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Topic: Fallout Dice for Healing
Started by: Parsolamew
Started on: 10/11/2005
Board: lumpley games

On 10/11/2005 at 3:08am, Parsolamew wrote:
Fallout Dice for Healing

This'll be a heck of a weak first post, but I've got a miscellaneous question that I can't seem to answer on my own.

What die-size is the fallout that a doctor-dog gets when healing someone? d4 or d6?  Sanity would seem to suggest the latter, healing being a physical action and all.  If this is the case, though, the group I'm in either has the worst luck in the world, or something else doesn't jive, as the following situation seems to be all too common for us:

Dog A takes "requires medical attention" fallout, from some conflict.
Dog B jumps to the rescue, heals up Dog A, in the process takes "injured" fallout and fails his body roll.
Dog C jumps to the rescue, heals up Dog B, in the process takes "injured" fallout and fails -his- body roll.

Anyone who is very, very bad at Metal Gear Solid, and has ever tried to tranq dart two guards when they keep kicking each other awake will full understand what I picture each and every time this happens. 

Are we doing something wrong?

Message 17194#182020

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On 10/11/2005 at 1:20pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: Fallout Dice for Healing

I split this out of this thread from back in May. My policy here matches the Forge's at large: start a new thread rather than resurrecting an old one.

No problem though, and welcome!

As always, the fallout you take should match the blow you took. Here's one example:

Me, raising: He sneezes in your face!
You, taking the blow: Oh no! I am infected of death pox!
You take d6s for fallout, because the blow you took was physical.

Here's another example:

Me, raising: As he's thrashing around, he accidentally impales you on his broken femur.
You: That's the dumbest raise in history, he impales me on his broken femur?
Me: Just go with it for the example, okay?
You, taking the blow: Okay, dude, I guess I'm impaled. Blood spurts yadda yadda. Does his broken femur count as a weapon?
Me: Sure!
You take d8s for fallout, because the blow you took was with a weapon.

Here's a way more better example:

Me, raising: His voice is failing but he keeps singing: Oh death where is thy sting...
You, taking the blow: Hear him, Lord.
You take d4s for fallout, because the blow you took wasn't physical.

Thanks for indulging me writing examples when a simple answer would've done it.


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Message 17194#182060

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On 10/11/2005 at 2:43pm, Vaxalon wrote:
RE: Re: Fallout Dice for Healing

Hm, so what you seem to be saying, is that even though the dice on the table may be for "Physical, not fighting" the fallout might not be d6's?

Message 17194#182068

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On 10/11/2005 at 3:19pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Fallout Dice for Healing

Yes, of course that's what I'm saying.

The fallout dice you take depends on the blows you take, not on the escalation of the conflict - not on which stat dice you've rolled.


Message 17194#182075

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On 10/12/2005 at 1:55am, Parsolamew wrote:
RE: Re: Fallout Dice for Healing

lumpley wrote:
Me, raising: As he's thrashing around, he accidentally impales you on his broken femur.
You: That's the dumbest raise in history, he impales me on his broken femur?
Me: Just go with it for the example, okay?
You, taking the blow: Okay, dude, I guess I'm impaled. Blood spurts yadda yadda. Does his broken femur count as a weapon?
Me: Sure!
You take d8s for fallout, because the blow you took was with a weapon.

I'm going to have to disagree.  Not only does that explain it entirely to my satisfaction (subsequent reaction: I really should have figured that out on my own) but that's one of the best raises in history.  If by best you mean "nearly made me aspirate the cranberry juice I'm drinking."

Thanks for the help, and the game!

Message 17194#182191

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On 10/12/2005 at 2:37am, Paka wrote:
RE: Re: Fallout Dice for Healing

Me, you are holding his guts in when you hear wings that block out the sun.  The Angel of Death kneels next to him.  "Its his time.  The King of Life sent me."

You, I meet it, holding in his guts, screaming a prayer, "No, King of Life, dont' take this Dog, he's got deeds to do yet."

Me, the Angel of Death says, "Its him or you."

You, "I'm a Watchdog of the Lord, you just try and take me."

d10's, its the angel of freakin' death.

P.S.  I've never given a doctor trying to heal someone d10's for fallout before.

Message 17194#182197

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