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Topic: MUGS: Damage System Idea
Started by: Lycaon_wolf
Started on: 7/22/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/22/2005 at 1:34pm, Lycaon_wolf wrote:
MUGS: Damage System Idea

Hello all

I appoligize for lingering for so long but I have alot on my plate right now.  This is my first post and I have a design idea to toss around with you.  I have always disliked the point based damage system that says, "the more points i have the tougher I am".  With these systems wheres the role play?  D&D for instance, I new a player that always played over powered barbarians and never seemed to die to to all those hit points.  There was absolutly no way to even get a lucky shot on him.

Anyway my point is I am working on a hit pointless system. (I know there was another thread but I thought this was better seperated) Ok here is a rough breakdown;

Concept: The entire system is run on what we call a true d20 system.  Every roll in the system runs on a d20.  Any task including combat are performed on a roll under skill level idea.

Combat:  Combat is run using an action point system.  Every character has x number of points they may spend each round.  They choose whether to all out attack, attack and retain some for defense or go on the defensive.

Damage system:  The idea that i am going for is that when your fighting you are attempting to get into the perfect position for the final blow.  Any that happens prior to this is just flavor.  Every character has roughly 10 points laid out on a scale that continually increases your difficulty at performing tasks the more your hit.  The idea is that after each sceane all the points refreash unless you have taken a final blow or been knocked out.  If you have been KO'ed two things can happen 1) opponent applies killing blow or 2) you sleep it off and wake up a few hours latter.  The only time you die is when your receive that killing blow.  The chart scale i am using is below, mind you it is a rough draft.

Scartched          O                    Nothing happens
Clipped              OO                -1 all actions
Hurt                  OOO              -2 all actions
Injured              OOOO            -4 all actions

So the question is would this system be effective or do you have any ideas that would improve this idea?  Should damage be permenant or reflective?

Message 16082#171409

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On 7/23/2005 at 5:38am, indie guy wrote:
Re: MUGS: Damage System Idea


Well ... I'm working on a similiar system (my ultimate heart-breaker). I found an old sword fighting style called Taijitsu, instead of attacking right off they spend time trying to control the 3-dimensional space between them until they find the killing blow. (Not really a mechanic, but maybe an idea that could be translated into a game system.)

The biggest problem I'm running into is getting players to attack, because I'm using an action point system too. Once somebody uses their action points they are at a pretty big tactical disadvantage, and players want to make sure they can defend. Automatic defense actions are seeming necessary, but it doesn't seem realistic with action points.

So, I'm looking at the genre more because the kill system is changing the whole dynamic of the game ... it doesn't really work in the old dungeon crawls (to adapt to that, my game is getting rules heavy). But it's also kind of heading towards an assination type game, and prowling around is becoming the meat of the system.

To sum it up, the only solution I can find (that I'm happy with) is alternatives to combat.

Take Care,

Message 16082#171490

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On 7/23/2005 at 7:31am, Nogusielkt wrote:
RE: Re: MUGS: Damage System Idea

I was about to suggest the same thing (that going last in that sort of combat situation is actually better).  If you still want to use this type of system, you could have people distribute their points ahead of time.  If your point was to just exclude an unfair hitpoint allocation (such as barbarians getting 1d12 and mages getting 1d4), then there are other ways to do this.  For example, you could start everyone at 50 hitpoints and increase with differed intervals from there.  If you are looking for a lethal system or a system where combat is short and all characters are fairly even in hits, you are probably headed in the right direction for what you want.  On a side note, however, I think that your example is hard to identify with.  The only time roleplaying is introduced in that system of combat is when the DM initiates it, I wonder how you expected the barbarian to have to roleplay his large amount of hitpoints...

Message 16082#171499

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On 7/23/2005 at 8:45pm, OddballE wrote:
RE: Re: MUGS: Damage System Idea

How long would your scene be?  If there is ample time to rest and heal then I think you should leave it the way it is.  If there is not enough time to heal between scenes then I do not think all of the points should be refreashed.  The system seem to be alot like other systems and they have work well so if you like it go for it.  On the other hand I have had great suceess with hit points in the game I created.  With damage and actions even the lowest weapons can do 20 points in one round in the right hands.  If your system truns out not to work and you have to use hit points try increasing the damage of the weapons and lowering the amount of armor points.  A good called shot rule can also end even the toughtest persons life quickly. 

The main point is the system you came up with seems simple, , but do not throw out the hit ponits system just because you did not like how it worked in D&D, if you can get around it all the more power too you.  Good luck on your game

Message 16082#171563

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On 7/25/2005 at 12:55pm, Lycaon_wolf wrote:
RE: Re: MUGS: Damage System Idea

Thanks for the input everyone.  I think I need to sit down and ponder this for a bit.  The reason I was looking at a system similar to what I showed you was i am attempting to avoid traditional level gain xp.  The system is going to run on a skill progression system, so I am looking for a continues stable damage system.  I have another idea that combines points and a scale that needs work.  Thanks for the input though I am on my way to the drawing board agin to go over the system.

Message 16082#171678

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