The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Space Opera PBEM Looking for Gamemakers
Started by: Yumi
Started on: 9/26/2005
Board: Connections

On 9/26/2005 at 5:12pm, Yumi wrote:
Space Opera PBEM Looking for Gamemakers

I am making this freeform Space opera PBEM. Or, I am making peaple make the game. everything is based on that the players are building the world through a wiki (the same thing as wikipedia).

The game is set in a distant future were rabbits - Bunnys - are flying in Near Lightspeed and exploring the galaxy. It is a very actionbased world, and everybody decives everybody. Another bunnys life is a value in cash. Gangs of pirates are attacking the police forces. Everything are Brutal Caos.

Join the development of this caotic world. Soon we will begin to play and explore it. And it dosent end there.

I am searching for everybody that might be intrested in this game. Everything from a Spelling Nerd to a Artist, or a Guy that Just Comment the Others Work to a Great Wrighter that Doctorate in Every Subject, Even that one about School System in Xxabhazch.

Well, my goal with SpaceBunny is to make a funktioning PBEM that are different (in a new, and good way) from the others. Hopefully the game will run, at least a while.

Everybody that are intressted can look at the homepage (up) and start wrighting right now! And posting RPG-posts will be ready when the world is ready, so hurry up!

Message 16970#180077

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On 9/26/2005 at 5:23pm, Yumi wrote:
Re: Space Opera PBEM Looking for Gamemakers

Please note that SpaceBunny is not a Star Trek PBEM, or similar.

(Isnt there a Edit button??)

Message 16970#180079

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...from around 9/26/2005