The Forge Reference Project


Topic: ForgeCon
Started by: Valamir
Started on: 3/22/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 3/22/2002 at 7:40pm, Valamir wrote:

You know I just had a crazy idea. There is a substantial number of Forge gamers between Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. We should pitch in rent a hotel conference room for a weekend in some mutually accessible location and have a little mini Forge Con.

In fact, you can probably find little clusters of Forgeites in several geographies. Wouldn't it be cool to have ForgeCon Seattle, ForgeCon Midwest, and ForgeCon East. Could even do t-shirts reminiscent of rock concert tours.

Anyway, I thought of it for purely selfish reasons. There appears to be a good number of kick ass GMs who'd I'd love to play with in an environment less chaotic than GenCon.

Message 1677#15856

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On 3/22/2002 at 7:46pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: ForgeCon


Message 1677#15861

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On 3/22/2002 at 7:48pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: ForgeCon


Chicago is centrally located.


Message 1677#15863

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On 3/22/2002 at 7:53pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

This should probably be a new thread, but:

So is that some sort of invite, Ron?



Message 1677#15864

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On 3/22/2002 at 7:57pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Mike Holmes wrote: So is that some sort of invite, Ron?

I can't resist:


Message 1677#15866

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:00pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Ah, hell, I used to scorn and call the midwest all kinds of nasty names. Little did I know. I'm so ashamed.


Message 1677#15867

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:02pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

This is getting off-topic, but: if you guys do this, and plan it two months in advance, I'll fly my ass out to it for the weekend.

Message 1677#15869

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:18pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Whoops, way off-topic, and both your Humble Forum Leaders are contributing to it.

New thread time for the Forgecon thing. Please return to discussion of "Your ideal system," special emphasis on "your."


Message 1677#15874

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:24pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

And now I've taken care of it - split and moved. Continue ForgeCon discussion.

Message 1677#15876

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:26pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

If this happens, so long as I have a couple months notice, there is a 90% likelyhood I will attend. I'd try to run a session of all my games ("Success", "Faster, Better, Cheaper", and "Rise Again") and a session or two of Wuthering Heights. Maybe a game of "Narrativist Vampire", since I think it can be done under Storyteller if you try, and perhaps even a stab at a "Narrativist Wargame" of some sort.

Hmmm, I better stop before I commit myself to running so much I won't get a chance to play.

Message 1677#15877

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:34pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

As I was just writing to Ralph, Paul and I have discussed this idea quite a bit. There are, of course a lot of logistics to work out, but I don't think we'd need to worry about participation. The question is what sort of a locale to use if it gets beyond size where it could be run at, say, Ron's place. Which, now that the idea is out, I think it would.

Anybody have any suggestions for a space to play in?


Message 1677#15879

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:39pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Ron Edwards wrote: Chicago is centrally located.

I wouldn't say that. there are at least 5 of us in the detroit area and a few more here in michigan and Chicago is about 5 hours away. I think someplace like South Bend Indiana, Michigan City or Benton Harbor would be far more central for everyone, and probably a lot cheeper hotel and food wise. Unless of course you're gonna let us stay at your place, or get us free rooms at the college :-)

,Matt G.

Message 1677#15882

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:43pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

I don't even live in the area, but my recommendation is either Madison, WI or Janesville, WI. Both are pretty good-sized towns, with lots of places to eat, drink and sleep, but would be a lot cheaper than Chicago. Madison has some good game stores, in addition, and is a college town - if we got someone to put up flyers ahead of time, we might meet some strangers.

Message 1677#15883

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:51pm, Matt Gwinn wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

South Bend has Notre Dame so it's probably big enough. And a pretty decent gaming store if I'm not mistaken.

,Matt G.

Message 1677#15888

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:54pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Clinton R Nixon wrote: I don't even live in the area, but my recommendation is either Madison, WI or Janesville, WI. Both are pretty good-sized towns, with lots of places to eat, drink and sleep, but would be a lot cheaper than Chicago. Madison has some good game stores, in addition, and is a college town - if we got someone to put up flyers ahead of time, we might meet some strangers.

Well, Madtown is not particularly central. I lived there for many years, however, and it would be a great place to get together. Plus Sean "Unodiablo" Wipfli lives there, and I still know a few gamers up in that neck of the woods. Sean, how's space there look?

Geographically, Chicago is the big city that is most central. By weight of gamers, so far though, South Bend or so is much more central. That's where Paul and I were looking at (especially if we can pick up gamers like Jason Blair). And, yes, it's probably a lot cheaper there than in Chicago. And if we're looking at a hotel, that becomes very important.


Message 1677#15890

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On 3/22/2002 at 8:58pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Listen up, you spunky monkeys,

Announcing: DemonCon, at DePaul University, the weekend of June 1-2, in Chicago.

Yes, I am not making this up. We've been organizing it for the last couple of months.

(Dusts hands)


Message 1677#15891

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On 3/22/2002 at 9:03pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Chicago would rock for me (well... CLEVELAND would really rock for me ;). As long as it's not too long of a drive, I'll be there.

EDIT: Well shit, Ron done did it up while I was typin'!

Message 1677#15892

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On 3/22/2002 at 9:08pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

DemonCon? Oh great. Well I suppose that the old saw about "any publicity" will apply to that generated by the protesters.

When will details be available?


Message 1677#15894

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On 3/22/2002 at 9:13pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

C'mon, man, it's DePaul University. Their team name is Blue Demons. You're going to tell me any other name for a role-playing con is even possible as a runner-up, given the opportunity to get away with it?

Details to follow, later. At last count, I have to deal with (a) illusionism, (b) Ralph's primer, (c) the GAMA debriefing for y'all, (d) an essay about indie fantasy RPGs in the 90s, (e) Sorcerer website to redesign and update, and (f) whatever hissy-fit a Forge member chooses to throw next (they never do that, though).


Message 1677#15895

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On 3/22/2002 at 9:34pm, Le Joueur wrote:
I wish, I wish, I wish...

Clinton R Nixon wrote: I don't even live in the area, but my recommendation is either Madison, WI

Madison is as far as we can get from Minnesota (my best man practically runs one of Maidson's game stores); I'd come. The only reason we make it to Milwaukee is for the history of it. This will be our last Gen Con (They're moving after this year right?).

Fang Langford

(Sorry DemonCon, our two kids don't travel that well.)

Message 1677#15899

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On 3/22/2002 at 10:10pm, unodiablo wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Midwest Forgers,
I have often thought about having an AptCon at my place. If Forge folks are really interested, and Madison seems like the location of choice, I could and would gladly house @ 8 guests at my place. And I'd chip in $50 for part of a hotel suite to play too! I have two very comfy couches, and an extra full size bed for guests, the rest would have to bring cots or sleeping bags. Ron has stayed at my place before, he can vouch that it's stayable. :)

Or if we go the AptCon route, I have a two bdrm that I could pretty easily set up three 'game rooms' in (both bdr's and the living room), tho that would cut down on floor / sleeping space. I know Mike has a friend or two in Madison, so does Ron, so it shouldn't be too hard to find places to stay. And there's always hotel rooms for the rich and/or unfriendly. I have a few contacts in the local gaming scene, so I could get some non-CoRE members to show up too. (just kidding, leave the baseball bat behind the door, Ron!)

And I could keep you all up all nite with the most wonderfully sick movie-thon you could imagine. :)


Message 1677#15905

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On 3/22/2002 at 10:15pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Wow, my little off the cuff comment has sparked some real interest. Great!!

Now, if this is to become more than just wishful thinking somebody will actually have to step up and make some phone calls and get some prices and start to talk about costs and finances and commitments and such.

Any volunteers for that...South Bend isn't much farther from me than Chicago, but someone fairly local to that area would have to be willing to do the leg work...unless you want all come to glorious Peoria in which case I can check out Hotel Pere Marquette right next to the internationally famous Big Al's "gentlemens" club.

I'm thinking for this to work we're looking at really Late May Early June, or Late September, Early November. Any sooner isn't enough time, July and August are Big Con Country, and any later is the holiday season. My vote would certainly be for sooner rather than later. Plus if its a big hit it could always be done again later in the year.

Message 1677#15906

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On 3/22/2002 at 10:30pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

I guess I've gotten first tickets to DemonCon! Sweet.

Message 1677#15908

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On 3/22/2002 at 11:01pm, Dav wrote:

Hmmm, DePaul University, eh? Quite the trip. I *think* I can travel that far. I dunno, it may be a bit of a stretch.


(Who lives literally 3 blocks from DePaul)

Message 1677#15914

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On 3/22/2002 at 11:45pm, Laurel wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

I ~think~ GenCon is the only trip I'm going to make out east this year, and I'm committed to that, but I'll stick a smilie on Clinton's suitcase or something.


Message 1677#15918

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On 3/23/2002 at 12:24am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Spunk.... monkeys....?

Message 1677#15927

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On 3/23/2002 at 12:25am, Christopher Kubasik wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Oh. Spunky monkeys.

Much better.


Message 1677#15928

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On 3/23/2002 at 8:52am, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Christopher Kubasik wrote: Oh. Spunky monkeys.

Much better.


Shut up. Like you're not going to attend. Remember, plane tickets are much cheaper if you buy them well in advance.

C'mon, ya know you wanna do it.


Message 1677#15943

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On 3/23/2002 at 8:58am, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Ron Edwards wrote: C'mon, man, it's DePaul University. Their team name is Blue Demons. You're going to tell me any other name for a role-playing con is even possible as a runner-up, given the opportunity to get away with it?

Hey, you have a good point. Doesn't mean that the crazy-right won't glom onto the event just to have a chance to say, "Hah, we knew it was a cult all along!"

Just kidding. Sorta. Those folks freak me out. Mostly for how they could misunderstand something so much.

BTW, and speaking of Madison, have you ever had the pleasure of catching the performance art which is the Preachers on the library mall? Whoa. Sean, you know who I'm talking about?

Message 1677#15944

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On 3/26/2002 at 9:28pm, Seth L. Blumberg wrote:

So where do I register for DemonCon?

BTW, I managed to get the time off for GenCon...looking forward to meeting everyone and hanging out at the Forge booth and playing lots of demoes.

Message 1677#16163

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On 3/29/2002 at 6:41pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Re: DemonCon

Seth L. Blumberg wrote: So where do I register for DemonCon?

Good question. Is there any information forthcoming, or a date to expect to hear details?


Message 1677#16435

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On 3/29/2002 at 7:25pm, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Wow. As long as I have no other in-laws getting married (which is why I'm likely missing GenCon), I'll head on over to DemonCon. I'll bring all my little games, too. Maybe print a few up in a little con sketchbook for free/cheap dispersal.

Message 1677#16441

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On 3/29/2002 at 10:10pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: ForgeCon

Great news, Susan, hope to see you there. Maybe we can get in a game of Superpets (or just talk design).


Message 1677#16459

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