The Forge Reference Project


Topic: I'm a playtester! What do I do?
Started by: John Harper
Started on: 8/4/2005
Board: Stranger Things Playtest Forum

On 8/4/2005 at 2:03pm, John Harper wrote:
I'm a playtester! What do I do?

First, get the current playtest PDF. There's a topic in this forum with a link to the most recent draft.

Second, read it.

Third, get your group together to play. I'm giving three weeks for this initial playtest phase, so try to organize a session (or three) between now and August 25th. (Yes, my release date of "mid August" was a little too speedy, so I'm pushing things out).

Fourth, come back here, start a new topic, and share your impressions of the game (you can do this before you run the game, too). If you are willing to also post a write-up of your game(s) in Actual Play, you get major bonus points.

In return for all of this, you get credit in the book, plus one free copy of the game. Actually, you get credit whether or not you run it, but only those that do actually playtest and post about it get a free copy.

Thanks to all of you.

Message 16261#173111

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