The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?
Started by: jrs
Started on: 7/5/2005
Board: Conventions

On 7/5/2005 at 3:35pm, jrs wrote:
[GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?

Hi all,

Last month, I mentioned here that I wanted to create a retailer handout for GenCon. My idea is to produce a one-page consolodation of useful information about the games available at the Forge booth. The handout would specifically target retailers and provide sufficient information for a retailer to get the games into his or her store. I was thinking of a list of the games with pricing and contact information for the game designer and any distributors.

So far, I have received two responses.

I do consider participation optional, but two games is not sufficient to make a useful handout. I'm thinking that there needs to be at least 50% representation for it to be worthwhile. If you are interested in being included on such a handout, please let me know by July 13.


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On 7/5/2005 at 4:41pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?

Hi, Julie.

I'm all for this, but don't know all of what retailers would want to know. Can you give us the kinds of information (not specifics, of course) that your two respondents have given you, along with what you recall of retailer questions of years past. I'd imagine you'd need at least:

Game Name:
Creator Name:
Cover Price:
Retailer discount (at the booth):
Retailer discount (post-GenCon):
Other terms (minimum order, etc.):
Who to contact post-GenCon (Creator's e-mail, Key20, etc.):

Message 15881#169263

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On 7/5/2005 at 7:44pm, jrs wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?


What you list is pretty much what I had in mind. I also think a small physical description would be useful--dimensions, pagination, soft/hard cover, extra components, etc.

At the past two GenCon's, the retailer questions that I received were along the lines of "How do I get these games in my store?" Usually I referred these questions to individual game authors (if present and not occupied) or gave them cards (if available). I know of one retailer when told she would have to consult each creater, simply gave up and left. This is what gave me the idea of a handout. I don't know that it will result in any more sales, but I don't think it could hurt.


p.s. I do not need exact details right now, I'm only trying to determine interest among the game sellers at the booth. If you claim interest, I will either cull information from your website or personally hound you for the information needed.

Message 15881#169302

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On 7/5/2005 at 7:51pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?

"Interest" for sure. Count me in, Julie.


Message 15881#169303

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On 7/5/2005 at 7:53pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?

p.s. I do not need exact details right now, I'm only trying to determine interest among the game sellers at the booth. If you claim interest, I will either cull information from your website or personally hound you for the information needed.

I'm interested.


Message 15881#169304

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On 7/5/2005 at 7:54pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?

Me too for certain.


Message 15881#169305

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On 7/5/2005 at 7:57pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?

Count me as interested too.


Message 15881#169307

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On 7/5/2005 at 9:23pm, Malcolm wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?

PMed Julie earlier, but just to say here I think this is a great idea.


Message 15881#169321

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On 7/6/2005 at 3:01pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: [GenCon 2005] Retailer handout?

Michael has a good list, and to add to that:
Focus on-

A) Distribution: too many retailers at GenCon will only deal with their distributor. Had a LOT of folks saying to me last year "Yea, thats an awesome game, I'd love to carry it! Here's my card, let me know when Alliances carries the title."
For us, as alot of us deal with Key20, a good thing to do is emphasise that anything Key20 has can be ordered by nearly any distributor (Might be a good idea to get a list of eveyone Jason deals with to be certain). This year, I CAN say "Why yes, my products are available through Alliances. *grin*"

B) Support: Advertising, online support etc. GameBuyer kind of stuff.

I'll be producing my own mini-catalog with information so I won't be participating, but very cool ^_^

Message 15881#169412

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