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Topic: Need some advice on terminology
Started by: Nev the Deranged
Started on: 10/13/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/13/2005 at 2:51am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
Need some advice on terminology

Okay, recently I've been working on an arena combat system for a MMORPC that I am sometimes on. I've run a few previous versions of the system there, this particular version is a new approach from a different direction, which I'm hoping will meet with some success. Whether I get players or not is somewhat academic, this is mainly self-absorbed system-design excercize for me with the added bonus possibility that it will attract players or at least discussion.

Aaaanyway. I posted on the mailing list for this project, but there are currently only two people on it, so I don't expect much feedback. And then I realized I could probably post here (legitimately for once) and get actual useful advice.

So, here's the post from my mailing list:

Okay. I need some advice on what to call the single variable the
system is based on. Veterans of the original DA will remember this as
"die level", a term which I hated but couldn't think of anything
better at the time. Well, we're going to think of something better
now. For one thing, it's no longer appropriate since the variable is
in 10 point incremements rather than die faces. For another, it's just
a lame name.

Here's the thing. Every character, when playing the Advanced rules,
starts with 50 (for a short battle) or 100 (for a long battle) points.
In most games, these would be called "Hit Points", but I don't really
care for that term either, although I may fall back on it.

I've been calling it "Vitality" in my notes, but as I polish the
rules I'm realizing that doesn't work either. I'm toying with "Will"
but that doesn't really inspire me.

See, these points don't necessarily represent the character's health,
or stamina, or life- although they do. But they also represent the
character's willpower, fighting spirit, morale, energy, commitment to
the fight, etc. DA vets remember my many long winded explanations, I'm

Basically, as far as the rules of the game are concerned, what the
number represents is how effective the character is at fighting at the
moment. A character at 100 points has a better chance to succeed than
a character at 70 points, and a way better chance than one at 30
points, because a character always rolls a die that's the same size
(number of faces) as their current "points". So a character at 80
points rolls 1d80, whereas a character at 40 points roll 1d40. It's
that "effectiveness scaling" thing I talked about in my first post.

So, the number isn't just how close a character is to losing (by
running out of points) but how effective they are in the fight (by
having a bigger or smaller die to roll). Characters can both gain and
lose points during a fight. This CAN represent physical damage and
healing, but it can also represent tiredness, broken weapons,
exhausted magical energy, etc. in the case of losing points, and
restored fighting spirit, repaired, borrowed, or improvised weapons,
magical transfusions, or whatever in the case of regaining them.

So... I need a catchall term that encompasses "fighting
effectiveness" in general, and can apply to any possible REASONS for a
warrior's fighting effectiveness to increase or decrease, and
preferably that sounds snazzy.

Any suggestions?

So.. um... any suggestions?



Message 17221#182334

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On 10/13/2005 at 4:38am, WhiteRat wrote:
Re: Need some advice on terminology

In my recent game design I have found this resource invaluable:

Look up all those words you've been considering. You'll find many promising synonyms. Beware popups.

Message 17221#182340

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On 10/13/2005 at 5:40am, SPDuke wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Yep, I use all the time when I'm designing.

I think of the words you offered, Vitality seems to fit most.  I think Vigor would also work.
I'm not familiar with your game at all, but if it happens to be set in WWII, you could call it "Moxie", that was a popular word back then--these days its a delicious beverage people who live in New England drink.

Stability, Gusto, Oomph.


Any of these help?  I like the idea of tying in health to how well a character fights!  Good luck to you!



Message 17221#182343

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On 10/13/2005 at 10:54am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Hmm. I hand't thought of using the thesaurus, that may be helpful...

It's a mostly fantasy setting, although in my arena any milieu or genre of character is acceptable, so it's got to be a pretty generic term.

Maybe "Stamina"... I don't know. There are a lot of phrases that *almost* fit, but just don't quite do it for me.

Message 17221#182354

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On 10/13/2005 at 11:21am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Here are the fruits of a quick Thesaurus search or three:

Vitality, Energy, Stamina, Will, Endurance, Spirit, Hit Points, Life, Guts, Power, Constitution, Skill, Drive, Fortitude, Mettle, Nerve, Resolve, Prowess, Ability, Puissance, Health, Condition, Fitness... etc.

Some of these are more fitting, some less, but the main point is that the term I need encompasses ALL of these things, therefore using any one of them would by synechdoche. Unfortunately that's probably going to be impossible to avoid, so I will just need to pick the MOST appropriate one.

A little more background, in case it helps: In the original Digital Arena system, I went hard simulationist, with long lists of Traits and abilities, each with it's own special rules, to try and mechnically mimic every possible "real" effect. Since there's no computer crunching numbers, players had to personally resolve each and ever mechanical conflict (usually I ended up having to do it myself) which needless to say became burdensome in the extreme. Plus it required tons of record keeping, and constant tweaking and balancing of existing Traits, plus trying to come up with new ones and meeting player requests for Traits and keeping it all fair.

A nightmare.

So, the new version has one set of rules that cover everything, every player has the same set of mechanical options available all the time. However, players have total narrative freedom to describe what the mechanics mean in the Shared Imagination Space.

So, when player A attacks player B and succeeds, player B loses 10 "points" from their score. Which not only brings them closer to defeat, but also makes them less effective, since they will be rolling a die that is ten faces "smaller". That's what the game mechanics say. The PLAYERS on the other hand, can describe it however they want- as a wound, as damage to their equipment, as poison, as magical interference, as entanglement, as loss of morale, or fatigue, or whatever they see fit that takes into account the "story so far" of the fight, IE what's already been narrated.

I can't remember how much of this I explained in the original post, so I hope I'm not totally repeating myself. But that's where I'm stuck.

Message 17221#182357

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On 10/13/2005 at 3:07pm, Dev wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

There is richness to be had in choosing a proper term for this (for some fighters it is Soul, or Will, or Vitality, or Bones or whatever) so rather than sacrifice this richness, what if you allowed players to choose whatever name they saw as fit, and add these up for the battle in question? Such as:

Willpower 20
Hatred of Haus Mekios 30
Steelskin 30

Then in a specific battle against a Lord of Haus Mekios, I add those up to 80. You can call this "Battle" or whatever, referencing that is is specific to an instance of a battle. Or, you can simplify further, allowing only a single stat but phrasing it however the players likes. So:

Combat: Willpower (50)

Saying that the stat is generally named "Combat", but allowing the player to define how that is put into the gameworld (Willpower) and the number attached to it.

Message 17221#182376

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On 10/13/2005 at 9:11pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology


"Combat" is actually a term I hadn't thought of, that might work... although it still sounds too narrow. But since this is a combat game, and combat is pretty much all that's being done, it is very appropriate.

As far as letting everyone name their own... hmm. That bears consideration. But I still need a term to call it in the rules.

You're right about the term bearing the weight of the "color" for this- it's basically the only element of the design that ties together the mechanics and the color of the game. Which explains why it's so crucial to find the "right" word.

The numeric value of this element isn't going to be static though, even from battle to battle. Depending on whether players want a long or short battle they can set the starting value to 100 or 50 respectively. So it's not even really a value that's actually tied to the characters specifically.

thanks for the feedback so far!

Message 17221#182416

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On 10/13/2005 at 9:15pm, Dev wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

FWIW, I believe Trollbabe has just one stat called the "Number", so you can go to something as simepl as that. Refer to is at "the Stat", and have it recorded as "Stat: Endurance" or whatnot.

Message 17221#182418

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On 10/13/2005 at 10:36pm, ironick wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

How about "Steel"?  It kinda plays off of "mettle."

...or Grite, or Force?

Just some ideas.


Message 17221#182429

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On 10/14/2005 at 12:01am, SPDuke wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Few more:

Presence, Efficacy, Value.

I like that last one especially.

Let us know what you go with!  The suspense is killing me!


Message 17221#182446

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On 10/14/2005 at 12:39am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Still haven't decided... nothing's really grabbed me so far.

nice to see someone else appreciates a little schadenfreude, tho.

Message 17221#182449

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On 10/14/2005 at 12:50am, WhiteRat wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Stop worrying so hard, name it something that's close but not perfect, and get on with writing the game. Let your subconscious work on it. Once you realize the perfect word, you'll be only a Find and Replace away from having known it all along.

Message 17221#182452

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On 10/14/2005 at 1:27am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Oh, I'm not letting it hold me up. Give me some credit, man, pfft.

Of course I just typed up a long post on Free-form combat rules, and the one time I didn't cut and paste into Notepad while drafting, Yahell ate it.

Gawddamn technology.

Message 17221#182456

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On 10/14/2005 at 1:40am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

I think I'm just gonna go with Stamina for now. It's a pretty good fit out of the possible alternatives. If I or somebody comes up with something better down the line, groovy.

Message 17221#182457

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On 10/14/2005 at 3:56am, Trevis Martin wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Martial Prowess?

Or Prowess



Message 17221#182470

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On 10/14/2005 at 8:45pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology




Message 17221#182616

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On 10/15/2005 at 12:57am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
Re: Need some advice on terminology, Round 2

Okay, I think I've settled on Stamina for this one. The longer I use it, the more it grows on me.

Now, I have another terminology dilemma.

In this game, whenever a player rolls, they are rolling 1dS (where S is their current Stamina), +/- any current bonuses or penalties.

If the player rolls >=S, or =<0, something extra good or extra bad happens, respectively.

In normal game parlance, we all recognize these as "Criticial Success" or "Critical Failure" (many games have their own local terms, but we all know what they mean).

Here's the catch. In this game, you can roll a crit or a botch, and still lose (or win) the roll.

EG, if Avigon is rolling 1d80 and Bertram is rolling 1d60, and Avigon gets a 74 and Bertram gets a 60.. Avigon wins the roll, but Bertram rolled a crit.

So.... since a crit here isn't necessarily a success or failure.... what do I call them?

I guess I can just go with "crit" and "botch", but as you've probably figured out by now, I'm picky about finding the appropriate dialect for each gaming project.

Message 17221#182640

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On 10/17/2005 at 5:59pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Why do you have to have terms for them at all? Why not simply describe the outcome? This is a computer game, right? If you don't need a meter for it or something you don't have to label it. Or do you have descriptions that come along with the damage like games like Final Fantasy have like "Crit! 43287 HP!"

From another POV what happens mechanically in the situation you've described? The mechanical result may suggest something.

On another note, don't know if you've thought of this, but you're making larger ability levels have less and less crits. Unless there's some adjustment that you're not making clear (might be the case since you indicate that somehow a roll can be out of it's normal range). That is, on a d60 a crit occurs 1 in 60, and for a d100 a crit occurs on a 1 in 100. So lower is better from this POV, counteracting possibly in some way the advantage of having a higher ability level. Why not have the crit range increase as abilities go up instead?


Message 17221#182856

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On 10/17/2005 at 10:39pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Some good questions, there, Mike. Let me take a crack at answering them.

Mike wrote:
Why do you have to have terms for them at all? Why not simply describe the outcome? This is a computer game, right? If you don't need a meter for it or something you don't have to label it. Or do you have descriptions that come along with the damage like games like Final Fantasy have like "Crit! 43287 HP!"
From another POV what happens mechanically in the situation you've described? The mechanical result may suggest something.

I have to have terms for them because I have to teach other people how to play, and it helps to have names for important things so people know what the hell you're talking about. And because I like having names for things, so I know what the hell I'm talking about.

As for describing the outcome; mechanically the outcome depends on the action. Furthermore it depends on who wins the roll. Using a basic melee attack as an example, it might look something like this:

• IF THE ATTACK SUCCEEDS (the attacker's roll is higher) the Defender loses 10 Stamina.

• If the Attacker's roll is S or Higher (where S is the Attacker's current Stamina), the Defender loses 10 additional Stamina.
• If the Attacker's roll is 0 or Lower, the Attacker becomes Off-Balance (a -10% penalty that lasts until they are Steadied by themselves or a comrade).

• If the Defender's roll is S or Higher (where S is the Defender's current Stamina), the Defender may either Counterattack or Evade (take a free one step movement action)
• If the Defender's roll is 0 or Lower, the Defender becomes Off-Balance

• IF THE ATTACK FAILS (the Defender's roll is higher) the Defender loses no Stamina.

• If the Attacker's roll is S or Higher (where S is the Attacker's current Stamina), the Defender becomes Off-Balance.
• If the Attacker's roll is 0 or Lower, the Attacker becomes Off-Balance (a -10% penalty that lasts until they are Steadied by themselves or a comrade).

• If the Defender's roll is S or Higher (where S is the Defender's current Stamina), the Defender may either Counterattack or Evade (take a free one step movement action)
• If the Defender's roll is 0 or Lower, the Defender becomes Off-Balance

It sounds more complicated than it actually is. Basically even if you lose a roll, a crit does something good for you, whereas a botch does something bad to you.

Now, all that is just the mechanics. WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS, narratively (and here I am consciously not capitalizing to avoid getting caught in errant Forgespeak) is ENTIRELY UP TO THE PLAYERS. Every mechanical action in the game can be interpreted and described in any way to suit that character's idiom and that player's vision of coolness for their character. The mechanics don't care what you call it, they always work the same way. So if one player is throwing lightning bolts and the other player is shooting a 9mm pistol and yet another is raining meteors from the sky and yet another is growing thorn-covered roots out of the ground, so be it.

As for this being a "computer game", well, only insofar as it will be played on a computer. You could play it at a table with minis, but most minis players don't bother describing what the figures are "doing", they just stick to the mechanics and tactics. The program this will be played on has a primitive dice engine that can't mix die sizes, which limits me somewhat in my designs. It shows characters on the screen in orthagonal view like the later Ultima games (it was written by a couple who worked on Ultima Online), but it doesn't have any built in stat tracking. All of the "game" activity will be parsed by the players themselves.

Mike wrote:
On another note, don't know if you've thought of this, but you're making larger ability levels have less and less crits. Unless there's some adjustment that you're not making clear (might be the case since you indicate that somehow a roll can be out of it's normal range). That is, on a d60 a crit occurs 1 in 60, and for a d100 a crit occurs on a 1 in 100. So lower is better from this POV, counteracting possibly in some way the advantage of having a higher ability level. Why not have the crit range increase as abilities go up instead?

Actually, it's that way on purpose. My earliest design for this game, which enjoyed a brief run of popularity, had a problem where once you were down toward the low end of the scale Stamina wise, the chances of making a comeback were slim to none. Many players expressed a mild despair that the most they could hope to do was drag fights out at this point, but since there was a tiny chance they might still win they didn't want to give up. So, I could have gone with straight +/-5 or +/-10 scaling, and did consider those options for a while. But the +/-10% ensures that weakened players aren't getting screwed by the mechanics. A -10 on a d20 is a hell of a lot more serious than on a d70, frex, while a -2 vs a -7 is a little less of a problem.

Further, it fits the "sim" of the game (this version is much less simmy than the original, but still somewhat. It's really a totally Gamist game (and now I am consciously capitalizing) that uses simulation and narrative to support that agenda). When you're closer to full ability, it's easier to shrug off minor penalties, but also minor bonuses aren't going to do that much for you- you're already near the top of your game. Whereas as you get weaker, fatigued, and more desperate, the little things have more of an effect on you, both negative (but not cripplingly so) and positive.

So, yeah, I did think of it, and I did it that way on purpose. Also, because you can crit or botch REGARDLESS of whether or not you win the conflict (rolls in this game are more emphatically conflict resolution, whereas the original version was arguably much closer to task res.), the range of potential outcomes to a conflict are broader and have more potential to be less repetitive and therefore more interesting. Or at least that's my hope.

Thanks for the comments, it's cool to be able to benefit from the insight of actual design vets like yourself, since most people I try to discuss this stuff with look at me like I'm talking out of a mouth that just opened on my forehead. In Swahili.


Message 17221#182918

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On 10/18/2005 at 4:51pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Nev wrote:
If the Attacker's roll is 0 or Lower, the Attacker becomes Off-Balance (a -10% penalty that lasts until they are Steadied by themselves or a comrade).
If I get you here, the idea is that on the roll in question, the mechanical result is a -10%, but that can be narrated any way one likes. Correct?

I'd call that a penalty, then. As in "You rolled a penalty, dude, what form does it take?" Basically any sort of color you give to the term is asking to color a player's idea of what it means. So I'd stick to a technical term here. Botch works, too, but only because of it's play history (that is players know that a botch means you get some penalty, and work out what sort).

As for this being a "computer game", well, only insofar as it will be played on a computer. You could play it at a table with minis, but most minis players don't bother describing what the figures are "doing", they just stick to the mechanics and tactics.
Ah, Computer Aided Role-Playing (CARP)! I've made several of these in my day.

The program this will be played on has a primitive dice engine that can't mix die sizes, which limits me somewhat in my designs. It shows characters on the screen in orthagonal view like the later Ultima games (it was written by a couple who worked on Ultima Online), but it doesn't have any built in stat tracking. All of the "game" activity will be parsed by the players themselves.
I dunno, Dave, I'd get a better program. There are tons available that can do better than what you're describing. Worse case, I can program you up a spreadsheet that can do whatever you like as far as all this (including keeping track of stats if you like). You could use this alongside whatever you're planning on using now if there's some maps or something that you can't export, or some other useful part of the interface. Why have only one tool, especially if it doesn't do what you want?

My earliest design for this game, which enjoyed a brief run of popularity, had a problem where once you were down toward the low end of the scale Stamina wise, the chances of making a comeback were slim to none. Many players expressed a mild despair that the most they could hope to do was drag fights out at this point, but since there was a tiny chance they might still win they didn't want to give up. So, I could have gone with straight +/-5 or +/-10 scaling, and did consider those options for a while. But the +/-10% ensures that weakened players aren't getting screwed by the mechanics. A -10 on a d20 is a hell of a lot more serious than on a d70, frex, while a -2 vs a -7 is a little less of a problem.
OK, highly confused. First, what I was suggesting is not going to a set figure, but to a percentage. So that seems to agree with what you're saying above. Further, what you have currently is, in fact, a set figure from what I can tell (hence why I suggested changing it to a percentage). But oddest of all, if you want, in fact, to counter the Death Spiral phenomenon you note, actually the plan to have set figures is the best way to do it. So what you seem to have does match your apparent goal.

But the fact is I think that there's something very wrong with the thought process here. Further, the set figure seems to be 1. Which seems to be pretty undramatic. So I think I must be missing something here. In any case, I can give you loads better ways to deal with the Death Spiral phenomenon, especially if we let the computer do some of the calculations.

So, yeah, I did think of it, and I did it that way on purpose. Also, because you can crit or botch REGARDLESS of whether or not you win the conflict (rolls in this game are more emphatically conflict resolution, whereas the original version was arguably much closer to task res.), the range of potential outcomes to a conflict are broader and have more potential to be less repetitive and therefore more interesting. Or at least that's my hope.
Well that's really not pertinent to what I was talking about, but I agree with your assessment about it being more interesting. That said, I'm not seeing how it's not task resolution. It's just FITM task resolution. As I've said many times, just the potential to get to the end of a some non-negotiated conflict in one roll is not conflict resolution. You have to be able to negotiate the scope of the resolution to make it conflict resolution. That is, you have to be able to agree on what the conflict is. Not all conflicts, even in fights, will be "beat your opponent."

Oh, and I'm not seeing any gamism at all here. That is, at least at this point, I haven't seen any tactics that the player can wield, simply a resolution system. If the player's input doesn't have any effect on his chances to win, it's not a system that supports gamism. Much like Hero Quest doesn't support gamism (but is all about the contests). I wouldn't worry about this, however, I'd just stick to what you have and see how it goes until you get to some more playtesting.

Anyhow, if I were you, I'd have a spreadsheet that took the character abilities into account, did the die rolling and automatically calculated who got what bonuses, penalties, damage or other adjustments from the outcome of a conflict. BTW, you realize that the same resolution system could easily be applied to any sort of contest, right? You just use a different stat for each contest.


Message 17221#183005

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On 10/18/2005 at 10:59pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology


I'm certain it's my fault, Mike, but somewhere between your first post and this one, you and I started having two completely different conversations. We are replying to each other's words, but deriving entirely unrelated meanings to them. Wee ^_^
Like I said, I'm certain it's a result of my poor communication, which I will try really hard to remedy here. Incidentally, I tend to become extremely pedantic when trying to explain things, which many people take personally- please don't, it's the only way I can keep track of things in my own head.

Mike wrote:
Nev wrote:
If the Attacker's roll is 0 or Lower, the Attacker becomes Off-Balance (a -10% penalty that lasts until they are Steadied by themselves or a comrade).

If I get you here, the idea is that on the roll in question, the mechanical result is a -10%, but that can be narrated any way one likes. Correct?

Well, the penalty (which is indeed what that is being called) is not for one roll, it lasts until cleared by a particular action called "Steady". Further, the penalties are cumulative if you get more than one before Steadying. But that's neither here nore there, since that is only one possible result of someone getting a Crit. It's the "Crit" that I am trying to rename, not the penalty or bonus that may result (which I call penalties and bonuses).

Mike wrote:
I'd call that a penalty, then. As in "You rolled a penalty, dude, what form does it take?" Basically any sort of color you give to the term is asking to color a player's idea of what it means. So I'd stick to a technical term here. Botch works, too, but only because of it's play history (that is players know that a botch means you get some penalty, and work out what sort).

Yes. This particular possible result is being called an "Off Balance Penalty" specifically, and works exactly how you describe, with the player being able to provide whatever color they see fit.
I should note that due to the nature of this community (the one I am writing this for, which I shall go into more about later), and the nature of the game as I intend it to run, there will be SOME OOC communication between players (via "whisper" IE player to player paging), and in fact I explicity encourage such communication- but most players are going to be reluctant to do so, as "myguyism" is the rule there and my game is not going to change that prevailing attitude. I'm actually okay with this in the context of this community and accept it, while encouraging those so inclined to communicate OOCly as they see fit.

Mike wrote:
Nev wrote:
As for this being a "computer game", well, only insofar as it will be played on a computer. You could play it at a table with minis, but most minis players don't bother describing what the figures are "doing", they just stick to the mechanics and tactics.

Ah, Computer Aided Role-Playing (CARP)! I've made several of these in my day.

Nev wrote:
The program this will be played on has a primitive dice engine that can't mix die sizes, which limits me somewhat in my designs. It shows characters on the screen in orthagonal view like the later Ultima games (it was written by a couple who worked on Ultima Online), but it doesn't have any built in stat tracking. All of the "game" activity will be parsed by the players themselves.

I dunno, Dave, I'd get a better program. There are tons available that can do better than what you're describing. Worse case, I can program you up a spreadsheet that can do whatever you like as far as all this (including keeping track of stats if you like). You could use this alongside whatever you're planning on using now if there's some maps or something that you can't export, or some other useful part of the interface. Why have only one tool, especially if it doesn't do what you want?

Because I'm designing this game specifically to be played on this program by players in this community of which I have been an active member, on and off, for around six years or so. I am aware of many "virtual gaming table" programs and services, some of which I have written games for (some of them variants of earlier versions of this game, in fact). Much of my design priorities are specific to the goal of creating a game for this particular community, and therefore are limited by the program on which it runs.

I could run a tracking program or virtual table in parallel with the program, but then every other player would need the same software, and that is unacceptable. Also, this is something I will be able to leave up in the shared virtual world, where others can come and go as they please, be able to play without my supervision, and in fact be able to use (my system) anywhere in the virtual world that makes up this community/program.

As for it doing what I want, it does do what I want, insofar as what I want is to do something with it.... if that makes sense. I consider it part of the design challenge. If I were writing this game for any other milieu, as a tabletop minis or board game, a chat room game, a pen and paper game, my priorities and goals would be almost completely different.

Mike wrote:
Nev wrote:
My earliest design for this game, which enjoyed a brief run of popularity, had a problem where once you were down toward the low end of the scale Stamina wise, the chances of making a comeback were slim to none. Many players expressed a mild despair that the most they could hope to do was drag fights out at this point, but since there was a tiny chance they might still win they didn't want to give up. So, I could have gone with straight +/-5 or +/-10 scaling, and did consider those options for a while. But the +/-10% ensures that weakened players aren't getting screwed by the mechanics. A -10 on a d20 is a hell of a lot more serious than on a d70, frex, while a -2 vs a -7 is a little less of a problem.

OK, highly confused. First, what I was suggesting is not going to a set figure, but to a percentage. So that seems to agree with what you're saying above. Further, what you have currently is, in fact, a set figure from what I can tell (hence why I suggested changing it to a percentage). But oddest of all, if you want, in fact, to counter the Death Spiral phenomenon you note, actually the plan to have set figures is the best way to do it. So what you seem to have does match your apparent goal.

But the fact is I think that there's something very wrong with the thought process here. Further, the set figure seems to be 1. Which seems to be pretty undramatic. So I think I must be missing something here. In any case, I can give you loads better ways to deal with the Death Spiral phenomenon, especially if we let the computer do some of the calculations.

Okay, here's where I think we completely lost track of each other, so I'm going to state it plainly:

• In the system as I am currently designing it, all bonuses and penalties are in increments of 10%.
• All "damage" and "healing" (which can actually be colored to suit) are in increments of 10.
• Even though the system's lowest common denominator is 1, I am using 10 point increments to spread the potential dice result range and lessen the chance of ties, and also because the players here tend to prefer larger numbers, finding them more dramatically satisfying. I tend to agree.
• Originally I was using Stamina Levels of 1-10 and rolls were "Current Stamina x10", but the players range from very young to very inexperienced to very stupid here, and it was confusing them.

I hope that makes sense. If it does, then please advise me again on the Death Spiral thing, with regards to the above clarifications.

Mike wrote:
Nev wrote:
So, yeah, I did think of it, and I did it that way on purpose. Also, because you can crit or botch REGARDLESS of whether or not you win the conflict (rolls in this game are more emphatically conflict resolution, whereas the original version was arguably much closer to task res.), the range of potential outcomes to a conflict are broader and have more potential to be less repetitive and therefore more interesting. Or at least that's my hope.

Well that's really not pertinent to what I was talking about, but I agree with your assessment about it being more interesting. That said, I'm not seeing how it's not task resolution. It's just FITM task resolution. As I've said many times, just the potential to get to the end of a some non-negotiated conflict in one roll is not conflict resolution. You have to be able to negotiate the scope of the resolution to make it conflict resolution. That is, you have to be able to agree on what the conflict is. Not all conflicts, even in fights, will be "beat your opponent."

I was thinking about that, and actually, you may be right. I think it's just "task resolution" with lest discrete tasks. The "Freeform" variant of the system is, with one roll to resolve the entire conflict, but that's neither here nor there so please forget I mentioned it. The "Advanced" rules, which we are discussing, are "task res" with the task being "do you cause your target to lose Stamina" or whatever.

I was caught up wanting to call it "conflict resolution", because I wanted to explain it to the players in such a way that they wouldn't think of it as D&D style task res. (IE "I swing my sword at the goblin, do I hit it?). So I'll have to come up with a better way to explain it.

Mike wrote:
Oh, and I'm not seeing any gamism at all here. That is, at least at this point, I haven't seen any tactics that the player can wield, simply a resolution system. If the player's input doesn't have any effect on his chances to win, it's not a system that supports gamism. Much like Hero Quest doesn't support gamism (but is all about the contests). I wouldn't worry about this, however, I'd just stick to what you have and see how it goes until you get to some more playtesting.

Yeah, I knew I shouldn't have tried to step up on the Forgespeak.
I was thinking of it in terms of "Step on Up" and "player glory" and whatever... this game is definitely all about winning the praise and admiration of your fellow players more than anything, or at least that's my intent. Some players will only care about winning, but there are always those.

Anyway, I don't really give a rip what CA it supports. None of the players are going to care either, and frankly none of them are sophisticated enough to bother explaining it to.

Mike wrote:
Anyhow, if I were you, I'd have a spreadsheet that took the character abilities into account, did the die rolling and automatically calculated who got what bonuses, penalties, damage or other adjustments from the outcome of a conflict. BTW, you realize that the same resolution system could easily be applied to any sort of contest, right? You just use a different stat for each contest.

Ack. And double Ack. The spreadsheet of doom is exactly what I designed this version to get away from. The original game required literally hours of bookkeeping by me.

Fuck. That.

It's really not complicated enought to need a spreadsheet during play, for one. Second, there is zero tracking of stats or values between sessions. In other words, ZERO bookkeeping. Thank gawd.

And yes, the res. system could support any contest. But this is an arena, and the contests it will be supporting will be combat. Some day I may expand it, and this version, unlike the original, has the potential to support roleplaying aside from arena combat. But for now, I just want my players to be able to maim each other with style and fairness.

Again, I can't thank you enough for your time, even if I may have wasted some of it.


Message 17221#183092

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Nev the Deranged which Nev the Deranged participated Indie Game Design
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On 10/19/2005 at 9:40pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Holy cats lots you wrote there. But I'm going to try to be brief.

First, I think I'm going to need a write up of the system in order to address the "crit" issue. Right now I'm just not getting it. I think there are just parts of the procedure that I haven't seen that are making it impossible to judge how it's going to work. Further, as I said, I think what you have might work for your goals. Also any mode analysis isn't going to make any sense without a write-up where I can see the whole system so let's skip that (as you say, who cares).

Given the nature of the community, go with Crit/Botch. Why not.

I don't think that a spreadsheet has to be complicated, and I only suggested it because it's a tool that's pretty portable and easy to program. I could make you a small VB application if that would suit better. But given your requirements for it to be available to all, I guess that's out of the question anyhow. So don't worry about that, either, I guess.

That about covers it for now, it seems.


Message 17221#183251

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On 10/23/2005 at 11:18pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Need some advice on terminology

Whew. Been a busy week.

Mike wrote:
First, I think I'm going to need a write up of the system in order to address the "crit" issue. Right now I'm just not getting it. I think there are just parts of the procedure that I haven't seen that are making it impossible to judge how it's going to work. Further, as I said, I think what you have might work for your goals. Also any mode analysis isn't going to make any sense without a write-up where I can see the whole system so let's skip that (as you say, who cares).

Well, I don't have a writeup yet. Or rather I do, but it's just a vast swath of outline/notes/brainstorming that isn't going to make sense to anyone but me (and that's if I'm lucky). I've just finished posting the "basic" and "hybrid" freeform rules, so the next step is to start on the Advanced rules, which means a writeup is next on my itinerary.

Another... I don't want to say complication, but delay or at least factor, is that I also have to build and program the actual virtual space in which the game will be played. In addition, I have to write at least minimal background and continuity stuff, or nobody's going to look twice at it; and also because continuity here is like religion compared to politics in the real world- people will accept things for "continuity" reasons they'd never stand for for "game" reasons.

Really the concepts I'm introducing to this community are old hat as far as RPGs and minis games are concerned, but unprecedented here (except by my own earlier work).

Anyway, when I have more to offer I'll post again. Thanks!

Message 17221#183753

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Nev the Deranged which Nev the Deranged participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 10/23/2005