The Forge Reference Project


Topic: MGF and YGMV II
Started by: Lamorak33
Started on: 8/6/2005
Board: HeroQuest

On 8/6/2005 at 2:33pm, Lamorak33 wrote:


I think most folk have got YGWV nailed.  Donald hits the nail on the head in his post.

I see a lot of strange stuff written about MGF though.  MGF is not some hard kind of thing to get your head around.  Its simply about allowing stuff that to some groups might seem silly or irreverant, or slightly break or relax rules just because it will be fun to do so.  The examples in the book are about a guy who insists his guy want to invent surfing, and one guy who, for some reason, is really, really, really keen on this one feat.  So the narrator says sure, why not.

These are about fairly minor changes.  However say someone wanted to be married to Kallyr Starbrow (a central character in Heroquest and to the unfolding plot of the Hero Wras in Dragon Pass), and then for MGF the narrator allowed it.  Fine, each group will set its own boundaries, and we are also deep into your glorantha will vary territory.

The only caveat I would enter, and this is that MGF and YGWV can potentially affect the narratavism of the game.  Of course people who know about the concepts will guard against it, and those who don't won't of course worry about it.


Message 16324#173305

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On 8/7/2005 at 2:29pm, simon_hibbs wrote:

Lamorak33 wrote:
These are about fairly minor changes.  However say someone wanted to be married to Kallyr Starbrow (a central character in Heroquest and to the unfolding plot of the Hero Wras in Dragon Pass), and then for MGF the narrator allowed it.  Fine, each group will set its own boundaries, and we are also deep into your glorantha will vary territory.

MGF is largely about how to run scenarios, ad doesn't have much to say about changing the rules. No matter what the scenario says should happen, if you get a better idea (or if one of the players has a better idea) during the game, then go with that instead. Most of the discussions of it I've been in haven't realy touched on changing or violating the rules. After all in the example of the Surfer character, what rules are being broken here? None that I can think of.

In practrice, I think the main MGF principle is simply to decide in any given situation what the possible outcomes are*, and that if one of them is clearly more fun than the rest then why take the risk that the dice might produce a different result? Of course different groups may vary in what they consider fun, and what contest they realy should or shouldn't roll for. It's not prescriptive, just pointing out that you don't always have to roll for everything - it just takes that point further than most games and gamer 'cultures' had done before.

Simon Hibbs

* Possible in terms of the GM's/Player's expectations of the game world? Possible in terms of the rules? I think MGF is about what is possible in terms of what everyone playing the game is willing (and would like) to accept.

Message 16324#173383

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On 8/9/2005 at 5:19pm, Ron Edwards wrote:

And you did it again, Simon!

Unless the more experienced posters here abide by the rules, then no single person can moderate. If you'd really prefer that this forum not exist, then you can all keep fucking with the rules.


Message 16324#173575

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...from around 8/9/2005