The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Forge Booth: Price List
Started by: TonyLB
Started on: 8/2/2005
Board: Conventions

On 8/2/2005 at 4:07pm, TonyLB wrote:
Forge Booth: Price List

I've taken the price-list from IGE2 at DEXCON, and butchered it around a bit to make a starting price list for GenCon.

You can see the evolving list here.

I'll be going around and individually capturing those I know need to provide me prices, but if you don't want to wait for my demented little text-fairies to visit your PM box then you can also post here or PM me privately with updates.  And, of course, if you're going to be there but your product isn't listed here then I've missed you and my fairies will be busy elsewhere.  So then it's all on you.

Message 16225#172735

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On 8/2/2005 at 4:26pm, Bob Goat wrote:
Re: Forge Booth: Price List


Here be me prices.  Arr...

Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition $20
Conspiracy of Shadows: Companion $12


Message 16225#172743

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On 8/2/2005 at 4:47pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

*deep breath*

Final Twilight CCG
Decks (Mark Jarus, Charles Faust, Kerra Neil) $8.00 or all 3 for $20
Boosters (Mark Jarus, Charles Faust, Kerra Neil) $2.50
Divergence Disc - $5.00
Divergence Boosters - $2.00

Imp Game
Mischief & Mayhem paperback $10
Mischief & Mayhem disc $10
Both - $15

Supers Card Game (Late addition to our catalog, may or maynot be present)
2 player pack (random)- $2.00
6 player pack (full set) - $5.00

Message 16225#172746

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On 8/2/2005 at 5:15pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Hey Tony,

For Ralph's cash register, we'll want a price list broken down by publisher. This enables cashing each of us out quickly at the end of the day with a publisher-specific summary tape.

He can almost certainly provide the price list used last year as a starting point.

Also, I'm thinking he'll want to collect each publisher's retailer discount percentage, if any, and make it part of the register's programming. Last year we were unprepared for several instances of retailers arriving at the register with a stack of games. It created an inelegant scramble and unprofessional delay for the customer as we ascertained from the various publishers if they offered a retailer discount, and how much.


Message 16225#172756

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On 8/2/2005 at 5:16pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Thanks!  I'll start compiling that information as well.

Message 16225#172757

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On 8/2/2005 at 5:43pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Kayfabe will be available at the following prices

Paperback - $15.00
Hardcover - $20.00


Message 16225#172765

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On 8/2/2005 at 5:47pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Polaris at it's special, one time only, GenCon price: $20

Polaris for retailers: $12 with a MRSP of $22


Message 16225#172767

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On 8/2/2005 at 5:52pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Neo Products are an across the board 50% discount. Forge booth prices (aside from the decks 3/$20 and Imp Game 2/$15) are SRP. SO:

Twilight Decks: $4.00
Twilight Boosters: $1.25
Divergence Disc: $2.50
Divergence Boosters: $2.00
Imp Game: $5.00 (Disc is con only item and will be marked as such)
Supers 2 player: $1.00
Supers 6 player: $2.50

Message 16225#172771

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On 8/2/2005 at 5:54pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Shit.  Retailers.

Retailer Prices:

Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition $12
Conspiracy of Shadows: Companion $8


Message 16225#172773

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On 8/2/2005 at 6:12pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

The Shadow of Yesterday (softcover) $20
The Shadow of Yesterday (hardcover) $30
Donjon $10

I doubt I'll have any other products, but if I do, I'll update this thread.

EDIT: Removed retailer pricing.

Message 16225#172779

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On 8/2/2005 at 7:39pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Timfire Publishing
The Mountain Witch  $24
Japanese Dice            $1.50 per set

Message 16225#172799

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On 8/2/2005 at 8:26pm, Allan wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

May Contain Monkeys
Sweet Dreams Players' Book (coil bound)  $20 (12 for retailers)
Sweet Dreams Guide Book (coil bound)      $20 (12 for retailers)
The Big Night (staple bound)                          $8 (5 for retailers)

These are all GenCon-only prices, for the GenCon-only print runs of the books.

Message 16225#172804

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On 8/3/2005 at 12:38am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Okay, the list has been heavily updated.  For all IPR members who had not yet provided retailer pricing, I made a first stab at it by applying the IPR 42% retailer discount and rounding to a reasonable dollar figure.  It looks pretty good to me, but that's just a first-guess estimate, so if anyone wants to dispute it I'm certainly not going to gripe.

Message 16225#172832

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On 8/3/2005 at 1:04am, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Looks like you missed my post.  Have to give my retailer price anyway, so here they are again.

Kayfabe (paperback) - $15.00  (retailer price = $9.00)
Kayfabe (hardcover) - $20.00 (retailer price = $15.00)


Message 16225#172837

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On 8/3/2005 at 1:16am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Whoops... sorry Matt.  Mea Culpa.

Message 16225#172840

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On 8/3/2005 at 2:41am, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Hi  Tony,

I think you got a couple prices mixed up. My Japanese Dice are $1.50, not $15. No retailor discount on the dice.

Also, set the retailor discount for tMW at $15, because I'm a greedy bastard and want that extra dollar.

Message 16225#172854

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On 8/3/2005 at 4:39am, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Blank Shield Press

Death's Door: $12/$7 retailers
Brick Battles: $5, no retailers discount (this little sucker is damn near at cost as is).



Message 16225#172857

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On 8/3/2005 at 9:29am, Malcolm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

a|state MRB hardcover: $35 [a $5 discount over the regular RRP]
The Lostfinders Guide To Mire End: $10


Message 16225#172874

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On 8/3/2005 at 1:40pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Hey Tony,

Breaking the Ice is $12 regular, $9 retailer. Thanks.


Message 16225#172889

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On 8/3/2005 at 2:14pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Primetime Adventures will be $15 for GenCon only, because I like those round numbers, and because, shit, how much did you already spend just to be there?

For retailers, it'll be $9, with a $16.99 MSRP

Message 16225#172893

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On 8/3/2005 at 4:38pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Tim's got nuttin' on my greedy batardage.

Dust Devils:$12
Nine Worlds: $20

No retailer discounts. My experience is that my games DO NOT sell at retailers. They languish until the retailer discounts them heavily. That means we both lose out. No thanks.

It also means my chances of gathering any information about the customer, like email or address (as I do via my web site) are almost nothing, unless the customer likes it enough to email me or ask me a question.

Am I missing something? I don't see how getting, say, a half dozen (or even a dozen) copies of our games into stores is helpful at a discount. Anyone?

Message 16225#172915

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On 8/3/2005 at 6:12pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

To concur with Matt, I am also not offering anything at a retailer discount. My reasons are similar.

Message 16225#172934

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On 8/3/2005 at 6:49pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

My thinking in offering a retailer discount is basically "hell, anyone who wants to buy 5 copies of my game can get a chunk o' discount; I don't care if they get resold, framed in gold or burnt". 
Am I mistaken in assuming that a retailer would be buying multiple copies?  Cause yeah, I don't see any point in giving a discount to Joe who buys one game just because Joe happens to have a game store.


Message 16225#172947

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On 8/4/2005 at 1:18pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Blankshield wrote:
Am I mistaken in assuming that a retailer would be buying multiple copies?  Cause yeah, I don't see any point in giving a discount to Joe who buys one game just because Joe happens to have a game store.

Good call.

I'd prefer a minimum order amount for retailers to get the discount. Would everyone with retail pricing be willing to agree to that? It'd make the register ops a lot easier.

I was thinking minimum order of 3.

And on a related note, what stops people from walking up and saying, 'hey, I own a game store?"

Message 16225#173048

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On 8/4/2005 at 1:54pm, Bob Goat wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Matt wrote: Good call.

I'd prefer a minimum order amount for retailers to get the discount. Would everyone with retail pricing be willing to agree to that? It'd make the register ops a lot easier.

I was thinking minimum order of 3.

And on a related note, what stops people from walking up and saying, 'hey, I own a game store?"

Agreed.  Put me down for the Wilson Plan (Like the Truman Plan only not about democracy).  Minimum order of three sounds like a wonderful idea.


Message 16225#173058

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On 8/4/2005 at 2:08pm, jrs wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

From someone who has manned the cash register at the Forge booth, I strongly encourage a standard policy across all publishers with regards to the quantity required to obtain a retailer's price.  It's one thing to keep track of which publishers have separate retailer's pricing, keeping track of different quantities will really slow things down.

Just a thought.


Message 16225#173063

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On 8/4/2005 at 2:16pm, jrs wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Another way to handle retailer pricing at the booth is to have it only applied at the discretion of the publisher.  The publisher would need to accompany the buyer to the cash register and make the request.  The only drawback is when a purchaser expects retailer's pricing and the publisher is not present in the booth.


Message 16225#173064

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On 8/4/2005 at 2:38pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

This is me as a publisher / participant, weighing in about booth policy.

I'd be happy with either a set amount to get the discount or "only if I talk to him first."

I'd prefer the former, honestly.

Message 16225#173068

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On 8/4/2005 at 2:38pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

I've been following this thread with some interest.

Quite frankly the whole issue of retailer discounts I'm struggling with.  Last year, as I recall, we had 80 individual items priced in the booth.  I don't know how many we'll have this year, but if everything starts getting both retailer and non retailer pricing that's an awful long price list for cashiers to have to scan through.  It also opens up the whole can of worms of a cashier accidentally entering the wrong PLU and giving someone a retailer discount.

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of retailers buying product at the booth getting any kind of discount for anything.  If I were a primary sponsor this year, that would be my recommendation.  IMO, if they want your product you can take their card, follow up with them after the show and make arrangements.  If you like you can offer them free shipping to make up for the fact that they don't have to pay shipping for purchases at the con (which is a big reason why many retailers do this).  Those of us who are using Key20 shouldn't offer a retail discount in any event...interested parties should be directed to the Key20 booth where they can pick up a variety of cool games.  Matt's right, selling a couple of copies to a retailer at half price is not nearly as good a deal as getting an actual relationship with those retailers and selling a couple of copies every couple of months to them.

If I were dicatator of the booth I'd rule "nothing gets sold at the booth at a retailer discount, period".

I'm not, but I am the "keeper of the cash register" so there will be some fashion of uniform policy regarding discounts and retailers blanket across the board.

At the bare minimum, if we allow discounts at all, that policy will include:
1) either a) Any one who claims to be a retailer will be given the retailer discount no questions asked.  or b) No one will be given a retailer discount with the publisher there giving their seal of approval on each and every discount.  In other words niether the cashiers nor any booth sponsors will take any responsibility what so ever for ascertaining the credentials of said retailers.  This policy will be the same for the booth as a whole.  Not by publisher.

2) There will be a set standard minimum order: 0, 1, 3, 5, whatever uniform for the whole booth, again not by publisher.

I'm still mulling over whether to allow individual games to price their own discounts and have seperate discounted pricing for those games programmed into the register.  By far, the simplest solution would be to make a uniform 50% discount policy for any publishers offering discounts.  That is easy to handle without any additional programming, just some additional training on how to use the % discount key on the register.

BTW:  Tony, when you have your list of companies and products complete, please forward to me so I can begin to see to the programming of the register.  We'll need a drop dead deadline for getting that pricing in, for anyone who hasn't provided it already.  I know last year I had to chase after a few folks to get the numbers in.

Message 16225#173069

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On 8/4/2005 at 2:45pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

If I may suggest it, people should PM Ralph about their preferred method for handling retailor discounts. That way this thread won't turn into a "me too" thread.

Message 16225#173073

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On 8/4/2005 at 2:47pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Valamir wrote:
BTW:  Tony, when you have your list of companies and products complete, please forward to me so I can begin to see to the programming of the register.  We'll need a drop dead deadline for getting that pricing in, for anyone who hasn't provided it already.  I know last year I had to chase after a few folks to get the numbers in.

I'm chasing people in PM as we speak.  I'm hoping to get the complete list to you tomorrow.

Message 16225#173074

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On 8/4/2005 at 2:53pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

timfire wrote:
If I may suggest it, people should PM Ralph about their preferred method for handling retailor discounts. That way this thread won't turn into a "me too" thread.

Good point about the me toos Tim.

But honestly, I'm not really the person who needs to be consulted.  The primary booth sponsors need to make the call as to how they want it handled at the booth.  I'm not one of those this year. 

Message 16225#173075

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On 8/8/2005 at 3:02pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Hi Tony,

Update on my prices.  Please change my retail discount price to $7.

Thanks to all for the discussion of what retail prices mean to folks & are for.


Message 16225#173440

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On 8/8/2005 at 3:11pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

This is going to go on until GenCon, I think. My update:

City of Brass. $12.

Message 16225#173441

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On 8/8/2005 at 5:02pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

hi tony,

you can price all my stuff at 50% MSRP for retailers.

also, to save yourself trouble and confusion, you can remove akashic nodes, dawning star and all the other IPR titles that won't be at the Forge booth.


Message 16225#173453

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On 8/8/2005 at 5:08pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Half Meme Press games:

My Life with Master: $13
Bacchanal: $4

Retailer discount: 50%


Message 16225#173454

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On 8/8/2005 at 5:25pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

I believe Ron's going to have a print version of Trollbabe exclusively for the convention. Tony (or whoever) should PM him and ask about it, as I didn't see it on the list.

Message 16225#173455

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On 8/11/2005 at 12:02pm, ShawnHel wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Hey Guys,

I decieded to end my lurkerhood to chime in a little here.

I'm Shawn Helmueller, I work at a game store in the Minneapolis area called Source Comics and Games, we were one of the retailers who bought games at the Forge booth last year and we plan on doing so again this year.  I really happy that this initiative has been taken, I plan on going through the list of games with our games purchaser later today (this is a pretty big game store, it employs around 20 so we have differnt procurment guys).

I'll try to keep thing short in this thread and talk more about why we like to buy your stuff at your booth and how a retailer discount makes that posible in the other thread.  But suffice it to say actually being there to look at the games and being able to pick them up at one place, at one time saves us a world of time and effort and we like that.  We want to be a store that promotes gaming of all kinds, and support our costomers by bring and exposing them to games like yours.  One thing I really want to push this year is follow up on getting games we've sold through (BTW in case your curious we sold through about 75% of the games we purchased at the booth last year, and Matt, our Dust Devils copies sold in under a week and Nine Worlds in around 6 months, a little better that you might think).  So we would definitely like to exchange cards with everyone.

One problem that came up last year, and we will want to do this again this year, is we will want to pay with a buisness check again this year.  Last year someone was kind enough to take it and pay everyone else off.  I just though I would like to bring that issue up before the show.

If anyone has any questions, drop me a line.

I look forward to talking to everyone (that I can at least) next week.

Thanks all,
Shawn Helmueller

Message 16225#173795

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On 8/11/2005 at 12:08pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List


Welcome to the Forge, and thanks for that!

And just in case anyone around here thought I'd turned into some sort of communist revolutionary, this is exactly what I was talking about when I said that I was only interested in selling to retailers that I have a relationship with. Shawn here knows what we're doing, and is interested, and wants to sell some of our games. Awesome, and hopefully, he'll leave with a copy of TSOY.

Message 16225#173800

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On 8/11/2005 at 1:46pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

Hello, Shawn!

I'm echoing Clinton's statement above. That's the kind of personal connection I'm talking about, too.  I remember you specifically coming through the booth.

(BTW in case your curious we sold through about 75% of the games we purchased at the booth last year, and Matt, our Dust Devils copies sold in under a week and Nine Worlds in around 6 months, a little better that you might think).


Message 16225#173812

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On 8/14/2005 at 2:19am, ShawnHel wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth: Price List

I remember you specifically coming through the booth.

That probably was Burl Zorn our games buyer.  Altough I was there pulling him from place to place by the nose (including the Forge booth) because he was so busy.  He will be the guy I'm pulling around this year too (except this year I actually work for the store), he will do the actual buying...

We have a relationship with Key20 and I've found out we are going to forge a relationship with IPR at the show so a lot of you guys will be covered, and that's good.  Hopefully this will make things easier, but we still plan to stop buy and pick up stuff from those of you not covered, and since I will have more free time I want to stop by and look at some games (becuase I may work at a game store but I'm still a game geek, I especially love the indies).

-Shawn Helmueller

Message 16225#174238

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