The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Hero Wars is now Hero Quest
Started by: J B Bell
Started on: 3/24/2002
Board: HeroQuest

On 3/24/2002 at 8:37am, J B Bell wrote:
Hero Wars is now Hero Quest

Well, their FAQ is skimpy yet, but if you take a look at Issaries site, note that they're saying that the new game is a different game, and Hero Wars will be the one for playing in "modern" Glorantha.

Perhaps this new effort is a return to the rumored intention that Issaries would detail Glorantha only up to a certain point in time and stop, not providing any continuing arc, on purpose. I've sent them some email asking about that, and perhaps that will end up in the FAQ.

--J B Bell

[Edit: and the release date is now Spring 2002. Siiigh.]

Message 1693#15975

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...from around 3/24/2002

On 4/2/2002 at 10:53pm, jburneko wrote:
RE: Hero Wars is now Hero Quest

I'm very confused by this situation. Is there going to BE a Hero Wars 2nd edition? Or is HeroQuest replacing Hero Wars but uses the same game system? Arg! I'm very interested in this game but I can't sort out the product lines. What is the relationship between these two games?


Message 1693#16695

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...from around 4/2/2002

On 4/2/2002 at 11:07pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Hero Wars is now Hero Quest

Best as I can figure, Hero Quest *is* Hero Wars 2nd edition, with the emphasis on a particualr time in Gloranthan history removed. That is, the Hero Quest rules are the Hero Wars rules cleaned up and reformatted (as promised/proposed for Hero Wars 2e), but the setting that surrounds Hero Quest is "Glorantha in general". "Hero Wars" will remain as a label for the line of products/supplements that explore/develop "Glorantha at the time of the HeroWars".

There was a thread about this over at . . . I don't think anyone had anything more conclusive than the above.


Message 1693#16697

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...started by Gordon C. Landis which Gordon C. Landis participated HeroQuest
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On 4/2/2002 at 11:21pm, Le Joueur wrote:
Um, What About Hasbro?

jburneko wrote: I'm very confused by this situation. Is there going to BE a Hero Wars 2nd edition? Or is HeroQuest replacing Hero Wars but uses the same game system? Arg! I'm very interested in this game but I can't sort out the product lines. What is the relationship between these two games?

I recently returned from the Internet, and while the Issaries FAQ is quite informative, according to my sources, Hasbro had the trademark on 'HeroQuest,' not Games Workshop. Heck you can still download the rules from Hasbro.

Who currently owns it? I don't know. I'm not entirely sure the name change warrants the unwanted confusion between the old HeroQuest and Issaries' new one. (But I for one loved the jigsaw pieces that came with it's 40K companion Space Hulk and would love similar from Issaries - What? That was yesterday? Damn my eyes.)

Fang Langford

Message 1693#16698

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...started by Le Joueur which Le Joueur participated HeroQuest
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...from around 4/2/2002

On 4/3/2002 at 1:02am, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Hero Wars is now Hero Quest

For what it's worth . . . a visit to the Trademark search system reveals that Issaries has the trademark, GW abandoned it . . . but no one's picked up ADVANCED HeroQuest.
(go to this link and navigate to where you can search for "HeroQuest" to see our IP law at work).


(edited TWICE becasue you can't actually link to search results - OR the search screen)

Message 1693#16705

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Gordon C. Landis which Gordon C. Landis participated HeroQuest
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...from around 4/3/2002