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Topic: Injustice question
Started by: Selachian
Started on: 7/4/2005
Board: lumpley games

On 7/4/2005 at 7:45pm, Selachian wrote:
Injustice question

I'm working on my first town, but I'm having trouble coming up with a way to get from the particular Pride I have in mind to a particular Injustice.

My idea so far: The Steward of the town spent most of his life as a traveling missionary for the King and has not been able to leave his old habits behind. He's Proud of his ability to make converts, so much so that he spends most of his time up among the nearby Mountain People. While this has done some good -- he's brought a lot of converts to the town -- he also feels that people who have been brought up in the Faith should know how to settle their problems without him having to constantly intervene.

I can see a lot of possible ways to go with the Sin -- Faithlessness is obvious, but there's also Disunity ("Our Steward favors those converted savages over us!" "Those townsfolk think we're not good enough, even though we worship the same King!") and Apostasy (perhaps some of the converts haven't left their old faith behind completely).

But Injustice gives me pause. Should I just create one townsperson who's been particularly affected by the Steward's neglect -- even though there will be plenty of townspeople who have been affected in different ways? It feels like I'll be shutting off a lot of possible options that way.

Message 15866#169142

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On 7/4/2005 at 7:59pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Injustice question

The Steward's got kin, don't he?

Plus, who does the town look to when the Steward's not available? Forcing someone into a role they aren't fit for is Injustice as well.

Message 15866#169145

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On 7/5/2005 at 1:12pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Injustice question

Injustices bridge between pride and sin. You've got the pride, you've got some sins, so what to do for injustice is:

What specific insult led this guy to say "our Steward favors those converted savages over us!"?

What insult led to "those townsfolk think we're not good enough, even though we worship the same King!"?

And as to this one, "perhaps some of the converts haven't left their old faith behind completely," that comes of injustice too - there's some way in which the new faith isn't serving them as well as the old faith did, and it ought to.


Message 15866#169210

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On 7/5/2005 at 1:29pm, Simon Kamber wrote:
RE: Injustice question

How about "The steward is paying more attention to the unconverted mountain people than the people in his branch" or "The steward is turning down requests for help from the community as unimportant".

Which leads neatly to him neglecting his duties in the town.

Message 15866#169213

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On 7/7/2005 at 5:45am, Selachian wrote:
RE: Injustice question

Perhaps I'll go with a combination: an unwilling man is forced to serve as a substitute Steward, and he resents the converts because they add even more work to his load (plus, they're living symbols of the fact that the Steward is not doing what he should be doing). That translates neatly into Disunity, and the Demonic Attack could involve further hardening the substitute Steward's (and the townsfolk's) hearts. I can save Apostasy for another town -- seems like two Sins is plenty.

Thanks for the help.

Message 15866#169505

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