The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Charts & Charts
Started by: Dav
Started on: 3/28/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 3/28/2002 at 8:33am, Dav wrote:
Charts & Charts

We played a brief (oh so brief) round of C&C tonight before another onset of Violence Future. Let me just say that the game went as well as I expected it might.

Ron had a Thief with a 3 Dexterity, which made things amusing, and both characters had a gigantic suckiness for Hit Points and such.

In all, figure the most inept bunch of losers trooping down a dungeon.

They were eaten in short order.


As noted during play, C&C is very much a game that can be played alone... no GM required. When this was brought up in play, I mentioned the following, which is now the official tagline of C&C:

"RPG's have a tendency to turn a perfectly good masterbatory experience into a circle jerk... and C&C bears this out."


Message 1720#16310

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...from around 3/28/2002

On 4/1/2002 at 7:31pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Charts & Charts


As one of the victims, I figured I should contribute.

Charts & Charts was a very odd experience. It was kind of ... well, as if the more asshole-ish and arbitrary the events of play became, the more fun in a kind of retro or self-referential way the experience became. The whole thing was a fine poke in the eye at the ideal of "complete rules."

Don't think that this game is like a "choose your own adventure" book. It's not. The whole point is that your choices don't matter at all - you get to pick whether you go left or right, fight or run, or whatever, and it makes not the slightest difference ... just like those 1978 D&D games composed of geeky junior high kids and slightly-unsavory Army guys.

I did like a lot of the ease and "there's a chart for this" elements of play.

One necessary tweak: you should roll for Character Class based on your highest attribute rather than independently of attributes. Having a thief with DX 03 was momentarily funny, but it veered away from the game's primary satirical target.


Message 1720#16543

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...from around 4/1/2002