The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Simplicity to Complexity: can you make a sliding scale rpg?
Started by: Dangerboy
Started on: 7/21/2005
Board: RPG Theory

On 7/21/2005 at 9:49pm, Dangerboy wrote:
Simplicity to Complexity: can you make a sliding scale rpg?

While working on a generic RPG system I started to think to myself, can you make an RPG system that's built on a sliding scale? Like if you set your game to 1, you have maybe two stats - Physical and Mental - where you roll one die for task resolution, but later feel you want more depth and later slide that scale to 5, where your two stats have now been expanded (Strength, Agility, Presense and Intellect, Quickness, Charisma) and your roll changes to a group of dice with token modifiers. Do you think it could be done?

Message 16074#171335

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On 7/21/2005 at 10:00pm, Grand_Commander13 wrote:
Re: Simplicity to Complexity: can you make a sliding scale rpg?

*ponders momentarily*

I probably could.  The stats would be easy to do, but I could only have three (maybe four) levels for that.  As for the increased rolling, the fun part in designing that would be keeping it from feeling cumbersome.  Though I think you could come up with a logical progression of rolling as well.

Message 16074#171338

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On 7/21/2005 at 10:22pm, Shreyas Sampat wrote:
RE: Re: Simplicity to Complexity: can you make a sliding scale rpg?

HeroQuest essentially does this.

Message 16074#171343

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