The Forge Reference Project


Topic: RealPolitik at GenCon
Started by: gumdropgames
Started on: 8/5/2005
Board: Conventions

On 8/5/2005 at 4:49am, gumdropgames wrote:
RealPolitik at GenCon

Hello all.  I invite you to check out the new card game RealPolitik.  After an encouraging showing at Origins I’m looking forward to GenCon.  RealPolitik has open play in 5 slots at the convention:

2005-08-19 20:00:00 (Fri. @8p)
2005-08-20 10:00:00 (Sat. @ 10a)
2005-08-20 15:00:00 (Sat. @ 3p)
2005-08-20 19:00:00 (Sat. @ 7p)
2005-08-21 10:00:00 (Sun. @ 10a)

I’d love to see any Forge members there, come out and support independent designers!

RealPolitik is a political satire themed card game, set in the Middle East.  A game in the ‘screw-thy-neijbor’ genre.   If your interested in learning more, is the official site.

It’s a lot of fun, I hope to see ya’ll in Indiana.

There are some other posts with who will be running what there.  If you haven’t sounded off yet, please do so.  I’m always interested to see what folks are up to.  -bd

Message 16272#173168

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On 8/5/2005 at 5:12pm, abzu wrote:
Re: RealPolitik at GenCon

hey man,

this isn't an adverstising forum. The forum also is heavily dedicated to roleplaying games. I appreciate that you want to get the word out about your game. But please do so by participating in the various discussions and not by spamming.

(yes, i'm a moderator)

Message 16272#173228

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