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Topic: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6
Started by: Sifolis
Started on: 8/11/2005
Board: Actual Play

On 8/11/2005 at 9:02pm, Sifolis wrote:
'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

There were one or two requests for an actually playing session description of our game Blood Bounty. This is an attempt to deliver said product. Now i WARN everyone, we, here, at BloodBounty headquarters are the makers of a game that dont follow rules...if you think we post crappy..we understand..but if you dont want to read...dont do it...ok? cool

Note: the actual Dice rolls are fictional, no one could remember real rolls. But the rest is all from a game we played a while back that always makes me laugh. Ill post in segments when I can…the first post will offer rule info as it goes…the rest after that will be story-form without so much rule explanation.

Meeting the boss: Everyone must meet the boss. This is where you get hired.

The 5 players are all welcomed to the table, and told who the employer of the session will be, who is offering the FCO contract, and for how much. The group is told that a Desk-Jock by the name of Felix Gleb, a wealthy contract negotiator, will be representing the customer of the day. The group rolls eyes at the name.
Gleeb, a wrinkled green, twig of a man, whose alcohol addiction can only be out measured by his greed, has handled the contract for the day’s play, and they all know him well from prior games, under alternate FCO characters. Though none of these individual characters have met Gleb, one of them holds a grudge over the last FCO that died on a tricky job run under Gleb’s order. He decides he will waste his first FCO on attempting to kill the boss before the game begins, and if he dies in the process he will simply bring in a better FCO to finish the job at half pay.
The group learns the contract is to pay 100,000c to all who succeed in accomplishing the mission. This is a huge fortune worth of digital credit, so the players now look through their personal collection of playable FCOs.

The players each choose 3 FCOs from their stable (they are always allowed to have three un-played FCOs at all times). They give the 3 FCO’s sheets to the GM for quick look over.
The GM makes note of the order they wish to bring their FCO’s into the game in case of death. This can not be changed after picking.
The group chooses the following:
1-Dominic An’ghel: A tall pale white fanatic (god worshipper) who’s idealisms of “righteousness” have gone astray leading him to kill a handful of police officers last game due to them not being “worthy” of the lord’s light.
He is clad in red robes, and his race constantly drips a thick black oil from the eyes, leaving two long greasy trails down each breast cloth. This is his third game run he has entered.

2-Ray Ray: A 9ft tall green dude with a strength score of 98 (this guy is jacked) but with two augmented arms that bring his arm-strength to 125. The guy looks like a walking tank, strapped with two huge rifles and a heavy pistol, but hes as sweet as a child, and only performs violence when forced to do so. He would rather talk it out then slug it out, lucky for Ray Ray he is very able to do both. This is his 2nd game run, and he won everyone’s heart on his last mission…a crowd favorite right here.

3-Billy Gene: A chop doc female with blue skin and huge tits. Though most of her skills deal with genetic or biological work (with some augmentation skills to boot), she also is know for wielding a very illegal, and very dangerous, Laser-tap sword (a weapon that once turned on, can cut through any thickness of matter with a single stroke…like a hot knife through melted butter). She got this weapon on her first run, and now this is her 4th. She has cut down dozens of opponents in the past, but has always remained loyal to the groups she has run with…so the players are happy to see her.

4-Vinny De vicious: A guttersnipe drug dealer. This is his first run, and he was brought in to kill the boss, the player running vinny spent all his starting funds on a single bolt-pistol, in hopes to pop Gleb off and kill him, then be mowed down by his security, so the player can bring in his second FCO and get down to business (in game, we have called these disposable FCOs “Street vultures” or “Dead beats”). The player smiles, knowing that Gleb has no reason to not come face to face with Vinny, because Gleb has run many missions and always greets his FCOs personally for briefing.
Vinny is 3ft tall, bright red with big yellow horns, and wears a black suit and tie. This is his first and last run.

5-Dhayed: A human looking individual (there are no humans these days…all dead millions of years ago, but its still a popular look of evolution). This guy is a Flesh-Mage/Tech-mage. He was tutored by a famous FCO by the name of Dhal-vid, Dhayed has since then aquired all of Dhal-vid’s spells after his teacher’s death many games ago. Dhayed is Up-stake (over 3-million cred in the bank, up class and able to benefit from the protection of federal law…when off duty) This is his 5th run…his teach had 6 runs before he died.

The one-shy half-dozen all arrive at one of Gleb’s many satellites (S-4), and they all dock. Dhayed and Billy gene arrive together in a luxury glass space cruiser. They have stuck together in a past run and became friends. They assure each other on the ride that they must protect each other , and they both make a oath to return home alive.
Dominic An’ghel arrives in a space-cab. He has wealth but never uses it. He relies on his lords given powers to destroy his enemies. He has three runs, but they are from months ago and he has never met these new people. He watches them closely.
Vinny arrives in a space cab as well, laughing to himself and doing a drug that makes you slightly faster (crystal pink) in hopes to gain a better edge.
Ray Ray has purchased a space-roach single seat intergalactic piece of junk and chooses to fly there himself. He steps out of the ship to see Billy and Dhayed and waves to them. They huge him as he asks for candy…his child-like nature boarders retarded, but they know in battle he is a power-house, so they welcome him.

They get to a front desk Tommy (Tommy = Robot) who after checking proper badges for verification allow them into Gleb’s office.

There he sits amongst thousands of Digital-books near his fire place, drinking shot after shot, in his black suit and tie…as always. His weak voice offers them seats as his boney hand waves them to him.
He is so frail, yet so powerful.

At that moment Keith (Vinny) screams


Combat begins….Each round is 2-and-a-half seconds of time. Each player acts in order ofhighest agility.  Vinny’s agility is 89, nowhere near the highest of the room…everyone laughs and mocks him for even thinking he could pull this off. Robert (Dhayed) adds OOC,
Rob: “Dude…your fucking stupid, you know half of us are faster then you, and most of us are loyal to Gleb. We are all going to kill you before you even draw your gun. HAHAHA!

Keith: Oh yeah? Guess what? I spent alllllll my skill slots on only ONE skill, Quick draw. HA!

(crowd looks a little worried now)
Keith rolls his skill “Quick Draw”, it works. Meaning he goes before everyone in battle for the first round, and takes no action to pull a concealed weapon. Everyone flips, this fucking twerp might actually kill a great NPC they have all grown to trust as a good boss.
He succeeds, Vinny will be going first.

Vinny has 2 H2H (actions) due to his agility. He decides to spend the full 2-and-a-half-seconds to pull his weapon, and fire twice at the wrinkled old desk-jock behind the desk.
He rolls his two attacks.

First roll- 24, miss.
Second roll- 81 Hit.

Gleb is old, and weak, his agility is normally 45, but he is sitting so he gets a negative 5 (now 40). The 81 hits. The weapon is a Bolt gun (it fires actual tangible matter not condensed energy) so the random body part must be roll to see where Gleb is hit.
1d10 is roll…3 is the result. 3=left arm upper.
This means Gleb’s upper left arm is hit. Glebs Fortitude is “0’ so he will be taking full damage. Gleb has 6 Bloodshed points (think hit points, Bldshd) and the bullet will deal 1d8 damage to that score, plus cause gleb to save vs. Bones to see if it breaks or shatters.

Damage rolled…results in 5 points…OUCH, that’s one fucking big 30-cal bolt in the arm, Gleb grunts, and saves vs. his bones, gaining a -3 negitive vs. his save; 1 point per 10-caliber of bolt.)
Glebs Bones are rolled (forget how, it would be to confusing to you for now)…he fails his bone roll and the bone breaks…Gleb is hurt bad…Crowd is pissed in-game and out-of-game.

Gleb is reduced to one bloodshed, with a broken arm, he will receive bleed at the beginning of his turn before he acts…meaning he is dead…unless helped before his turn.

Next highest agility in the room now acts. That would be Gleb’s security system, it takes its full round to activate and ready itself…4 large Palsic-cannons drop from the ceiling, and power up, they hum loudly with intent to fry Vinny alive.

Next highest agility now goes

That’s Ray Ray, with a nice agility of 91 he gains 2 H2H (two actions, per turn). His class is a Vigilante, that earns him a +1 H2H, and he also sports a new augmented device universally known as “the one piece of augmentation every spends their first 25,000c on” a “Bio-signal Boost”. This small wired system that attaches from the brain stem to the spine gives Ray Ray another +1 H2H.

So big Ray has 4 actions (4 things he can do in 2-and-a-half seconds).

Ray decides to beat the shit out of Vinny. He spends one action on “entering point blank” range with Vinny, now he is close enough to attack with his remaining 3 H2H actions.
He rolls three attacks with his fists.
His arms give him a punch damage of 1d12 (unnaturally strong for biological evolution, but his arms are tech-ware, not home grown.) and with all his training and boxing skills he has, he gains +25 to hit when using his hands.
Attack rolls result in, 72 (hit) 03 (miss) 23 (miss)…so what…one hit.

Vinny is going to receive a bludgeoning attack from some big mechanical firsts.
Vinny brags that he has 7 Bldshd, theres no way he is dieing, plus he has a natural Fortitude of 1, so all damage will be reduced by 1 bldshd.

Ray: Roll….damage…ouch. 10 points…with your stupid fortitude its actually a 9…so your dead dude. I squashed your fucking ass. Bring in your NEXT FCO that bitch is dead! Ha! (crowd goes wild)

GM: Battle still happing here guys.who’s next?

Dominic An’ghel is next…he decides to watch..and if anyone touches him he will damn them to hell! This he swears…

GM: your passing?
Dom: Yup.
GM: ok…

Next highest agility …Billy gene.

The slut looking doctor pulls out her med kit and goes to help Gleb, she has two actions, One action to jump across the desk and enter “point blank” and one action to tape the wound…Done! Bam!

Security systems shut down seeing the target dead.

CROWD CLAPS! Not Vinny….we all know keith will do this again…keith is the perfect Blood bounty player…spiteful , tricky, and low.

The doctor injects Martian blood into gleb, healing his wounds and Gelling his bone together. She informs him that his bone is weaker now, but it is fixed. She recommends he get it removed or re-grown…He reaches for his bottle, weak from combat.

Gleb clears his throat as he sits under the doctors care…his security systems are commanded to erase all that just happened here…and the system obeys.

He is angered as the body is taken away by to servant tommys, and he begins to tell them the mission….

The mission of the day is as follows (he clicks a holographic screen to show everything he says with clips and pictures)…

Gleb: A very wealthy man has hired you to clean his whore house.
Dhayed: WHAT!?
Ray: Whats a whore?
Dominic: OOC you all know my fanatics going to kill them all for sinning right?
Crowd: Ha

Gleb: the man has hired me to handle his affairs in this matter, I have decided to hire you to deal with the problem.

Dhayed: Sir…you know me..i know you…we will get this done.
Gleb: Please…shut up…if you will…Im talking.
Dhayed: yes sir
Vinny: kiss-ass!
Crowd: YOUR DEAD! Wait your turn to bring in your next FCO and shut up! HAHAH!

Gleb: The man owns a large chain of bordellos in various systems across the New-verse. One of his most profitable has recently stopped paying him his money. They were giving him over 500,000c a month from good business, now they pay nothing. He sent his body guards, a group of 10 Umens, and they never returned. He dosnt want the FED or the UPD to handle this matter…he wants good FCOs who will keep their mouths shut if they see “anything’ that may not be up to code…if you know what I mean? Wink wink.

Crowd: no..we don’t.
Gleb: me either, but appearnetly this guys got illeagle business of some kind, in there. And I told him id send “cool” guys.

Crowd: agrees openly to not get the boss arrested, or snitch. Gleb is pleased.

They are all offered by Billy to ride in her Luxury Ship, and they all accept.

The contract is programmed into all of there badges , and it reads.

Hired by: Felix Gleb, Deskjock rep of anonymous Up-stake citizen.

Pay: 100,000c each upon successful return, to be dumped into bank. If they go to this bordello, enter, search for his money (return it if possible) and arrest his pimps. You are given 4 names (rick, dick, mic, and vick) all are of the race of Dwag (dog looking dudes) they are the pimps…go bring them in.
(if forced to kill them in self-defense , pay still valid.)

Damage clause: Limited to “owned”, this guy owns the place, so they can legally damage or destroy the house…heh heh Keith laughs.

Kill Clause: Only kill in self-defense.
Action clause: you have legal right to enter that house, by force if necessary.

Goal: Go down and
That’s the contract for the day…. Enter a house that’s owned by the boss…so they wont have to worry about security recording everything, the owner will surly erased the recordings if they do good and have to break the law in the process.

Find the pimps…sure he says arrest them…but gleb hints at the bosses desire to kill them. It just wasn’t legal to word the contract that way. They understand and nod.

They all load up in the ship and get ready to go to the star system New-dominion, ND-6. A crime planet if there ever was one. They have been there once before…on a mission that the actual police of the city were helping the criminal who was contracted to be killed for Federal crimes. Many FCOs died that game. The Bolt weapon fired killed NPC and Player alike in a huge show down of mafia vs. FCO.

The FTL engines hum to life..the ship warms up, its program speaks…
“hello Dhayed…shall we go to ND-N6?”
Dhayed: Yes baby…go.
The FTL navigation system plots its path through the universe in just under 4 seconds, and they are off….arriving in orbit of ND-N6 in less then 13 seconds…

Shall I post more?

Message 16356#173923

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On 8/11/2005 at 9:21pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

Before you do, what did Vinny's player - Keith - what did he do after Vinny's death?

Was he really not supposed to speak until he brought a new character in, or was "shut up!" the group's way of groovin' on what he said?

Who of the players were actually pissed that Vinny attacked Gleb?


Message 16356#173929

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On 8/11/2005 at 9:29pm, Sifolis wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

I still picture so many players and thier individual reactions to all the many many FCOs that fall.

Vinny, rip the sheet in half (cus dead is dead man..theres only two ways your coming back to life in BB, and he aint no where close to those options)
And he tryed to calm himself. he got very civil and took out his next FCO. He had that look, that "you bastard" look. I knew he wasnt done making trouble in this group...he had that look for each player as well...i didnt think he would hold a grudg. BB, thats half the ruthless fun..its legal to bring in a new guy, who wasnt there, who WANTS EVERYONE DEAD ...assume that new guy is nuts if you want..whatever.

Keith's next FCO was a better he cared for. a huge Black kick-boxer by the name of Oodoo M Oodoo. if i post can see what becomes of him. It was awful. Ill tell you this...first thing he said OOC was, to Ray

"Oodoo is a better kick boxer then you are a Fist boxer...and your a pussy."

Message 16356#173930

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On 8/11/2005 at 9:46pm, Alan wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

Hi Siphilis,

I was wondering what reward the players got for killing Vinny.  Is it just the jazz of knocking down a PC, or did they get some kind of reward points?

Also, is the 100,000 credits the only reward for successfully completing a mission?  If so, what can the money be spent on?  Can players buy things that give them more influence over play?

Do characters improve between sessions in any way?  If so, how?

Message 16356#173935

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On 8/11/2005 at 11:15pm, Sifolis wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

there are literlly hundrds of things you can buy. yes..all detailed, many so alien to you but so first-nature to our players.did they get a reward? one...they got a trouble out of there, two its always fun to say 'i killed you' and three, yes..him having a bolt weapon +1 Game point, somone being hit by a bolt +1 game point, and a bone being broken +1 game point...but thats rules dealing with summing up a game at the end of the mission.

people are not rewarded for killing players...but there are so many in-gam rewards that can make murdering each other well worth it.

game points are spent on buying "slots" and 10 points earns one slot..a slot can buy everything from a skill, to an extra bloodshed point, to raising a stat 1 point, etc..there are no levels, you can micro-manage your entire FCO's growth the way you see fit.

Message 16356#173954

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On 8/11/2005 at 11:29pm, Alan wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

So who got the game points for killing Vinny?  Everyone, Vinny, or the person who fired the bolt?

Message 16356#173955

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On 8/11/2005 at 11:32pm, Alan wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

Alan wrote:
So who got the game points for killing Vinny?  Everyone, Vinny, or the person who fired the bolt?

Sorry, I should have thought before I posted.  Let me rephrase:

Who got the game points for the damage done?  If the character who was later killed got the points, were they lost when he was killed or does the player get to keep them and apply them to his next character?

Message 16356#173957

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On 8/12/2005 at 3:37am, Sifolis wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

this is how BB exp works...

if you lose those points. and you only get points from the moment you enter the mission.

there is a large chart that reads how many points the group gets for certain things that appear in game. reads somthing like this.

success(winning the mission) 3 points
Someone was damaged 1 point
someone was killed (npc) 1 point
someone was killed (FCO) 1 point
poison was present 1 point
poison killed an FCO 1 point
Bolt weapons were present 1
Somone died from Bolt weapons 1 point
Bones were broken 1 point
Bones were shattered 2 point
Magic was Cast on an FCO 1 point
Magic killed an FCO 2 points
Divine power was used agaisnt an FCO 1 point
Divine power killed an FCO 2 points
etc etc.

at the end of he game the GM reads through this chart..points are delt out and everyone earns what they earned through that.its an interesting way to do EXP or handle "points"

10 points buy a slot, 1 slot buys an extra skill, boosts a skill's level, raises a stat by one, earns a bonus bloodshed point...etc etc.

hope that helps....we decided on that system about 6 years seems to work quite well.

Message 16356#173994

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On 8/15/2005 at 8:51pm, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

I think this experience system is awesome. Three broken bones = one successful mission. That says a lot about the style of play you support... which is SUCH a good thing. Kudos to you. I also love how these items pay off just by "appearing in the game." They can happen to anyone, and the group still gets the XP. So cool.

Message 16356#174461

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On 8/15/2005 at 9:05pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

First, you said the players were pissed out-of-game because Vinny attacked Gleb. I don't see anything in the game that discourages such behavior; in fact, it seems to encourage this kind of thing. Why would the other players get pissed OOC?

Second, why the hell would Ray close to "point blank range" when Gleb's security system is powering up and will lay waste to Vinny in the second round? I wouldn't want to be anywhere near ground zero when those guns go off...

Message 16356#174463

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On 8/16/2005 at 12:52am, Sifolis wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

First,,,to Mr harper. Thank have been the first "nice post" reguarding our game yet....not that they have all been bad...but you have been the first "positive" post towards our game that we have worked hard on for over a decade.

but, you misunderstood one part...three exp points do not equal a successful mission. a sucsessful mission in worth 3 points...get it? alot of mission can and do fail....a failed mission is still worth points if other things happend (broken bones, bolt weapons etc), but if you forfilled the mission's contract, then that is ALSO worth three points. but other then that, yeah we love how our game handles exp...we tried to invent all our systems and die-rolls ourselvs. and this was one we liked from the start...ty for also digging it.

to Mr Dray.
Ok...good points..and to truly understand the method behind BB's madness, ill try to explain.

yes...BB does egg the bad apple on, in fact there are no negitives or punishments for killing players, breaking contracts, or just being a total game-ruining asshole...(other then in-game jail time, reveng or what not).
But because everyone is free to do as they please...some people get uppity about the choices of some players. Keith once brought in a FCO who spent all his money on a breif-case-bomb and just detonated it the second the party was in the same room with the boss...that PISSED off the whole party...but hey..thats life in the BB happens. alot actually....

why would ray enter point blank? two reasons.
1- Ray does huge damage with his hands due to his augmentation, and he wanted to deal as much damage as possible. yes it was dangerous, because every target that is missed by an attack can hit anyone who shares "point blank" with them...if i missed you with a rifle blast, then i have to roll attacks on all in point blank range of you to see if they got hit by mistake (unmodified attack, no + to hit due to aiming or scopes etc). but ray risked it, cause you can not make a physical attack (sword, fists, clubs, knives etc) without FIRST entering point to attack anyone in this manner, you must first spend one action entering point blank.

2- ray aint too bright....dunno if you ever met the big green dummy, but he is like 900 lbs of pure distructive stupidity. sweet as sugar, but dumber then salt....

thank you both for asking questions....

Im gunna type of the next part of this mission soon since no one said "not to" if thats just trying to get the time to do so.

ps- yes the game encourages a player to do as he pleases...but it also allows players to get pissed at others....i cant seem to define it more then to say
"BB is a very violent game where no one is "best friends" from the one hardly ever trusts anyone, and those who do somtimes die at the bad end of a back-stab....its a very grim and dark world of off the wall action and humor. the most games any FCO ever survived was 8..and he is seen as a legend at our table....if you play BB its not strange or unusual to lose 3 FCOs in one its not weird or unseen that a player gets pissed three times (or more) a game...most players grown immune to getting seriously upset over such things....for those who dont, there is always the civilized game of Dungeions n dragons.

Message 16356#174497

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On 8/16/2005 at 1:24am, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6


Did you guys ever play or experience Paranoia?  That kind of backstabbing almost hyper-violent quality of your game reminds me of that to some extent.  Except yours seems, ya know, bloodier.



Message 16356#174504

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On 8/16/2005 at 2:33am, Sifolis wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

no..never played that...but the title alone sounds like a game that must be simular in intent. ill have to find it, play it, or study it...

Message 16356#174512

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On 8/16/2005 at 4:40am, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

Yep, I get it. You get the three points when the mission is a success. I was pointing out the fact that a successful mission is worth the same amount of reward as three broken bones, which could almost be an advertisement for your game. "Missions are nice, but broken and shattered bones are better!" Rock on.

And Trevis is right, your group would love Paranoia. Except it sounds like you already made the perfect game system for your group's style. If it ain't broke...

Message 16356#174521

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On 8/16/2005 at 2:37pm, Sifolis wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

thanks again..i really cant wait till its perfect-bound and ready for shipping. im holding a unbound mock up of the book right feels so nice to hold the forth addition in any format

Message 16356#174558

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On 8/16/2005 at 5:15pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

I'm just a bit confused why a player would get pissed at another player for this kind of behavior when it's pretty much expected that everyone plays that way. I can see why characters would get pissed at other characters -- and that sounds like a lot of fun in the spirit of the game -- but it'd be like me getting pissed at another player in Monopoly for making me pay rent on his hotels.

Message 16356#174577

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On 8/16/2005 at 6:38pm, Sifolis wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

Its not "expected" for a player to be a lowly asshole who stabs you in the back...nor is it mandatory for a player to be a team-player...but both are allowed. thats why people some times get pissed...

in monoply you are expected to make people pay to land on boardwalk if you own it...but if the object of the game was to say "keep everyone rich" with the option of charging people if "needed in emergency" then only an asshole would charge you if you landed on boardwalk and they didnt need the cash...

what im saying is..every  mission in bloodbounty begins with you FCOs signing and swearing to uphold the law, be professional and work with the group....but there are bad cops and there are good cops...when a player criminally breaks a contract to kill an NPC enemy that was close to killing the whole party...people dont mind...hey, it saved our lives.

but when a player breaks contract at the end of a mission, to slaughter the entire party, take the money and run with it, by shooting everyone in the back or detonating a bomb they slipped in your back-pack, then well the whole table might explod with pissed off players.

the anger at such a player is usually never so serious that they can not be forgiven or trusted under another FCO characture...but imagin this.

one mission me and two others survived a brutal raid on a weapon's dealer who was selling palsic-warheads. we lost the entire party (save for us three) to a lawless gun battle that ripped bones and skin, leaving our comrads to bleed to death as we fought to kill the gun-men who were positioned on the cat-walks of he warehouse we raided.
The mission's contract said the pay-rate for a successful job was 1-million-cred to split among who ever returns succsessful.
We were all so happy, 3 people returning out of 8...the split was a huge fortune. but not huge enough. So while we were driving the hover-car across the city i cast a spell on each in a surprise action. i cast "coma" on both (think sleep), they both failed to save vs. falling alseep.
Then i guided the ship towards a building and ejected, allowing them to crash into a building, dieing instantly. why? cus i wanted the money....both players spent the day watching my back, fighting alongside my FCO, one even gave me medical attention that saved my life...but i still stabbed them in the back and got a full-idenity change through the black market.
would that piss you off? was one of the highest pay-rates ever at our table...these poor two dudes where being so nice and helpful..and they were repayed by me stealing the whole cash-cow and killing them in an underhanded way.

that FCO died the next game due to an overdose of a drug called "Black", and he was never found....rotted in a sewer with his fortune never to be found again...oh well...the game after that, the whole party got along and we were all fine..why?? cus thats one runs forever.

does this make u understand more or am i just repeating myself? i fear im repeating.

Message 16356#174591

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On 8/16/2005 at 6:46pm, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

Hey Sif,

Do you have an example like that in the book? It would be cool if you did. It shows how backstabbing and betrayal is part of the game. Sure, you can get pissed about it in the moment, like, "Dammit! I was so close until you screwed me! You bastard!" but there's a kind of smile in there with the momentary annoyance. And, like you said in the other thread, grudges and revenge across characters are expected and encouraged. So, if you stab my guy in the back on this mission, my next FCO just might not give you first aid next time around -- even if the FCOs have changed, our grudge as players stands.

Cool stuff.

Message 16356#174593

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On 8/16/2005 at 9:43pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

but when a player breaks contract at the end of a mission, to slaughter the entire party, take the money and run with it, by shooting everyone in the back or detonating a bomb they slipped in your back-pack, then well the whole table might explod with pissed off players.

the anger at such a player is usually never so serious that they can not be forgiven or trusted under another FCO characture...but imagin this.

I dunno. That situation seems like you end up with a table full of pissed off gamers who just spent about 6 hours of their free time only to end up having no fun. If the game tells players to expect this shit to happen, that's one thing. If it doesn't say anything about such behavior and then players feel blindsided and have no fun, then I think that's a deficiency of the rules.

I think, if you're gonna write a game that rewards Turnin', then expect players to turn on each other and let them know that it's going to happen. Maybe put some limits on it or maybe tie it into the reward system so that players can see -- right there on the frickin' XP list -- how many XP they get for shooting another PC. Can't say you didn't see it coming if it's on the XP list.

In the end, each individual player has to decide if it'll be fun to play a game where another player is likely to blast you for an extra share of the take. You just have to let them know it's not only possible, but it's bloody likely.

Message 16356#174610

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On 8/17/2005 at 6:12am, Sifolis wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

i understand what you are saying..but keep in mostly talking about the bad times...many players side with each other, team up, become family or brethren of style or class. there are many other apsects to the game then PK-ing each other all day....but it does happen...

and yes, the rules state this..clearly...there is no blind-sideing. the game was designed, play tested for close to a decade, played by about (id guess) 60-80 players so of our artists has worked for white-wolf and many of our players are huge rpg-junkies who care for strong game design and a balenced matrix...

i promise two things

1- almost all players who have join our game have admitted to being addicted and claiming the game is the best design they have seen...did i mention the few players we have who have gotten FCO tattoos?

2- not all people will enjoy our game...its violent, gutsy, egar to shock and littered with material that warrent a "R rateing".

yes, the rules all fully detail not only the back-drop of the world we have created (with thousands of items, technologies, magics, divine powers, etc) but also the gore-torn paths that the game can play out on.

ive seen many tables agree to be honest and friendly, and to protect each other..and they did so. ive also seen FCOs who were total savages or murderous madmen.

once you start playing BB, its not uncommen to build a bull-pen of 10-30 FCOs of your own to play and enjoy...each game would begin with you choosing who your playing that day...if you have 20 charactures....its not long before you say

"yknow...all my guys are nice, and team players. im gunna run a psycho for once"

The game lacks the long plot-line type of play like D&D , but it has more then enough charm when played for its action and amazing one-of-a-kind setting.

theres so much that hasnt been disscussed so i understand your doubts or concerns...but having played many rpgs, as well as running BB for a decade with dozens and dozens of and many others are proud to say our game can hold its own at any table...some people may not enjoy what we have made...saddly, our game was made to interest the wicked minded types who love blowing big holes in even bigger monsters.

i really hope to have it ready for sale within 2007. thats our goal. i hope the few here who really want to shed some blood in the Bloodbounty New-verse will pick a book up....

the first book will be everything needed to run a game of BB. including monsters, magics, weapons, history, rules, gear and gods. but we have an huge list of books that will be released to be used with the BB game...if all works our well.

our team has nothing but our eyes set on the prize.

Message 16356#174633

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...from around 8/17/2005

On 8/17/2005 at 2:22pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: 'Blood Bounty: Session- Bordello of ND-N6

Don't get me wrong: I think your game is cool. I think it unabashedly fills a hole that so many game designs step into with only one foot. I mean, saying "Make up a stable of FCOs because you'll go through them like a hot knife through butter" means that players come to the table with less invested in their character. That can be a bad thing in many games, but I think in Blood Bounty, it works. You don't get so attached to your character and when your buddy shoots him in the back at the head in the last five minutes of the session, it's easier to laugh about it. And if Bob doesn't show up to play, the "campaign" doesn't grind to a halt because his character is vital. Game play sounds zany, violent, and fun.

I'm just wondering what can be done in the rules to make sure it stays on the fun side and helps players not be so pissed off when one player turns on another. I don't want to discourage the behavior necessarily, just make sure players expect it. And it sounds like you've done that.

Message 16356#174653

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