond wrote:
RE: Beta anyone?

Ben, you are so in. Expect your butt-ugly copy shortly.


Message 1573#15020

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On 3/14/2002 at 8:26am, Ferry Bazelmans wrote:
RE: Beta anyone?

Hi Jeff,

Any chance this poor European schmuck could get in on the action? *smile*

Fer (Crayne)

Message 1573#15038

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