The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Risus]Compelling Cliches a la Fate?
Started by: loki's wrangling
Started on: 7/11/2005
Board: RPG Theory

On 7/11/2005 at 3:11pm, loki's wrangling wrote:
[Risus]Compelling Cliches a la Fate?

So I'm planning a one-shot space opera, rather like a single episode of Star Trek. Risus, with its ultra-simple character generation, seems a perfect system with which to run one-shots without using pre-gens.

And I got to thinking...wouldn't it be nice if Risus Cliches could be used like Fate's Aspects, in the sense that taking a negative Cliche could actually help? What I'm thinking is, obviously, along the line of bonus dice, but only one per invocation no matter how many levels of Cliche. Also, players wouldn't have to spend dice to fend off the invocation--they simply forego the bonus die.

Does this seem workable? What are the pitfalls? Has anyone tried something like this? Etc.

Message 15938#169889

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