The Forge Reference Project


Topic: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.
Started by: unheilig studios
Started on: 6/18/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 6/18/2005 at 6:43am, unheilig studios wrote:
unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.


some of you old timers out there might remember me... some of you may distinctly remember getting into heated arguements with me.


for a few years, i was working on a game i am rather proud of. Primeval: The Game of Mythic Storytelling. Playtesting went well... better than one could have hoped. but production... well... a nightmare. The problem is, no one (including me) can seem to write what needs to be written for this game. Many have tried (including me) and many have failed (including me).

the whole experience embittered me and gave me a case of artist block that a whole box of All-Bran couldn't budge.

but time heals all wounds, even self-inflicted ones. and the old gears in my brainpan, they are a churnin' once more. but not for Primeval. Not sure that particular story will ever get told proper. but new things are a-perkalatin' in my crusty imagination.

This gives me the wherewithall to poke my head back in at The Forge, and the familiar names make me smile... Jared, Scott Knipe, Ron, Matt Snyder, Matt Gwinn, Mike Holmes...

so if'n y'all still have an empty seat for me, i'd like to hang out awhile, and wax theoretic with y'all on our favorite pasttime: Tellin' Stories With Dice.


Message 15731#167853

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...started by unheilig studios which unheilig studios participated Indie Game Design
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On 6/18/2005 at 1:40pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

Welcome back, Tom. Yeah, a bunch of us have been waiting for Primeval for a couple years now, and won't mind waiting a couple years more. :-)

Take your time with it, but when you're ready to break it down, feel free to post your game design thoughts here. A lot of us would love to help!

Also, check out postings about a game coming out this summer called "POLARIS". It's doing a lot of what you were aiming for with Primeval, I think, although the feel of the game is TOTALLY different, and the rules wouldn't work as well in a Primeval environment- But the rules are all based on argument and negotiation, and might serve as a good eye-opener to something that works well for Primeval.

-Andy K

BTW, you're in Milwaukee right? If you come to GenCon you can play it at the Forge Booth. Or get involved with the "how to make games" discussion.

Message 15731#167859

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...started by Andy Kitkowski which Andy Kitkowski participated Indie Game Design
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On 6/19/2005 at 12:12am, Del wrote:
How the hell are ya.

Hey 'lig.

I kinda wondered about Primeval but I don't get a lot of info about RPGNetters seeing as how half the gaming internet has banned me ... oh the joy of the World Wide Web. I too returned to gaming last winter, myself. You and Andy should check it out: , more then just games there.

Good to see you again. Stick around here for my Dark Soviet outline I'm going to throw to the criti-wolves for feedback.

Del aka Ghoest Police aka NachoNinja

Message 15731#167882

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On 6/19/2005 at 2:04pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

Hi, man. Welcome (back?) to the Forge!

Is there a particular problem you're having with the game right now, that we can help you with in this forum? If so, I'd like to know about it. If you have a game text that you're satisfied with, come over to Publishing and we can help you with production options.


Message 15731#167901

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On 6/19/2005 at 11:32pm, unheilig studios wrote:
RE: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

my biggest problem right now is no desire to tell That Story. I think i need a fresh genre to work in for awhile.

i do have some productin questions though, so i will head over there!

Message 15731#167922

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On 6/20/2005 at 4:18pm, DjtHeutii wrote:
RE: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

Like a bad penny(or an evil shadow), I'm back too. :)

Message 15731#167978

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On 6/24/2005 at 12:14am, Jerry D. Grayson wrote:
RE: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

Primeval was a great game. I’m glad to see that your creative juices are flowing again. If you next endeavor is anything like your last I’m sure it will be a success.

Message 15731#168266

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...started by Jerry D. Grayson which Jerry D. Grayson participated Indie Game Design
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On 7/2/2005 at 2:34am, jdrakeh wrote:
Re: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

unheilig studios wrote: Not sure that particular story will ever get told proper.

Out of curiosity, I read a rather heated post that you made somewhere else concerning Primeval's fate that was quite a bit different from this post, so no I'm a bit confused. Did you simply stop developing the game, or was it yanked out from under you? If you don't feel comfortable answering on the forum, feel free to PM me. Either way, it's nice to see that you're still around and willing to give game design another go.

Message 15731#168977

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On 7/2/2005 at 1:57pm, unheilig studios wrote:
RE: Re: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

jdrakeh wrote:
unheilig studios wrote: Not sure that particular story will ever get told proper.

Out of curiosity, I read a rather heated post that you made somewhere else concerning Primeval's fate that was quite a bit different from this post, so no I'm a bit confused. Did you simply stop developing the game, or was it yanked out from under you? If you don't feel comfortable answering on the forum, feel free to PM me. Either way, it's nice to see that you're still around and willing to give game design another go.

that issue (that i don't wish to resurrect here) is basically resolved, and NOT why Primeval is not on the plate right now.

between the recent glut of TERRBILE historical epics, and what a monster of a projcet it became, Primeval just needs to step backstage for a bit.

Message 15731#168996

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...started by unheilig studios which unheilig studios participated Indie Game Design
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On 7/2/2005 at 8:48pm, jdrakeh wrote:
RE: Re: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

unheilig studios wrote: that issue (that i don't wish to resurrect here) is basically resolved, and NOT why Primeval is not on the plate right now.

Cool. Still confused, but I'll respect your desire not to talk about it.

Message 15731#169016

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On 7/5/2005 at 6:24pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

Hey Tom, good to hear from you!

I feel fortunate to have been one of the few who got a chance to actually play Primeval, but, that said, I can completely understand what you are saying about it above. Time to move on, sad as that might be.

So, well...what's the new idea!

Anyhow, if you're still in Milwaukee, contact me offline so we can get some gaming going with you.


Message 15731#169283

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On 7/5/2005 at 7:26pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: unheilig: an old soldier returns to the front.

I'm glad to see you back, Tom, but this thread probably needs to stop. It seems to have become a socializing thing.

Folks, keep the "glad you're back" comments for PM.

Looking forward to the new threads.


Message 15731#169298

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