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Topic: Last Days at Skullpoint
Started by: Lamorak33
Started on: 8/18/2005
Board: HeroQuest

On 8/18/2005 at 9:20pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
Last Days at Skullpoint

Hi all

Has anyone run through this as it is written up in Gathering Thunder?  Care to share some notes as to how it ran, and what direction it took?


Message 16434#174742

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On 8/22/2005 at 2:46pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Re: Last Days at Skullpoint

Can't say as I have, which is no surprise since it's set in Glorantha. However, I and others I suspect, are fond of the scenario, since it's Ron's writing, and a very narrativism-producing set up. Put another way, a lot of my "adventures" are set up much like LDAS.

Is there something about the adventure that you like, or are dubious about? Curious as to why it's written like it is? Or just whether or not such a set-up works? Worst case, if nobody comes up with a report here, I'd be tempted to run it for a group just to produce a play report on it.


Message 16434#174989

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On 8/22/2005 at 10:55pm, Ian Cooper wrote:
RE: Re: Last Days at Skullpoint

I have, but have not had time to reply in detail yet. If you need simple questions asked, shoot for it.

Message 16434#175050

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On 8/23/2005 at 1:41am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Last Days at Skullpoint


Check out Designing Final Days at Skullpoint for some relevant discussion.


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Message 16434#175068

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On 8/23/2005 at 6:21pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Last Days at Skullpoint

Ron wrote:

Check out Designing Final Days at Skullpoint for some relevant discussion.


Thanks Ron, that does answer quite a few of my questions.  I guess from my initial reading I was thinking that maybe a lot of these bangs will be removed by player action and I wanted to see what others had done with it.


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Topic 11691

Message 16434#175152

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