The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Cat Magic
Started by: thelostgm
Started on: 10/18/2005
Board: Wicked Press

On 10/18/2005 at 12:58pm, thelostgm wrote:
Cat Magic

I ran a game of Cat at our local "little" Con (Get Your Geek on a Thon), and one of my players came up with a great new spell (or trick) for cat magic, called Cat Gravity.  The idea is that a cat can fool a human into thinking they are much heaver than they really are.  So a cat can climb up on a human's lap and use cat gravity to make it harder for them to get up from the chair.  Or they could use it while being carried in hopes that the human would just get tired of holding them and set them down.

I thought it was wonderful and I gave the player a advantage dice for coming up with it.

Message 17284#182975

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