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Topic: What else do you like and another question ( alittle long)
Started by: Ace
Started on: 3/17/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 3/17/2002 at 2:59am, Ace wrote:
What else do you like and another question ( alittle long)

I have a question, what do the other folks here on the Forge play?

Or maybe what am I missing :)

My play/own list

Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Terra Primate and Buffy)-- I haven't actually played this game but I have playtested some of these stuff and I find the rules and background quite good

GURPS ( I mainly like the sourcebooks, I sometimes play a lite version but the rules have been more of a burden than a pleasure of late)

Ars Magica (I haven't got a group that would appreciate this game. I like Ars Magica but it seesm a little haphazzard to me at times, the game is cluttered in a way.)

RISUS (Another haven't played game This is a freeware game by S.John Ross, Statless with Cliches instead of Stats and skills. Its meant as a funny game but done right makes a decent game for off beat settings.)

and of course Sorcerer.

A subquestion

I haven't played this yet but another supplement is on my new buy list.
Do you folks recomend Sorcerers Soul or Sword and Sorcerer


Now my quick Not yet broken down and bought list

Over the Edge (psycho surreal, huh plus unlike Sorcerer its seems kind of limited)

Little fears

Unknown Armies (I can't grove on the magic system although I really am interested in the madness meter)

and finally Cats by John Wick and Fly From Evil by S.John Ross because they aren't out yet.

Message 1633#15396

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On 3/17/2002 at 5:26am, Sidhain wrote:
RE: What else do you like and another question ( alittle long)

Well, I myself have played/run many, many, games from Amber to Zero...

But those I'm favoring right now:

Talislanta (Simple mechanics, arm breaking depth of material in the core book.

My own FRPG.

Big Eyes Small Mouth 2E

I've been playtesting Silver Age Sentinels (Pyramid version :) )

Ideally though I prefer Ars Magica, and Marvel Saga for running or playing games. However my current group isn't interested in playing either of those.

Message 1633#15403

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On 3/17/2002 at 5:28am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: What else do you like and another question ( alittle long)

Hey Ace,

Welcome to The Forge! If you pop up to the Actual Play forum (and maybe you already have), you'll see a whole lot of cool talk about all the games currently being played by Forge members. The Profiles thread is a lot of fun.

As far as which Sorcerer supplement to buy, I'd say both. If that's not feasible, well...flip a coin. I personally lean towards Sorcerer & Sword - I really dig the pulp fantasy stuff, but that's just me. In terms of content, S&S gives you all sorts of good advice on GMing and Ron presents a literary overview of what Sword&Sorcery is and isn't, while Soul really delves into Humanity (the cornerstone of any Sorcerer game) and presents the concept of a Relationship Map. Big help I am, eh?

- Scott

Message 1633#15404

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On 3/17/2002 at 6:54am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: What else do you like and another question ( alittle long)

Hello Ace and Sidhain,

Scott already told you about it, but here's the link to the semi-annual Profile:

You'll get an overview of The Forge's eclectic membership.


Also, I'll second Scott's recomendation for both Sorcerer supplements.

Sorcerers Soul contains a break down of the "Relationship Map," which is really great, as well as a great chapter on how you can retell the kind of story you tell by changing defining Humanity, and lots of other goodies.

Sorcerer and Sword has lovely information on 20's and 30's fantasy fiction, breaks down how to retool the game to a different setting, and has an invaluable essay on Author-stance for players in a Narrativist game.

Once you have all three books, you will be set to use Sorcerer in several dozen ways.

Take care,

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On 3/17/2002 at 4:59pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: What else do you like and another question ( alittle long)

Hi Ace,

Obviously, since I'm the publisher, it would float my boat if you bought both supplements.

However! Honesty compels me to admit the following:

1) The single book really does have everything you need in order to play. I cannot say, "Oh, you have to have 'Soul,' or whatever, or you're totally hosed."

2) People tend to favor one or the other of the two supplements as "life-changing," the one that really blows them away. It seems to be split about 50-50. If you really want to get only one, then think about which of these two aspects of play you'd like help with: setting and scenario preparation (in which case get Sword); back-story and theme and NPC depth (in which case get Soul).


Message 1633#15426

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On 3/17/2002 at 7:46pm, Ace wrote:
RE: What else do you like and another question ( alittle long)

Ron Edwards wrote: Hi Ace,

Obviously, since I'm the publisher, it would float my boat if you bought both supplements.



Thanks for the advice.
Rest assured I will be adding both books to my library.
BTW my compliments on Sorcerer, I bought it on a whim really but as I read the game it helped me understand my gaming needs a lot better.
Many Thanks.
As for next book purchase,Sword and Sorcerer will probably be the one (I am nuts about Robert Howard and that lot) soon to be followed by Sorcerers Soul.

Message 1633#15448

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