The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Small questions
Started by: jasonm
Started on: 9/17/2005
Board: Burning Wheel

On 9/17/2005 at 10:14pm, jasonm wrote:
Small questions

Hi all,

My friend and I sat down to try out Burning Wheel revised today and found it pretty frustrating. 

Some small questions:

If you are using the basic (non-scripted) combat system, do shields have any value/effect? 

Can you script an action for any of the three spots in a volley, or only in sequence?  Can you declare that your action will take place in action three rather than action one, even if you only get a single action?

Steel and pain:  "Make a Steel test".  Against what, exactly?  The number of dice of the injury? 

How do GMs typically handle scripting for, say, a dozen opponents?  Maintaining some control over all the details seems extraordinarily daunting. 



Message 16873#179076

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On 9/17/2005 at 11:23pm, rafial wrote:
Re: Small questions

If you are using the basic (non-scripted) combat system, do shields have any value/effect?

By basic, I assume you mean bloody versus tests?  If you are doing straight up tests, you might give an advantage die to the guy that has a shield if the other guy doesn't.  In general with a bloody versus test, you'd want to look at the situation and see if either side has a situational advantage (see page 30 of BW).

If you are doing the "divide skill into attack and defense pools" thing, then you might want to add shield dice to the defense side.

Can you script an action for any of the three spots in a volley, or only in sequence?  Can you declare that your action will take place in action three rather than action one, even if you only get a single action?

The actions must be distributed "as evenly as possible" but the odd ones can go wherever you like.  So if you had only one action, yes, you could put it in the third volley.  If you have four actions, you have one in each volley, and one you can put in the volley of your choice.

Steel and pain:  "Make a Steel test".  Against what, exactly?  The number of dice of the injury?

Against your Hesitation.  Hesitation is 10 - Will.  So if you've got a Will of 4, you roll Steel against an obstacle of 6.

How do GMs typically handle scripting for, say, a dozen opponents?  Maintaining some control over all the details seems extraordinarily daunting.

Typically by having "canned scripts" and having blocks of opponents following the same script.  Does it make them a little more predictable?  Yup, but a PC in BW needs every advantage they can get anyway ;)

Message 16873#179080

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On 9/18/2005 at 12:33am, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Thanks Rafial, that is very helpful.

You misunderstood this question, I think:

"Can you script an action for any of the three spots in a volley, or only in sequence?  Can you declare that your action will take place in action three rather than action one, even if you only get a single action?"

To clarify:  We're in Volley #2.  I have a single action to use in volley #2.  Must it be the first action, or can it be the second or third within the volley?  So if my opponent, for example, sets and Great strikes, could I script my single action to fall on the same action as his great strike rather than during the set?

Which raises another question - can you string out multi-part actions across volleys?

Message 16873#179083

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On 9/18/2005 at 2:05am, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Hi Jason,

As far as I know, you can't script for a later action on the same volley- it's part of the price of being slow.  Tactically, you know most volleys the opposition can only do their "thing" on the first action, and plan accordingly, which also makes that 4th or greater action option a big deal.

You CAN script actions across multiple volleys, such as, "Trying to untie and free my buddy they were about to hang" is probably going to come out in several volleys. 

Finally, a very useful idea for canned script actions is to set up 3 or 4 canned scripts to work with, and have various characters use one.  For example, an aggressive script is going to be Strike, Block, Strike most likely, while a cunning one might be Counterstrike, Avoid, Strike.  You can label them A,B,C, or whatever works for you and give it to the NPCs and even have them switch options depending on their situation.  For example, an injured character probably will switch to a defensive script, or probably try to run away.


Message 16873#179091

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On 9/18/2005 at 2:57am, Paka wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

I'm not looking at the book but if you have an avoid in a volley and someone has Set, Great Strike, the Avoid counts against the Great Strike.

Hope that makes sense, I don't have the book in front of me but I'm fairly certain that I'm right and that's how I'd call it at home.

Message 16873#179096

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On 9/18/2005 at 7:10am, rafial wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

I'm not looking at the book but if you have an avoid in a volley and someone has Set, Great Strike, the Avoid counts against the Great Strike.

Paka's understanding is not the same as mine.  "Actions are matched up in each volley--first actions against first actions, second actions against second actions" (BW145)

I don't see anything special to counteract that under Avoid or Great Strike.  Avoid does say that if you do another action in the same volley your own action gets a +1 Ob.  Also, I note in the example on BW277 with a Lock as the second action versus a character who avoided in the first (and has no second action) there is no mention of the Avoid applying against the Lock, only natural defenses.

What I do believe is true is that you can never get a "second action" in a volley unless you had an actual "first action"  So that is one of the benefits of speed, you may get an action that the opponent cannot take any active countermeasures against.

Message 16873#179108

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On 9/18/2005 at 1:51pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Thanks guys.  I hope you can see by the discussion my minor questions evoked why we feel a little overwhelmed by BW. 

The thing I'm observing is that one really needs to use the entire system - unlike, say, GURPS, which is the most complex RPG I've ever run, where you have a great degree of control over the granularity, even subsystem by subsystem. Would you agree with this? 

We're impressed with much of BW and are considering using it for a new campaign, but handling time is a huge issue and we're concerned with conflicts taking a long time to resolve. Even in our little test melee I could see things speeding up as we figured things out, but the bottom line is that you are scripting out every heartbeat.  Is this a valid concern? 

Message 16873#179125

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On 9/18/2005 at 5:40pm, rafial wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

The thing I'm observing is that one really needs to use the entire system - unlike, say, GURPS, which is the most complex RPG I've ever run, where you have a great degree of control over the granularity, even subsystem by subsystem. Would you agree with this?

Hmm... I'd phrase it little differently.  I think you could keep BW quite light by doing everything with simple or bloody versus tests.  However the more detailed subsystems add so much of interest to the proceedings that I'd say the BW is a complex RPG where I actually want to use all the detail.

Even in our little test melee I could see things speeding up as we figured things out, but the bottom line is that you are scripting out every heartbeat.  Is this a valid concern?

My experience with classic was that the handling time of scripted combat was never any worse, and probably better than the typical d20 battle.  Interpret that how you will :)  The nice thing about revised is that you now have the option to ask "does anybody care about fighting out this battle?" and if nobody does, fall back on a bloody versus test.

Message 16873#179139

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On 9/18/2005 at 6:17pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

rafial wrote:
My experience with classic was that the handling time of scripted combat was never any worse, and probably better than the typical d20 battle.

Yeah, that's actually not particularly encouraging ... in our test session, we first ran the conflict as a bloody versus fight, and were really unsatisfied with the outcome. 

On a related note, how much information do you need to keep track of concerning NPCs?  All their stats, derived stats, skills, traits, instincts?  It seems like all that could come into play in a fight.  Or can you just wing it?  Is that even possible? 

Message 16873#179142

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On 9/18/2005 at 6:38pm, rafial wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

On a related note, how much information do you need to keep track of concerning NPCs?

Major NPCs will get the full workup of course.  Minor NPCs (for battles) need full stats, combat related skills, and gear.

Or can you just wing it?  Is that even possible?

Oh sure... Incompetent NPC: all stats and skills are B3, Competent NPC: all stats and skills are B4.  What skills do they have?  Well, at the moment of need think "would this NPC know how to do this?".  If so, they have an applicable skill, if not, they are defaulting to B1 or B2 root.

Message 16873#179144

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On 9/19/2005 at 3:05pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Jason wrote: On a related note, how much information do you need to keep track of concerning NPCs?  All their stats, derived stats, skills, traits, instincts?  It seems like all that could come into play in a fight.  Or can you just wing it?  Is that even possible? 

you might consult pages 280-281 of the Burning Wheel. They have guidelines for creating NPCs.

Also, Wilhelm's correct in his read of the book. Note, don't listen to anyone quoting rules (about any game) unless they also quote a page number. Bad Paka, bad.


Message 16873#179246

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On 10/13/2005 at 3:46pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

OK, so we generated characters and set up a big combat to introduce the system.  Character generation (5 players, 2 GMs) took two hours, and six seconds of combat took another two hours.  I'm assuming this will get faster with familiarity.  Somebody please tell me it gets faster with familiarity.

One PC got hit hard and failed his Steel test, resulting in 5 hesitation.  At this point he had to run screaming or stand there and get butchered - or am I missing something?  His opponent had a strike scripted, and would have the leisure of scripting more strikes or great strikes for the next set of three, during which there would be no active opposition to his actions.  Right?  It didn't feel right.

There seemed to be a death spiral of guys getting tagged, made less effective, then as a result getting tagged again until they were functionally useless due to obstacle penalties.  Either that or killed with a single blow, which happened twice.  Is this how it is supposed to be?

I feel a real sense of desperation, because I can see some really positive things about BW, but my players were not happy with the way our test turned out, and I found myself saying "just give it time, it'll get better."  And that sucks, because I hate being in that position and I don't know for sure that it is true.


Message 16873#182381

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On 10/13/2005 at 4:44pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Hi Jason,

How many people were in the combat you ran?  All the PCs + 1 NPC for each?  Definitely a rough way to start, as I assume everyone was having to learn all the new manuevers and go through a decision tree if that was the case.  Yes, it does get much faster, especially if the players can script their own without having to look up each manuever as well as know the basic mechanics for most of them.

Hesitation does hurt- and the usual (best) response is to run.

There seemed to be a death spiral of guys getting tagged, made less effective, then as a result getting tagged again until they were functionally useless due to obstacle penalties.  Either that or killed with a single blow, which happened twice.  Is this how it is supposed to be?

Did anyone use FoRKs?  Stances?  Both of those make it a lot easier to deal with penalties.  Also, what kinds of weapons, armor, and stats did the characters have?  Instant death doesn't happen too often, though a really good hit can drop a person from being able to fight.


Message 16873#182392

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On 10/13/2005 at 5:51pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Bankuei wrote:
How many people were in the combat you ran?  All the PCs + 1 NPC for each? 
Did anyone use FoRKs?  Stances?  Also, what kinds of weapons, armor, and stats did the characters have? 

Thanks Chris.

It was one NPC per PC, and we just had them keep coming - the point was to give everybody a chance to try out the system in a variety of combinations.  So I and another guy made up a bunch of random dudes with from 3 to 8 lifepaths to set them against.  In the end everybody fought one person, except two guys, who each got an instant kill and fought two.  The PCs were built with 8 lifepaths and no exponent cap - our plan is to make these guys the heroic ancestors of the eventual player characters. 

One PC used aggressive stance late in the evening and it was an "a-ha" moment for everybody.  Nobody used FORKs.  We gave everybody 3 die armor and weapons varied from spears and polearms to swords and axes.  No ranged weapons and no mounted combat and no shields.  There were a lot of positioning conflicts with different weapon lengths and so forth.  One guy got disarmed and one PC died; we had established at the outset that they were all going to die eventually but we didn't have time. 

My co-GM and I ended the evening thinking the whole introduction had been a huge mistake.  We reasoned that combat is so hellaciously complicated* that if we got that down, the rest would be gravy.  Also, a battle of wits was suggested, but with five players that seemd like it would leave people out and not really show off the system. I'm open to ideas on how to salvage my reputation and provide a proper kickass start to our BW campaign.  I think I burned all the patience and courtesy my group has for me.  We either get it right next week or, I swear to god, they are going to mutiny and play D20. 


*I know, I know, but the last game we played resolved every conflict with a single die roll, the end.  Sort of a sharp adjustment. 

Message 16873#182396

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On 10/13/2005 at 5:58pm, MetalBard wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

An easier way to do this would be to try out a Duel of Wits (possibly using one of the scenarios on the BW site) and have the players take sides.  While only two players may be dueling, depending on the sides they take, the other players can throw in helping dice to the arguments they support.  It might be an easier way to introduce the idea of the scripting system (and it applies to Fight! as well...  those helping dice are really useful there).

Message 16873#182398

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On 10/13/2005 at 8:09pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Hi Jason,

The PCs were built with 8 lifepaths and no exponent cap - our plan is to make these guys the heroic ancestors of the eventual player characters.

The length of time behind character creation makes sense now.  Most PCs start in the 3-5 range...  And the instant kills make a lot of sense also.

My co-GM and I ended the evening thinking the whole introduction had been a huge mistake.  We reasoned that combat is so hellaciously complicated* that if we got that down, the rest would be gravy.

So you decided to jump in with advanced characters and a big fight?  I like to follow the "tutorial" method of videogames- you get a basic character, we highlight and show off the basic moves, and when you get the idea of that, we add more.  Even if you begin the demonstration with only 2 players- it can work if you stop after every round and comment on what worked, what didn't, why, and what options are open that people might want to try.  Also, there are many one-shot conventions scenarios that are available for free download that work well to show off BW's strong points.

My best recommendation to not earn a mutiny is to show off BW's highlights:

- Make sure the PCs have GOOD BITs
- Highlight those BITs during play, reward artha
- Remind people when they ought to be FoRK'ing and using Linked Tests (so they can be competant and cool)
- One Duel of Wits, over something that matters, not something pointless
- One Fight!  no more than 3 combatants total (PC or NPC).  Also remind people of their tactical options.


Message 16873#182413

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On 10/14/2005 at 5:33am, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

hi Jason,

to answer your question about Steel: Yes, that's how it works. It's also why fights in BW are so short. You're not ablating HP, you're going for a crippling injury that causes your opponent to be knocked out of the fight.

With such experienced characters, you likely have a lot of dice to play with and it's probably pretty easy to score killing blows. That's fine. But when those failed Steel tests come up, STOP THE FIGHT. It's over. Ask the player if they run or surrender, but either way the conflict is over. It's not a video game where you're locked until the clock runs down.

Speaking of videogames, you jumped in pretty deep. You went against just about everything I recommend for starting off with BW. If you want to back off and try again -- with equally powerful characters under a more controlled circumstance -- run the Gift.

But, as Chris said, a 5 on 5 fight in BW is a big deal. That'd be the climax of most of our games.

J/c what kind of game are you running? What are the players' Beliefs?


Message 16873#182479

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On 10/14/2005 at 12:23pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

OK, all good to know.  We'll all have to wrap our heads around the notion that in an evenly-matched fight, you stand a good chance of having to retire your character.  I like that - fights should be scary.  It does leave me a little adrift as a GM, though, knowing that the line between a minor scuffle and a total party kill is so slender. 

Last Wednesday's session was just to try the system out.  Next week we'll begin the campaign in earnest.  The setting is pseudo-mythic Summer and Autumn period China, with the players starting as emissaries for the King of Ba.  No characters yet, so I don't know their BITs, but we want to stress themes of loyalty and sacrifice.  We're going to start off with a duel of wits and some mellow role-playing. 

A question on the "let it ride" rule - let's say the challenge at hand is crossing a raging river.  If I understand it, you either succeed or fail, and if you fail, you have to change the circumstances to try again, right?  How would this work with a static challenge?  Would the player have to narrate looking for a better ford, or waiting for the water level to go down, rather than just wading in to give it another try?  Or would failure mean a complication, like being swept downstream?  What if he wanted to try again with help?  I'm a little thrown by the blurring of task and conflict resolution. 


Message 16873#182502

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On 10/14/2005 at 1:11pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Jason wrote: A question on the "let it ride" rule - let's say the challenge at hand is crossing a raging river.  If I understand it, you either succeed or fail, and if you fail, you have to change the circumstances to try again, right?  How would this work with a static challenge?  Would the player have to narrate looking for a better ford, or waiting for the water level to go down, rather than just wading in to give it another try?  Or would failure mean a complication, like being swept downstream?  What if he wanted to try again with help?  I'm a little thrown by the blurring of task and conflict resolution.

What was the Intent? What were the stakes? How did the story change because they didn't cross the river?

Did they become late for an important meeting? Did their provisions get washed away? Did the villain escape?

Each situation where you decide to roll dice requires stakes and risk. The story MUST go in a different direction after the dice have been rolled, whether there's success or failure. That's why it's so important to establish intent and stake before the roll.

What follows should flow from the complication that arose due to the failure. They cannot simply retest, whether they have Help now or not. Instead, they must change the situation. They can use Orienteering to find a better ford (but this means that you'll need new intent and new stakes). They can call on Circles to find a guy with a boat to take them across (although they may invoke the Enmity Clause).

And so forth and so on. Embrace failure in Burning Wheel. Together with Let It Ride, it is one of the drivers of story.

Message 16873#182504

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On 10/14/2005 at 2:00pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Jason wrote:
OK, all good to know.  We'll all have to wrap our heads around the notion that in an evenly-matched fight, you stand a good chance of having to retire your character.  I like that - fights should be scary.  It does leave me a little adrift as a GM, though, knowing that the line between a minor scuffle and a total party kill is so slender. 

Last Wednesday's session was just to try the system out.  Next week we'll begin the campaign in earnest.  The setting is pseudo-mythic Summer and Autumn period China, with the players starting as emissaries for the King of Ba.  No characters yet, so I don't know their BITs, but we want to stress themes of loyalty and sacrifice.  We're going to start off with a duel of wits and some mellow role-playing. 

my little earbrows perked up a bit from your comments here. Fights are dangerous, but there's just not going to be a TPK in your BW game. As the GM, you have WAY too much control for the game to slide into that morass. Not only can you control the exponent of your villains (Have you read the Burning Rogues section in the Burning Wheel?),  you control their every move. So unless you build monstrous exponent 8 demons who script strike/strike/strike/strike/strike/strike (etc), no slaughter is inevitable.

For example, I had a party of 5-6 LP characters fight a demon in the climax of one of my games. I knew that I could script endless strikes and kill the group, but I didn't do that. I used him in that grand final fight in a different way — he used his Lawbreaker, Aura of Fear, Demon's Skin traits. He scripted Pushes, Throws and Locks. He was a blur of motion, in complete control of the battle, but no one died before he went down. Not him, not the PCs. Remember, you're in control of your decisions.

Also, I might have misread your last post, but I thought you said you had 8 LP characters for all the players? Don't tell me those were just test characters!

Message 16873#182515

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On 10/14/2005 at 3:24pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Thor wrote:
What was the Intent? What were the stakes? How did the story change because they didn't cross the river?

Thanks, Thor.

Not sure about "what's at stake?" - I don't know what that means in BW. 

Task is to cross the river where I stand.  Intent is to get to the other side.  I fail.  I am delayed.  I cannot try to cross the river in the same way again. 

New task is to find a ford to get across the river.  Intent remains to get across the river.  So I try again, with another skill?  What am I missing here?  What do you do when you run out of skills/abilities/etc to get across the river?    What do you do when one guy in your group can't get across? 

On a related note, could the players say "screw the river, our task is to arrive at the meeting on time and our intent is to enhance our reputation"?

Or could the players say, "screw the meeting, our task is to get there on time, breeze through it and impress everybody, and our intent is to eat well that night"?  I don't remember reading that GM has authority over task or intent. 


Message 16873#182525

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On 10/14/2005 at 3:40pm, MetalBard wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Jason wrote:
Not sure about "what's at stake?" - I don't know what that means in BW. 

I think Thor's asking you to put the river-crossing in context.  Why does this river need to be crossed?  You could conceivably try to keep crossing it at many different points, but what is the risk of taking so much time to do so?

And really, if there is no time constraint or conflict here (no enemies hot on your tail or a meeting to make in time on the other side) why is the roll even being made?  By citing one of these or other reasons for the conflict, you're answering Thor's question of "what's at stake?"

Message 16873#182527

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On 10/14/2005 at 3:41pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

abzu wrote:
Fights are dangerous, but there's just not going to be a TPK in your BW game. As the GM, you have WAY too much control for the game to slide into that morass. Not only can you control the exponent of your villains (Have you read the Burning Rogues section in the Burning Wheel?),  you control their every move.

One set of bad rolls can bring a PC down, that much is pretty obvious.  There won't be any exponent 8 demons, but there could be exponent 4 swordsmen, and I'm not really seeing the difference once somebody takes a real hit.  From your comment, it sounds like as GM you have to nerf your NPCs so that Bad Things don't happen. 

Also, I might have misread your last post, but I thought you said you had 8 LP characters for all the players? Don't tell me those were just test characters!

They were.  It was a mistake.  BTW I'll see you at MACE in November, and I'm very much looking forward to playing in a demo or two.  I bet it will straighten out a lot of my confusion!


Message 16873#182528

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On 10/14/2005 at 4:29pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Hi Jason,

Fights are dangerous, though the dice are rarely what does people in- it's almost always bad choices in scripting or bad luck in how you chose to script them.  For instance, mostly you will miss a roll by a success or two, which usually doesn't end up in taking a heavy blow- but minor one.  But if you failed to script a Block or an Avoid when someone else scripted a Strike- then you take a full on hit with no defense!

As far as "Stakes" to put it in context of the game you're suggesting, "Crossing the river" doesn't mean jack, "crossing the river to tell Duke Wen that Chu is going to betray him during the next battle", that has stakes.  When people ask what's at stake- you ask yourself what happens if the player fails.  If you say "nothing", and the person can try again, no cost, then there's nothing at stake and no point in rolling the dice.  If there's nothing to really be gained or lost in serious context, then you might as well not roll the dice.  "Say yes or roll the dice".


Message 16873#182539

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On 10/14/2005 at 4:43pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Hi Jason,

this is slightly off-topic, but can you explain what "nerf" means? I don't understand.


Message 16873#182542

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On 10/14/2005 at 5:11pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Sorry Luke.  Nerf:  To arbitrarily underpower something for "game balance" purposes. 

"Oh crap, I've got these cool badass bandits that are going to own the road.  They ought to have stats and skills in the 4-5 range, because they are badass and that level of competency makes sense, but they will make mince-meat of the PCs.  So I'll make their stats 3's instead.  And they won't strike too much, just sort of avoid and block, even though they'd be down with killing these interlopers at the first sign of resistance."

Force/Illusionism in action, I guess. 

Message 16873#182550

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On 10/14/2005 at 5:19pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Bankuei wrote:
Fights are dangerous, though the dice are rarely what does people in- it's almost always bad choices in scripting or bad luck in how you chose to script them.  For instance, mostly you will miss a roll by a success or two, which usually doesn't end up in taking a heavy blow- but minor one.  But if you failed to script a Block or an Avoid when someone else scripted a Strike- then you take a full on hit with no defense!

Guys, I really appreciate your time and attention and I'm sorry if I'm being a pedant or a pain.  I do want to get all this right.  I was using "dice" generally, so I get it - my point was a single bit of misfortune and you are down like a side of beef.  You put two maneuvers in the wrong order.  You rolled really bad.  Net effect = the death spiral begins. 

"Say yes or roll the dice".

OK, that I get, big DitV fan, maybe that is why this all seems so bizarre to me.  But in Dogs when you use that phrase, you really can go for broke - try your hardest to win a conflict.  Anything less isn't fun.  I'm not getting that here.  I think what Luke was saying was "as GM you are in control, so have your NPCs back off if they are going to utterly hose the PCs."  Am I misinterpereting that? 

Message 16873#182553

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On 10/14/2005 at 6:24pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Hi Jason,

I used "Say yes or roll dice" specifically in regards to your question about stakes.  Rolling dice to cross the river is pointless as rolling dice to tie your shoelaces- unless something else is happening if the PCs don't make it across the river (being chased by bad guys, need to get somewhere in time), then don't bother.

Second, with regards to combat, a great deal of effectiveness depends on a person's skill in scripting.  Assuming you're the guy with the rulebooks, and had time to read them over, you have a significant advantage over the players with dealing with scripting.  It's not like you have to make the NPCs stupid or anything, but you do have to give the players a chance to learn the system.


Message 16873#182584

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On 10/14/2005 at 7:10pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

I think others have  answered the question of the river much as I would have. I was using stakes as shorthand for: what is the conflict and what are the agreed upon consequences for failing?

I think that framing the conflict as simply crossing the river, with the consequences merely being that you don't cross the river, means there just isn't a conflict here. The group should narrate crossing the river and move on. Say yes or roll dice.

Think of it this way (and pardon me if this seems esoteric): When you decide to bring out the dice in Burning Wheel, you have made a decision to move something out of the realm of color into the realm of central importance to the narrative. Ideally, each test in Burning Wheel exists to put a character's Belief, Instinct, or Trait in opposition with a risk of some sort, a consequence. And this means that each test in Burning Wheel will ideally require a player to make a choice about the importance of that Belief, Instinct, or Trait in relation to that risk.

With that in mind, what purpose is the river serving in the SIS?

Jason wrote:
"Say yes or roll the dice".

OK, that I get, big DitV fan, maybe that is why this all seems so bizarre to me.  But in Dogs when you use that phrase, you really can go for broke - try your hardest to win a conflict.  Anything less isn't fun.  I'm not getting that here.  I think what Luke was saying was "as GM you are in control, so have your NPCs back off if they are going to utterly hose the PCs."  Am I misinterpereting that?

Well, let's explore that a little. I agree that you get to go all out in Dogs. But. You ALWAYS choose when. Afterall, if all you want to do is beat the players, you establish conflict after conflict in which your NPCs always escalate. Trying to get information from a granny about what her daughter has been up to? She talks, then she stabs you with a knife and then she pulls out the big ass shotgun and starts blasting.

If you're going all out all the time, you'll do that for every conflict. Afterall, you're not really invested in these NPCs, right? You can just make more.

It's perfectly fair to challenge them with tough bandits with exponent 4 weapon skills, but do it when it's important, when beliefs are on the line. If beliefs are on the line, should they die, they will die making a thematic statement about their characters, and that's perfectly cool.

Message 16873#182596

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On 10/14/2005 at 7:48pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Thor wrote:
And this means that each test in Burning Wheel will ideally require a player to make a choice about the importance of that Belief, Instinct, or Trait in relation to that risk.  With that in mind, what purpose is the river serving in the SIS?

OK, that's pretty clear.  Weird, but clear.  "So you're all standing on the banks of the river, you gotta tell the Duke about those Chu bastards or it'll be disaster, and ... everybody make a swimming roll.  Anybody make it?  OK, one guy did, so the Duke knows.  The rest of you show up later - it doesn't matter any more how you got across."  Is that correct?

Well, let's explore that a little. I agree that you get to go all out in Dogs. But. You ALWAYS choose when.

You force tough choices, right, like "do you smack the grandmother to the ground?  Because that's what it'll take to shut her up in front of the congregation.  You will?  A grandmother? How about now?"  What's the parallel in BW?

My bandits own the road the PCs desperately need to travel.  They are widely feared.  The PCs are stopped and shaken down, they refuse to give over because, hell, they are the PCs.  Fight ensues, bandits have no reason to give any quarter.  So is this about arrogance, with the result that the PCs are cut down like wheat?  Or am I supposed to not have bandits in the first place, since arrogance isn't what my game is about? 

Message 16873#182606

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On 10/14/2005 at 7:57pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Bankuei wrote:
Second, with regards to combat, a great deal of effectiveness depends on a person's skill in scripting.  Assuming you're the guy with the rulebooks, and had time to read them over, you have a significant advantage over the players with dealing with scripting.  It's not like you have to make the NPCs stupid or anything, but you do have to give the players a chance to learn the system.

Agreed.  That's what we were trying to do last week - give everybody a heapin' helpin' of fighting, to try out different stuff against varied opponents.  Didn't work too well, but we tried. 

I'm having a hard time seeing the skill involved in scripting - obvious choices like beat and bind against polearms, but it really seems like a lot of it is random.  I guess it is "skillful" to script attacks on the second action in a volley?  Are their actual optimal patterns against different sorts of opponents?  Given the limited universe of possibility and identical characters, will a more "skillful" player always beat a less-skillful one?

Message 16873#182609

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On 10/14/2005 at 9:34pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions


Things I have found work rather well in general-

Charge/Push- if you knock someone down, that's a world of extra problems they have to deal with in terms of being able to maneuver (not really) or fight back (with add Ob).  Then you hit them.

Counterstrike- Even if you only raise the Ob by 1, it makes a big helping, especially when you have armor and can afford to take little hits.  Plus you still get an attack off.

Throw- if you get inside, most weapons become terribly difficult to use, and you can still throw the foe (off things, into sharp, burning things, or other people).

Those 3 alone make a big difference.  Controlling the distance at which you fight and eating up as many of your opponent's actions as possible is the key to success.  If they have to spend an action getting up, that's one less action they can spend hitting you. 

If you Strike-Push-Strike, you are on a continous offensive, or you could even go Counterstrike-Push-Counterstrike for a defensive option.  You could Close & Push, and if you can make the Close, your opponent is at a big disadvantage to hit you.  You could Withdraw, knowing your opponent is going to script a Close, and Close at the same time with a Charge...

Just like a fighting videogame, if you don't know what you're doing (button-mashing), it seems pretty random.  If you know how to do the moves, the distance and the timing, it's not random at all.


Message 16873#182626

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On 10/15/2005 at 4:18am, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Jason wrote:

Force/Illusionism in action, I guess. 

Thanks for the definition. But I don't see why accurately and adequately challenging your players is Force/Illusionism or negative in anyway. If you know a pack of exp 5 Bandits is too much for your players to handle, you've got to rethink the encounter or set up or whatever. It's your job as GM to challenge your players. It's one of your most important roles. This includes knowing the character BITs, but it also includes having a reasonable understanding of what is too much and what isn't enough.

In Burning Wheel, I give you a lot of very fine control in that regard. Any player can see what tests are needed to advance a skill or stat. As the GM, you can insert opportunities for those tests into the game. Any player can just whack away at something until it's dead. But as the GM, your job isn't to kill your players' characters, it's too challenge them. In that context, a single well-placed/well-timed Strike can be infinitely more potent that just crushing your opposition with a vulgar display of power.


Message 16873#182653

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On 10/15/2005 at 3:10pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: Small questions

Jason wrote: OK, that's pretty clear.  Weird, but clear.  "So you're all standing on the banks of the river, you gotta tell the Duke about those Chu bastards or it'll be disaster, and ... everybody make a swimming roll.  Anybody make it?  OK, one guy did, so the Duke knows.  The rest of you show up later - it doesn't matter any more how you got across."  Is that correct?

You're on the right track. Personally, I think the scope of the test that you're describing here is a bit too big. Think of DitV. Vincent suggests that rather than doing big conflicts, you do lots of little conflicts that lead to follow-up conflicts. It's much the same here.

If your overall goal is to reach the Duke and let him know about the disaster, then failure should create a complication to the goal. For instance, you, as the GM, might say, "Ok, you can try to cross the river. But the Duke is about ready to depart on his tax the opposite direction! If you fail here, he's going to leave the capitol before you can get there! If you lose enough time, the enemy may cross the border into his lands before you can reach him"

Now crossing the river is about something, and it also neatly escalates the conflict that is brewing in the session. Also, it gives the players an understanding of the risks, and allows them to decide whether they're willing to risk it (maybe they'll look for another way if their swimming skill or boating skill is poor). It also helps them to decide whether this is a situation worth spending Artha on.

This is no really no different than stating an intent like, "I want to shut her up in front of the congregation. I'm going to use my Intimidation skill. I'm going to shove her down to the ground and say, "Stop your sinnin' ways, old woman! You know what the scripture says!" I'm FoRKing my Brawling and Suasion into the roll. Cool?"

Well, let's explore that a little. I agree that you get to go all out in Dogs. But. You ALWAYS choose when.

You force tough choices, right, like "do you smack the grandmother to the ground?  Because that's what it'll take to shut her up in front of the congregation.  You will?  A grandmother? How about now?"  What's the parallel in BW?

My bandits own the road the PCs desperately need to travel.  They are widely feared.  The PCs are stopped and shaken down, they refuse to give over because, hell, they are the PCs.  Fight ensues, bandits have no reason to give any quarter.  So is this about arrogance, with the result that the PCs are cut down like wheat?  Or am I supposed to not have bandits in the first place, since arrogance isn't what my game is about?

The parallel in BW is: That's your Belief? What if you're faced with this situation, do you still believe it? How about his situation? And this one?

Think of it this way: Is it kosher to have some bandits in the road in DitV just because? No. They must be tied to the situation at hand. They're there for a reason. It's a conflict that the PCs must engage with, one that matters to them because of who they are.

It's no different in BW. Fights are dangerous in BW (I won't say deadly, because getting hurt enough to fail a Steel Check and beg for mercy or run away is a far more common result). The question is not whether the PCs will engage in the combat. Even the question of whether they live or die is not tremendously compelling. But if the question is, do they fight for what they believe in or decide the risk is too great? Then you're having a rocking session that will be remembered.

Now, if it's important to you as the GM to have an encounter with bandits because it establishes color that will cast light on a bang you plan to introduce later? Then it's a different story. Then it's worth having the encounter even without Beliefs involved (because you hope they will be later). In that case, I wouldn't even use the full Fight! mechanics. I'd just use a Bloody Versus Test.

If you've ever played HeroQuest: Bloody Versus Tests are to HeroQuest Simple Contests as Fight! is to HeroQuest Extended Contests.

Message 16873#182690

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