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Topic: At last, Alyria enters the world
Started by: GreatWolf
Started on: 8/5/2005
Board: Dark Omen Games

On 8/5/2005 at 1:29am, GreatWolf wrote:
At last, Alyria enters the world

Your attention please!  I wish to make an announcement!  As of today, I am publically announcing the brand new Legends of Alyria blog.  This blog contains the complete text of the Legends of Alyria roleplaying game.

This is something of an odd choice, and, although I address this in the text of the game on the website, I thought that I would explain myself here as well.

First, while I like the idea of game design, increasingly I'm finding that I don't care for game production and promotion. I don't have the time, energy, or desire to put into it, at this point. However, I don't want my lack of desire to penalize those who actually want the text. So I'm *starting* with this website.

Second, I am hoping that the website will allow me to treat this edition of the rules as a beta. Moreover, I am wanting to experiment with the idea of allowing for game users to annotate the text, which is why I'm using a blog format and not a regular website. I had considered wiki, but it is too twitchy for me.  Using a blog allows me to control the text itself while still soliciting user additions and creations.  Certainly, this is an experiment, and I am fairly curious to see how it will all turn out.

That all being said, I'm not ruling out the idea of a physical book. However, if that comes, it will be in the future. For now, this is where Alyria will call home.

Message 16269#173155

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On 8/5/2005 at 2:38am, hix wrote:
Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

This. Is. Awesome.

Thank you, Seth!


Message 16269#173159

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On 8/5/2005 at 6:04am, matthijs wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

Glad to see the game progress!

Message 16269#173171

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On 8/5/2005 at 12:40pm, Jonas Karlsson wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

This is great! I'll definitely read through it.

I especially like, not surprisingly since it's a big part of Alyria, the storymap concept. I read about it, I don't know, early this year and was hooked. I used it for a Swedish competion for small RPGs, in a game about actors that has to try to improvise a play when they find themselves without a script. The players control actors that meet backstage and draw a storymap over the important roles in the play, the locations and the conflicts between the roles. Each scene will then resolve one of the conflicts, and characters will be cut away from the map until there's only one left. If your character is gone you just grab one of the characters left on the map and jump right in as a supporting role.

Oh, well, what I'm trying to do here is tell you that I like the game and the ideas behind it a lot and I'll try to direct some of my friends your way. This is the first time I've seen a complete game posted on a blog in this fashion, so it'll be interesting to see if you get any comments. It's really cool to be able to comment on the relevant part, instead of having to write "on page 47, under the heading..." when you give comments.

Message 16269#173186

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On 8/5/2005 at 3:10pm, Gaerik wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

Yay for Seth!  Now I don't have to hunt him down and beat him with a stick.

Message 16269#173211

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On 8/5/2005 at 5:43pm, ScottM wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

Very slick. So far it is clear and presented well; the blog seems to work just fine as a structure.

Is there a reason you chose 1990 for your organizational date?

Message 16269#173234

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On 8/5/2005 at 6:05pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

I used 1990 because it was the earliest date that I could use on Blogger.  I thought about using a different date, but I couldn't think of one that was particularly meaningful.

Message 16269#173240

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On 8/6/2005 at 1:41pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

Oh yeah, baby!  This is what I've been waiting for.  Seth, I owe you $20, even though it's not technically in .pdf form.  Seriously.

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Topic 14955

Message 16269#173296

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On 8/6/2005 at 2:17pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

Marhault wrote:
Oh yeah, baby!  This is what I've been waiting for.  Seth, I owe you $20, even though it's not technically in .pdf form.  Seriously.

Well, I'm willing to accept it, if you're willing to send it.  PM me.  :-)

Somewhere on the blog, I want to put up a "Donate..." button, but I haven't done it yet.

Also, FYI, I'm currently having some technical difficulties with the character sheet.  (It was working yesterday.  I swear!)  When I get that resolved, I'll leave a note here.  In the meantime, feel free to PM me for a copy of the sheet.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 14955

Message 16269#173302

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On 8/11/2005 at 5:27pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

Not that I'm suggesting that I might do this, but, Seth, what if somebody were to purchase the rights for the game from you so that they could publish it. At some price you'd have to be amennable to this, wouldn't you?


Message 16269#173870

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On 8/11/2005 at 6:04pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

Mike wrote:
Not that I'm suggesting that I might do this, but, Seth, what if somebody were to purchase the rights for the game from you so that they could publish it. At some price you'd have to be amennable to this, wouldn't you?

The devil is in the details, obviously, but I would not be adverse to discussing such an arrangement.

Message 16269#173883

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On 8/16/2005 at 7:51am, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

That looks great Seth, but I think you could've easily sold this in PDF format, or even print. I'll try to post some comments in the blog as I read the game in its current version.



Message 16269#174537

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On 8/21/2005 at 10:49pm, Spooky Fanboy wrote:
RE: Re: At last, Alyria enters the world

Congrats on the website. it looks nice. And please do set up a donation button, or maybe go Ransom model, to get a hardcopy produced. That way, you don't have to worry about your game breaking even.

Message 16269#174962

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On 9/9/2005 at 1:31am, M. J. Young wrote:
Alyria with Multiverser

Like many, I've been watching Legends of Alyria develop from its early forms to its release. Of course, I put a lot of time into Multiverser, and don't always get to give other games the attention they deserve; I also find that my players want me to run Multiverser more than anything else, so it's a bit difficult to get them interested in playing other games.

On the other hand, Multiverser was designed originally with a view to allowing its player characters to become player characters in other games while retaining their identities as versers, Multiverser player characters. Explanations for how to do this are in the rules, in the chapter entitled Worlds. It was always our hope to release specific rules sets to help Multiverser players gain the advantages of playing in other game system worlds.

I'm pleased to be able to say that thanks to Seth's friendship and support Legends of Alyria is the first game for which such interfacing rules have been published. Anyone who is interested in taking Multiverser characters, skills, and equipment into Legends of Alyria and conversely taking Legends of Alyria materials into other universes through Multiverser now has the aid of the Legends of Alyria: Appendix 1: Multiverser interfacing rules on which Seth and I have both labored diligently to ensure that both games are well served through this.

Additional interfacing rules packages for Multiverser play are expected, details to be announced as they become available. I'm very pleased that we could be associated with this remarkable moment in role playing game history.

Thanks for your interest.

--M. J. Young

Message 16269#177993

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