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Topic: Confusion: Advancing Steel
Started by: scorpio rising
Started on: 7/14/2005
Board: Burning Wheel

On 7/14/2005 at 5:23pm, scorpio rising wrote:
Confusion: Advancing Steel

I just got my copy of BWR in the mail on Monday and I've been slowly digesting it over the course of the week. I haven't read all of the Rim sections yet, so please forgive me if this is answered elsewhere.

My first main confusion is in the Steel mechanics: By the book, it seems that the Obstacle of a Steel Test is always equal to the character's Hesitation (ie. 10 - Will). My trouble with this is that I don't see how my Steel will ever advance as all of my tests will be of consistently one category.

Explanation by example:

My character has Will B5 and Steel B3. My Hesitation is thus (10 - 5 = ) 5.
Rolling 3 dice against Ob 5 will always be the hardest level of test. Thus I can see no way for my character to ever accumulate any of the three Routine Tests that he needs to advance his Steel to B4.

Could someone please explain to me what I'm missing here; clearly I'm reading it wrong.


- Scorpio puzzled.

Message 15969#170244

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On 7/14/2005 at 7:24pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Confusion: Advancing Steel

Hi Scorpio,

I think what you missed is on page 122, under the heading Steel and Advancement (I don't have my books with me so I'm working off my rough draft PDFs, so it's possible the page number is wrong. Regardless, it's at the end of the Steel Chapter).

As you'll note in that section, the GM can simply award Steel tests for Advancement based on the conditions the characters face. These tests are NOT rolled, they are simply awarded.

A bunch of Obstacles for different sorts of things are listed there. Simply compare the event's Obstacle to the character's Hesitation to figure out whether he earns a Routine, Difficult or Challenging test.

Also note that just prior to this section, in the Steel Test Advantages and Disadvantages section, conditions are listed that would add dice to your Steel when rolled or increase the Obstacle of a Steel test above and beyond your Hesitation.

Message 15969#170251

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On 7/15/2005 at 2:24pm, scorpio rising wrote:
RE: Confusion: Advancing Steel

Ok, got it. Thanks, Thor.

I guess this means I can say to myself, "Better have a volcano soon, so the gang can advance ..."

- Scorpio still letting it sink in.

Message 15969#170304

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On 7/15/2005 at 4:14pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Confusion: Advancing Steel

BTW, this is also the way that Emotional Attributes like Grief, Greed and Hatred work.

Message 15969#170325

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